Thank You

I want to thank the fleet carrier owners who parked just a few million meters from the CGs and enabled their docking, repair, and rearm services. As a pilot of a missile-shooting shieldless Dolphin, I need lots of repairs and rearms, and it's nice having these services just seconds away. O7 to all CMDRs who offer this service! May you make some credits from folk like me.

I think it's what is traditionally know as a challenge :)
Well that and a stealth dolphin has some remarkable survivability, especially since they unlocked the specialized module slots.
  • Close to 4K integrity @ 50% triple mitigation, with a couple of MRPs
  • Very maneuverable
  • Boosts just shy of 600m/s
  • Thrusters a full size too large for the hull so no amount of reinforcement stacking slows it down
  • Dissipates heat very rapidly for stealth even before taking heat sinks into account
As for 2xS missile racks I'd probably use rapidfire+penetrator on dumbfires. Had those on a stealth "Surprise"-winder before and I'd rate them a Troll/10.
I see Babylon 5 -> I upvote
Have seen the series three times already and am going to introduce it soon the the not-so-little-one-any-longer (once we have finished watching MacGyver)

Edit: I agree with OP.
Many poor SLF have died these days, I suppose. May they rest in pieces.
Dolphins love fish and SLFs, and thanks to all the CMDRs who were unaware of my presence, I had a very steady supply of enemy SLFs. You know sometimes I'd get up to one billion credits for killing a SLF!

ps - slugging it out all day with bullet-sponge CZ ships is not my idea of fun, even when I'm flying a proper combat build.
I see Babylon 5 -> I upvote
Have seen the series three times already and am going to introduce it soon the the not-so-little-one-any-longer (once we have finished watching MacGyver)

Edit: I agree with OP.
Me too...
Agree both re sentiment of the original post, and the inclusion of the B5 image....

And the B5 nerd within me can identify the actual image from B5, and the episode it came from. That episode was so excellently crafted to play a crescendo on the heart strings......... And did anyone realise WHO it was who turned out the lights?
Dolphins love fish and SLFs, and thanks to all the CMDRs who were unaware of my presence, I had a very steady supply of enemy SLFs. You know sometimes I'd get up to one billion credits for killing a SLF!

Surely you mean million? Because otherwise, move over Painite, there's a new money meta in town!

And by the by, how does that work anyway? Are you collecting bounties on wanted players by killing their fighters? A bit odd if it works that way, since they aren't actually "captured" in the process.
The existence of fleet carriers at CGs is changing my fundamental approach to combat builds. Specifically, I'm much less worried about running out of ammo than I used to be, because there's always a fleet carrier literally just seconds away for me to go and rearm. This allows me to use hard-hitting weapons like missiles on my small ships, which pack a big punch but are very limited in ammo in my small hardpoints. Now I can go in with my Eagle, splash a couple of targets, return to someone's carrier for a very fast reload and repair, go back and do it all over again. Fox one, Fox two - I love it!

Now if only torpedoes were useful. Some of you say they actually are. What's the secret? I want torpedoes with the hitting power of real torpedoes, so like a dive bomber in WWII, I can take out a single large ship with my Eagle (though only one since three torpedoes is all I get). I can't think of any engineering mod that provides this level of damage.
The existence of fleet carriers at CGs is changing my fundamental approach to combat builds. Specifically, I'm much less worried about running out of ammo than I used to be, because there's always a fleet carrier literally just seconds away for me to go and rearm. This allows me to use hard-hitting weapons like missiles on my small ships, which pack a big punch but are very limited in ammo in my small hardpoints. Now I can go in with my Eagle, splash a couple of targets, return to someone's carrier for a very fast reload and repair, go back and do it all over again. Fox one, Fox two - I love it!

Now if only torpedoes were useful. Some of you say they actually are. What's the secret? I want torpedoes with the hitting power of real torpedoes, so like a dive bomber in WWII, I can take out a single large ship with my Eagle (though only one since three torpedoes is all I get). I can't think of any engineering mod that provides this level of damage.
Problem with torpedos is you need 4+ reverb ones to drop shields of big targets, and then most small ships don't have the firepower to finish it.

I use my cargo runner Python as secondary assassination runner and put two c3 torps and the rest Plasma Accelerators on it, and I don't reliably kill enemy targets before they jump out.
Heck no! Next you'll be asking McDonalds for their Big Mac sauce or Snapchat for their source code :p

Now it's your turn OD. ;)

... sometimes I'd get up to one billion credits for killing a SLF!
That must be the marketing "up to"!
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