Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

I imagine the latter discovery will be much sooner the case at M. Oya; if aligned well and in the context of a full clear as opposed to a Titan meltdown, the good use of Lyncis Sector WU-P b5-0 in 11th place would reach closely enough to Inara in 5th to leave maximum room for Alerts in the Final Ten periphery while avoiding Cephei Sector XO-A b3 in 4th. Then, changing the context to a Titan meltdown, it would be very vulnerable while retaining one Spire site.

There may be little to discover, though—we know already that the Titan damage is permanent, so that leaves speculatively that:
  • Spire sites could add more resistance beyond being one Control system.
  • Spire sites could prevent ring loss somehow.
Either way, will be good/better to find out. At the very least for whether eliminating spires becomes a necessity(like if it left the Titan at ‘Extremely High’ resistance despite having below 10 - in the assumption of it being the threshold - controls) or merely a bonus to make Titan clearance easier at low control count.

Also currently wondering what’s behind the slowdown at Leigong. Would’ve thought it’d go a bit faster with the weekend starting, unless it’s ‘misbehaving’ and putting up more of a fight for its last four hearts.

(Assuming that it is an automatic feature for the remaining ones rather than any manual intervention, but I prefer to assume the former as part of the ‘Taranis was a special case’ thing, and the GalNet nudge for people to go strike the Titan.)
Is anybody else ATM sometimes not getting single heat vents as selectable targes, despite them being open and yellow/active? Up to now, I only read about vents not opening at all, or about them staying blue all the time without consecutive heat core exposure. This evening, I sometimes had their grey selectable target reticule not appearing. In some cases, it was visible from more than 100 metres away, and somtimes it did not appear at all 🤔 BTW: all in solo mode..😕
All I'm getting is stuck corn cob.
Also currently wondering what’s behind the slowdown at Leigong. Would’ve thought it’d go a bit faster with the weekend starting, unless it’s ‘misbehaving’ and putting up more of a fight for its last four hearts.
Maybe more people doesn't equal more progress if it just results in more stuck instances in open due to bad network conditions.
Maybe more people doesn't equal more progress if it just results in more stuck instances in open due to bad network conditions.
Could be lots of bad storms in the midwest and south atm, either way lots of people were reporting broken instances especially in open. Other than a lot more goids buzzing around I haven't had issues with vents or the pineapple getting stuck when I've been there in solo today.
I expect there was a bit of "no-one knows how long it will last, so make sure you get at least some hits in" going on to start with.
Friday's rate should be enough to get it done by this time Sunday.
Two hearts left, more than that went down yesterday. And today a Saturday. I still think it will go down today.

And fdev better hope it does - if the explosion happens during work on Monday ppl won't be happy :)
Maybe Lord Brabus secretively turns the heart ring clockwork a little bit to the right manually from time to time..
It's a nice conspiracy theory that fdev are subtly tweaking the levers behind the scenes. Many would probably be happier if this were actually true, as usually when fdev do make a change it feels like they missed a gear change and there's a massive thunk as things change :)
Two hearts left, more than that went down yesterday. And today a Saturday. I still think it will go down today.

And fdev better hope it does - if the explosion happens during work on Monday ppl won't be happy :)
Easy solution, try to blast the last one just about 15 minutes after you would get home from work the next business day. 🤓
Very challenging these Leigong runs. Quite fun. There are tons of interdictions along the way. I've had several less than 300 km to go. Those are a bit annoying because they cause damage. And when you get to Leigong, there are gankers too. I don't know why, Thargoids are much better on the job.
Very challenging these Leigong runs. Quite fun. There are tons of interdictions along the way. I've had several less than 300 km to go. Those are a bit annoying because they cause damage. And when you get to Leigong, there are gankers too. I don't know why, Thargoids are much better on the job.
My subjective experience is that a bit of moving and circling during supercruise reduces the number of interdictions, compared to flying in a straight line 🤔 edit: ofc this only works against the Thargs, not the gankers
My subjective experience is that a bit of moving and circling during supercruise reduces the number of interdictions, compared to flying in a straight line 🤔 edit: ofc this only works against the Thargs, not the gankers
I've tried that too and you may be right. Would need some more testing to know for sure.
Try to dive "down" (or "up"...) from the shipping lane immediately after arrival in the system and make your run to the Titan in deep space.
That definitely takes the pressure of multiple interdictions from your journey. At least it did it for me... ymmv though 🤷‍♂️

Just to mention it... It's nearly a given that you'll be interdicted at least once on the last lightseconds during the slowing down phase.
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