Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Latest map of Oya
Last week did disconnect the two outer segments, and the consistent success of attacks has left a lot of the perimeter on cooldown. All of the Alert potential this week is coming from the right-hand [1] spur out to Kanus, with AF-A c9, HIP 13179, DQ-Y b1 and HIP 8525 being the four possible source systems for up to three inhabited Alerts

Whether or not those are all taken out in time, then next week Oya's focus shifts to the topside, with AV-Y b2, AV-Y b3 and Daruwach being possible attackers on 4 April: tougher targets, but more time to deal with them, and all in this week's Spire range.

[1] As always these maps do not represent relative 3-D position, all directions are arbitrary.
► Cephei Sector DQ-Y b1 --> [TRGE] TCG Bafra - Gliese 3050 / (Buy Order will be edited according to war progress.)

No Demand (I'll follow the progress until Wednesday and complete the system with the team, depending on the situation.)

852 Held.

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Ok so life (as it does) got in the way and I’ve not been able to play for a week. That said does anyone have suggestions on where to run some evacuation trips? Will b in a cutter, thanks
That is a quite interesting point regarding the Spire site missions—I can see that Cephei Sector XO-A b3 is that little bit closer to the Rescue megaships, next to Lyncis Sector WU-P b5-0 but both beyond the Titan. I will be sure to tell Commanders that either site is fine, and as an aside I imagine there could be some value in letting one be the Sabotage mission target while the bombardment continues at the other.

In the past, Commanders have chosen naturally the farthest Spire sites from the Titans, I imagine due to a combination of finding easier Carrier parking and of the Matrix system itself also being the peripheral progress indication more often.

► Cephei Sector DQ-Y b1 --> [TRGE] TCG Bafra / Gliese 3050 / buying 4.600 sample. (Buy Order will be edited according to war progress.)
XSF Will tag Ardhri at 4086 samples.
We also have a full scale assault on a spire site that we'll be attributing towards.

Thank you both; notes are added here!

Ok so life (as it does) got in the way and I’ve not been able to play for a week. That said does anyone have suggestions on where to run some evacuation trips? Will b in a cutter, thanks

The highest-progress Invasion system Obamumbo should be as good as any to defend! The ports are quite close; its Starport is being attacked, and there is a damaged Planetary port if you want critically-wounded pods.
Carrier List updated, @Aleks Zuno could you please add those two carriers:
  • Cephei Sector AF-A c9 --> Butt Stallion / Cephei Sector AF-A c21 / buy order 1.100 set
  • Cephei Sector WO-A b4 --> [SNPX] Uno's Tourbus / Cephei Sector AV-Y b0 / buy order 1.100 set
From the discord - CMDR Thordeas' "Orion’s Ascension" carrier in Cephei Sector AV-Y b6 will be buying for Cephei Sector AV-Y b3, has declared they'll run warprogress checks when RL permits.

If all my info's about accurate...
Cephei Sector AV-Y b23962595**1080[AXI] InvictaCephei Sector DQ-Y b2Update
HIP 852591531373[SNPX] Oya Island T9X-89QCephei Sector ZZ-Y b3Update
Cephei Sector DQ-Y b14507677[TRGE] TCG BafraGliese 3050Update
Daruwach139552094[SNPX] ISS Nadira V5G-B6WCephei Sector ZZ-Y b3Update
Cephei Sector AF-A c96398960Butt StallionCephei Sector AF-A c21Update
Cephei Sector WO-A b46659999[SNPX] Uno's TourbusCephei Sector AV-Y b0Update
HIP 13179150392256[SNPX] Drag Quenn Anna J4J-83HCephei Sector ZZ-Y b3Update
Sambaho179942700[SNPX] Resolute H3B-G2TCephei Sector ZZ-Y b3Update
Cephei Sector AV-Y b3>7020>1053Orion’s AscensionCephei Sector AV-Y b6
Ardhri272344086[XSF] Killer's SabreHR 1491

Think that means we have a carrier for every system, with '[LL] LLV Negotiator V1J-L0K' in reserve - they'd been busy in the day and initial system they had gone for was taken before they could post.
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The M. Oya Spire site peripheral progress is very much the main event which decides the outcome, and we have a quite good start! It is one-seventh (14%) after one day, which at first seems like it will be too close, however:
  • Historically, one-seventh on Thursday has been excellent!
  • In the context of reaching its 85% limit this week, it is actually one-sixth of that.
Well done all thus far, and definitely continue attacking the Spire sites if you can! The payloads are a more well-known quantity which can be moved around in the planning, but are very reliant on the Peripheral progress which comes only by appealing to Commanders for help with the siege!

For the quick numerical comparison behind why I suggest that, I note first that INIV spent 25541 last half-week on reversing the expansion of M. Hadad, having spent the first half of the week attacking T. Leigong. The M. Oya shopping list this week has around 17000 remaining, and our ideal M. Hadad maintenance will be around another 15000, thus I am very sure we can clear it all and begin a payload for next week—as long as we get the needed the Peripheral progress on which it relies!

Additional: Moving to HIP 3006 ready for later—may I suggest to @Shayan al Nasarwa that Oya Island ought to move below the Maelstrom, on the other side closer to HIP 8525?
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Additional: Moving to HIP 3006 ready for later—may I suggest to @Shayan al Nasarwa that Oya Island ought to move below the Maelstrom, on the other side closer to HIP 8525?
Yes, moving the Oya Island this afternoon.

I have made a swap, because the carrier Oya Island is the mobile base for a lot of our players:

  • [SNPX] Oya Island stays in Cephei Sector ZZ-Y b3 and now collects samples from Daruwach, buy order set to 2.200
  • [SNPX] ISS Nadira has moved to Gliese 3050 and now collects samples from HIP 8525, buy order set to 1.500
Sorry for the extra work with correcting the table, but moving the Oya Island would be surprising for some of our pilots.
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Will forward the changed table where i sent it before/update the one on the targets post my side - working to keep discords in the loop.

Far as capital ships in Space CZs specifically - It's... a thing. Had to deny a conflict zone rank submission because a Majestic Class hopped in during one run back in march last year (Vid for the Low CZ example:
-- embed is messing around, but ~4:47 it jumps in. Forewarning for music at some volume.)

Previous understanding was it used to depend on the power that controlled the overall System rather than being divided by faction, so they had been relatively rare due to the amount of independent-controlled systems, whereas at starports/stations if the imperial or federal faction owns that asset they could drop in, and there were a few systems with that as a potential situation. Whether the update noting the factions space AXCZ relate to changed it or just made it far easier to find, not sure.
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Right just ran my 1st rescue mission, need to reconfigure my ship as I don’t need as much cargo space cabin space is far more important I now realise, other than that it was a success, looks like this will be my contribution to the war effort from now on (though I willingly admit I’ve no idea how much it contributes).
I‘d just like to take the Time to thank the Devs for what must have been an insane amount of work creating the war content, all while keeping the rest of the game going. Unbelievable effort and it needs the recognition it deserves
Greetings, quick status update for Cephei Sector AV-Y b3. I believe the strength to be about 8334 samples with the 15% number being 1250. Caveat being I’m new to estimating using the journal but feel fairly confident it’s pretty close. Orion’s Ascension’s demand was originally set at 1500. Currently have 824 samples on board. o7
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