Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Unfortunately I had to restart the first low zone; amazingly the first Interceptors were double Medusa,
The spawns in them definitely can be quite ruthless sometimes. It’s a bit like getting a rough wakeup call after all the port conflicts where you can almost always rely on them spawning majorily Cyclops. (But I have yet to encounter a double starting Medusa spawn… worst I’ve got was Basilisk + Medusa, and I should probably just have restarted the zone then rather than fighting through both.)

I assume this was an unpopulated control, given its marking in darker/non-bold green. How would the figure look for a populated one? (If there is a way to scale between the two using the known difficulties, rather than requiring another separate test.)
I assume this was an unpopulated control, given its marking in darker/non-bold green. How would the figure look for a populated one? (If there is a way to scale between the two using the known difficulties, rather than requiring another separate test.)

Indeed it was empty! Its strength is 7420; and a once-populated Control at the same distance would have been 12367, almost exactly two-thirds higher, such that the same actions would provide 0.6% there. That factor seems not necessarily the case everywhere; around 22 Ly it seems to be only three-fifths higher (actions give 0.625%), although admittedly we did not get around to taking an accurate empty Control measurement at that distance.
Hm… interesting. The figure I looked at on page 282 for the inhabited counterstrike CZ at 26.49 ly seemed to indicate a CZ completion got about 0.31(84)% of progress. I’m guessing the difference, if accurate, would likely be the further buff to Scout kills and the harder Interceptor variants, then?

(Quoting again for reference purposes.)
Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5 (26.49 Ly to Titan)(Inhabited Counterstrike) - Solo Low Intensity AX CZ

Starting Progress = 1.1306%
Expected Strength = ~10850
Thargoids Killed = 2 Basilisk, 3 Clops, ~20 Scouts (Aussi Tracker wasn't counting), 1 Low AX CZ clear up but not including Hydra
New WarProgress = 0.014490 = 1.449%
Strength Equivalent = 157.22 / Battle of similar nature
The supposed/assumed figures look solid enough to me to base the predictions around, anyway.
Taking another look now at the M. Indra Spire economy, we have 5840% total Control progress available from Spires versus 6044% total Control progress to complete¹. Based on that, I am quite sure that it would be as well for most Commanders in non-Spire Control systems to move into Spire systems! Notably that apparent deficit actually is much lower than 300%, thus full Spire progress should carry us all the way to a vulnerable Titan.

Obviously those Control systems still need their direct 15% somehow, but the point is that we seem quite close to ending with a Spire surplus which we ought to have spent sooner. Mind that this is far from true around other Titans, which at present will need a massive amount of direct progress, but I think it is true for exposing T. Indra.

1. I am aware the overhaul said that a complete Spire only gives 85%, but this matches the Control systems only being able to receive 85%, so the simpler 100% comparison is still like-for-like.

Week 81, 13th June 3310​

Maelstrom Indra
Alert: Nine to clear at any convenient time throughout the week.
Spire: Ideal focus due to remaining progress covering almost all Control systems. HIP 22350 is closest, and Arietis Sector HG-X b1-0 is popular.
Control: Would be as well to leave until the final 15% at each system.
Titan: Rescued Bio-storage capsules will boost progress for around ~32 Counterstrike systems.
The system NN 3281 can now park Carriers close to the Titan and help with travel across the region.

Thirty-five Alerts repelled at HIPs 20019, 20485, 19757, 20948, 21724, 117177, 16954 and 116744, Obamumbo, Vistnero, Kagutsuchi, Arietis Sector JR-V b2-2, Pegasi Sectors SE-N a8-1, MY-O a7-0, OY-O a7-2, WK-L a9-0 and WK-L a9-2, Isla, Hyades Sectors UO-Q b5-2 and IH-U b3-3, Col 285 Sectors BP-F b12-2, BA-P c6-8, VY-Q c5-7, KM-V d2-101, AF-E b13-0, SH-C b13-0, XT-F b12-7, RW-D b12-0, WY-F b12-0, ZE-P c6-6 and JG-O c6-13, Theemim, Picenile and Synuefes OU-D b45-3 and OU-D b45-1.
Thirty-four Control evictions at Arietis Sectors JR-V b2-1, LM-V b2-3, JR-V b2-4, ZE-R b4-3 and MM-V b2-1, HIPs 21261, 22524, 20577, 20827, 20397, 20419, 21475, 20679, 20916, 23816, 22265, 19934 and 20480, 97 i Tauri, Hyades Sectors FX-H a11-0, PI-S b4-3, NN-S b4-3, JH-V c2-13, NN-S b4-2 and NN-S b4-1, Scythia, Hyadum II, Lei Hsini, 79 b Tauri, Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5, 86 Rho Tauri, HR 1354, Gaezatorix and Almar.
Three Matrix systems cleared at Hyades Sector DX-H a11-1, HR 1358 and Arietis Sector HG-X b1-0.
Seventeen recaptured systems starting Recovery are HIPs 21261, 22524, 20577, 20827, 20419, 20679, 20916, 23816, 19934 and 20480, 97 i Tauri, Scythia, Lei Hsini, Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5, HR 1354, Gaezatorix and Almar.

Targets updated at 06:30 20th June 3310
HIP 20480 Control 96% *96.4%Indra 16 Ly, 413 strength
Raidal Control 76% *76.8%Indra 16 Ly, 2723 strength
Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-11 Control 72% *72.4%Cocijo 29 Ly, 2927 strength
71 Tauri Control 68% *69.1%Indra 15 Ly, 2200 strength
HIP 21179 Control 68% — Indra 17 Ly, 3760 strength
Ixbaksha Control 66% — Raijin 23 Ly, 3788 strength
Arietis Sector HG-X b1-2 Control 58% — Indra 16 Ly, 2977 strength
Arietis Sector IG-X b1-4 Control 56% — Indra 15 Ly, 3137 strength
Arietis Sector HG-X b1-1 Control 54% — Indra 16 Ly, 3261 strength
76 Tauri Control 54% — Indra 15 Ly, 3271 strength
Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-5 Matrix 50% — Indra 22 Ly
Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-17 Control 50% — Thor 26 Ly, 3259 strength
HIP 19263 Control 36% — Indra 15 Ly, 4574 strength
HIP 21112 Control 34% *35.9%Indra 11 Ly, 7827 strength
Balak Control 18% — Raijin 23 Ly, 9153 strength
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-6 Control 18% — Raijin 29 Ly, 5242 strength
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-4 Control 18% — Raijin 29 Ly, 5244 strength
HIP 22350 Matrix 16% *17.4%Indra 22 Ly
HIP 113076 Control 16% *16.9%Raijin 24 Ly, 9170 strength
Pegasi Sector PJ-N a8-2 Control 16% *16.2%Raijin 28 Ly, 5369 strength
Varlawoth Control 16% — Thor 29 Ly, 8900 strength
Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d46 Control 16% — Raijin 28 Ly, 5381 strength
Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-24 Control 16% — Raijin 28 Ly, 5374 strength
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-92 Control 16% — Raijin 29 Ly, 5370 strength
Pegasi Sector HH-U b3-7 Control 16% — Raijin 29 Ly, 5361 strength
Pegasi Sector JH-V c2-26 Control 16% — Raijin 28 Ly, 5377 strength
Pegasi Sector LN-S b4-0 Control 16% — Raijin 29 Ly, 5369 strength
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-1 Control 16% — Raijin 28 Ly, 5382 strength
Col 285 Sector KL-E b12-5 Control 14% — Thor 31 Ly, 5382 strength
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-4 Matrix 12% *13%Raijin 20 Ly
Arietis Sector KR-V b2-1 Matrix 12% *12.6%Indra 10 Ly
64 Tauri Control 10% *11.4%Indra 13 Ly, 10.7k strength
Arietis Sector KR-V b2-2 Control 10% *10.5%Indra 5 Ly, 6853 strength
HIP 20357 Control 8% *8.2%Indra 9 Ly, 6845 strength
HR 1385 Control 8% — Indra 11 Ly, 11.2k strength
51 Tauri Control 8% — Indra 15 Ly, 11k strength
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-4 Control 8% — Cocijo 32 Ly, 5699 strength
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-82 Control 8% — Cocijo 32 Ly, 9511 strength
Col 285 Sector TC-J b10-0 Control 8% — Cocijo 32 Ly, 9479 strength
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-5 Control 8% — Cocijo 33 Ly, 9467 strength
HIP 39186 Control 8% — Cocijo 34 Ly, 5627 strength
HIP 39468 Control 8% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 5791 strength
Maribe Control 8% — Raijin 28 Ly, 9857 strength
Tagin Control 6% *7.6%Raijin 23 Ly, 10.3k strength
Kaurukat Control 6% *7.4%Raijin 17 Ly, 10.9k strength
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-3 Control 6% *7.1%Cocijo 30 Ly, 5879 strength
HIP 21138 Control 6% *7%Indra 8 Ly, 11.6k strength
Col 285 Sector SH-C b13-1 Control 6% *6.1%Thor 35 Ly, 5688 strength
HIP 37844 Control 6% — Cocijo 28 Ly, 10k strength
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-1 Control 6% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 5911 strength
HIP 19501 Control 6% — Thor 31 Ly, 5896 strength
Col 285 Sector SI-T d3-89 Control 6% — Thor 33 Ly, 5792 strength
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-2 Control 6% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 5931 strength
Col 285 Sector KV-F b11-1 Control 6% — Thor 33 Ly, 5760 strength
Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-1 Control 6% — Thor 32 Ly, 5842 strength
Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-3 Control 6% — Thor 31 Ly, 5875 strength
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-1 Control 6% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 5928 strength
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-6 Control 6% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 5916 strength
HIP 17310 Control 6% — Thor 33 Ly, 5776 strength
HIP 18702 Control 6% — Thor 35 Ly, 9479 strength
Pegasi Sector WK-L a9-1 Control 4% *5.6%Raijin 27 Ly, 6110 strength
HIP 20082 Control 4% *5.5%Indra 6 Ly, 7224 strength
63 Tauri Control 4% *4.3%Indra 12 Ly, 11.7k strength
Col 285 Sector XT-Q c5-18 Matrix 4% — Cocijo 11 Ly
Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-3 Control 4% — Cocijo 28 Ly, 6172 strength
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-143 Matrix 4% — Cocijo 16 Ly
Col 285 Sector LL-E b12-1 Control 4% — Thor 27 Ly, 6193 strength
Pegasi Sector ON-S b4-2 Control 4% — Raijin 27 Ly, 6194 strength
Pegasi Sector WK-L a9-3 Control 4% — Raijin 27 Ly, 6204 strength
Col 285 Sector PB-E b12-3 Matrix 4% — Thor 15 Ly
Synuefe OU-D b45-0 Control 2% *3.1%Thor 30 Ly, 6093 strength
HIP 20350 Control 2% *3%Indra 13 Ly, 11.7k strength
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-5 Control 2% *3%Cocijo 30 Ly, 6143 strength
HIP 20086 Control 2% *2.9%Indra 9 Ly, 7241 strength
HIP 17897 Control 2% *2.4%Thor 28 Ly, 6266 strength
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-115 Control 2% *2.2%Raijin 23 Ly, 10.9k strength
Hyades Sector RT-Q b5-4 Control 2% *2.1%Indra 7 Ly, 7419 strength
Hyadum I Control 2% — Indra 14 Ly, 7044 strength
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-14 Control 2% — Thor 28 Ly, 6284 strength
HIP 19198 Control 2% — Thor 17 Ly, 11.5k strength
Njana Control 2% — Cocijo 26 Ly, 10.6k strength
HIP 20489 Control 2% — Thor 29 Ly, 6258 strength
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-9 Matrix 2% — Raijin 14 Ly

The Alert report lists predicted attackers.

Week 80, 6th June 3310​

Thirty Alerts repelled at HIPs 20826, 20527, 20605, 20719, 21474 and 113698, 68 Tauri, Pegasi Sectors HW-V b2-0, NY-O a7-4, LY-O a7-2, JS-Q a6-2, MY-O a7-4, TK-L a9-4 and LY-O a7-4, Hyades Sectors GX-H a11-4, PI-S b4-0, CR-J a10-1 and MM-M b7-1, Sukurbago, Chibis and Col 285 Sectors JG-O c6-15, WC-C b13-2, MQ-F b11-3, WN-H b11-4, OM-J b10-1, VN-H b11-2, PM-J b10-1, DA-E b13-3, AF-P c6-16 and OM-J b10-0.
Twenty-six Control evictions at Hyades Sectors ST-Q b5-2, AR-J a10-0, ST-Q b5-3, ON-S b4-6, NN-S b4-0, TO-Q b5-2 and PI-S b4-2, 70 Tauri, HIPs 19789, 20899, 20146, 9016, 20712, 20890, 22688, 20815 and 22496, NN 3281, Arietis Sectors FL-X b1-0, TY-P a6-0, LM-V b2-5, NH-V b2-0 and HG-X b1-3, 55 Tauri, 58 Tauri and Ross 378.
One Matrix system cleared at HIP 20187.
Four recaptured systems starting Recovery are 70 Tauri and HIPs 20899, 20890 and 22496.
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Another quick M. Indra Spire resource review, in units of system percentage points:

TimeSpire availableControl needed"Balance"
End of week 787880%9504%−1624%
End of week 796580%8002%−1422%
End of week 805220%5378%−158%
Start of week 815220%5698%−478%

Looks as if the Thursday reinforcement took the equivalent of three whole systems, or as if we had nine systems reinforcing 33% each. Some of that will be due to much extra non-peripheral progress at particular populated systems, presumably due to abandoned ports functioning as Conflict zones, meanwhile a good amount will be the very wide Counterstrike progress reaching many more systems than we can advance the periphery (but still very valuable either way!).

Moreover, week 81 has just begun and thus is not comparable yet; the actual trajectory appears to be very favourable regarding Spires covering the region, and bodes well for reducing the massive coverage deficits at other Maelstroms!

Operation Ida did one of their mass resource deliveries to HIP 20741, completing repairs on the station, and the recovery ended early. It seems like deliveries DO speed up recovery, but only if you complete the station.

Very many thanks to Operation Ida for that testing—and in the context of a region we are attacking, doing this is most valuable in making available ever so much more space for Fleet carriers! There is also a minor benefit in restoring the Concourse, which is needed for boarding Odyssey crew, and is something I do to show Titans to Commanders who would never visit one otherwise.
and bodes well for reducing the massive coverage deficits at other Maelstroms!
So, what you're saying is, fighting the Thargoids in non-peripheral controls is in fact a good idea, even if it was just happenstance by noticing progress in a populated counterstrike and deciding to lend it a hand at the Titan of preference. (Which currently isn't Indra for me and it's off fine with the majority focus anyway.)
So, what you're saying is, fighting the Thargoids in non-peripheral controls is in fact a good idea, even if it was just happenstance by noticing progress in a populated counterstrike and deciding to lend it a hand at the Titan of preference.

For M. Indra, I am saying that we are close to being able to complete almost every remaining non-Spire system by using Spires! There is still a slight gap which would need a bit more direct Control action to close, but any more and we will end up with spare Spires of which we could have made better use.

The other regions are far behind, having Spires which cover only around 25–40% of their other Control systems, thus will need additional direct completion. This includes non-peripheral Control systems, although more generally it means using direct progress rather than Spire progress, which can still be done in peripheral systems. It should be also a bit more efficient to give direct progress to peripheral Controls, for by definition their strengths are lowest and thus the Spires are relieved of a higher by percentage.

Mind that non-peripheral action is useful only if the system completes, which some did not!
Mind that non-peripheral action is useful only if the system completes, which some did not!
Okay, well, on that note... I am hoping Ixbaksha - which (as you've probably noticed yourself) appears to have become the somewhat informal focus of fighting around Raijin - will complete this week. Free those forces up for elsewhere around it.

The Titan's current periphery seems to consist of entirely unpopulated systems at the moment, though, which I'm (personally) less inclined to poke the Thargoids in, but I suppose they probably don't make much of a distinction between getting blown up there or former human space, bar dedicating a larger force to the latter.

*Edited because I left my brain somewhere on the floor when writing this and other messages/posts at the time of, well, posting.

Also had a bit of a poke at Raijin itself earlier. Other than a nosy Cyclops that investigated free-floating pods without deploying a swarm, and got back to its business when I flew out to the asteroid belt, nothing bothered me and I managed to gather 32 pods relatively quickly with just 4 limpets from an Ops controller. Didn't even see the Titan turrets come out. Maybe I just got lucky, but I'm starting to think it might be better to gather them in smaller quantities per run and to remain mobile instead of trying to free as many per 'side' of the Titan as possible and waiting there, which invites unwelcome Thargoid business over.

(... probably also helps that Raijin is about as unassailable as it gets where the Titan itself is concerned, so it might make local Thargoids less aggressive.)
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Also had a bit of a poke at Raijin itself earlier. Other than a nosy Cyclops that investigated free-floating pods without deploying a swarm, and got back to its business when I flew out to the asteroid belt, nothing bothered me and I managed to gather 32 pods relatively quickly with just 4 limpets from an Ops controller. Didn't even see the Titan turrets come out. Maybe I just got lucky, but I'm starting to think it might be better to gather them in smaller quantities per run and to remain mobile instead of trying to free as many per 'side' of the Titan as possible and waiting there, which invites unwelcome Thargoid business over.

(... probably also helps that Raijin is about as unassailable as it gets where the Titan itself is concerned, so it might make local Thargoids less aggressive.)
Interesting! Last week⁽¹⁾ I did some rescue at both T. Indra (256 pods gathered) and T. Cocijo (144 pods; at that time Cocijo had the highest Control count, IIRC) and did not observe any difference in Thargoid behaviour at the two Titans. I think you might have been lucky; sometimes the Interceptors that come to investigate the pods fail to notice you for whatever reason.

⁽¹⁾ A week that begins on a Thursday, of course.

And I agree that it is better to gather smaller quantities per run and remain mobile. A tactic that worked reasonably well for me was:
  • Have 9 limpets ready before the drill deploys, and wait for all pods to be collected before going for another bio-storage chamber.
    Primary reason: pods very quickly attract Scythes if one happens to spawn. If I collect the pods quickly enough, there is a good chance the Scythe will not see me and will fly away.
  • If a Thargoid ship comes close but does not attack me, I wait for a while (keeping the ship cold, of course) before moving; usually, the Thargoid ship will fly away eventually.
  • If spotted and attacked by a Scout (and no Hunters or Interceptors join), I try to hide under one of the overhanging structures while keeping the ship cold. If done right the Scout will not be able to attack me, and eventually will fly away.
  • If spotted and attacked by an Interceptor (and any pods have been collected, and my shields are still good), I boost to the core side of the Titan, then across it, then fly quickly back to the maw side, all that while doing my best to keep the ship’s heat below 20% (this usually means popping a heat sink or two). There is a good chance the Interceptor will lose track of me, giving me some time to extract more pods. (Although more often than not another Interceptor or a Hunter that just happens to be around where I flip back to the maw side will spot me promptly… in that case, oh well, see below.)
  • If spotted and attacked by a Hunter (which is too fast to pull the above trick on it), or if I’m getting low on shields, or about to run out of heat sinks, I just pop one heat sink while boosting away to the asteroids, then wait for my shields to recharge while repairing hull damage, doing heat sink synthesis if needed, and waiting for the Interceptors to pull back their swarms (if there are any). Then, if an Interceptor is still patrolling in the vicinity, I move away from it through the asteroids, and approach the Titan from a different direction.
All in all, my effectiveness at collecting the pods was not that great; filling my hold took a lot of patience (about 2.5h, from the launch to the docking back at my FC, to collect 256 pods), but I consider it only a moderately risky activity, and I did not even take much damage. (This is the build I used. Although I did fit an AFMU, I ended up with only minor damage to modules; I considered it more of an insurance in case I got zapped with my shields down.)
sometimes the Interceptors that come to investigate the pods fail to notice you for whatever reason.
I would say the Cyclops noticed but it followed me around like when they don’t get a proper target lock in hyper/interdiction. It came to look after the freed pods and then either followed me or my limpets around, but without firing or deploying a swarm (didn’t hear angry Titan noises either), though showing red on the radar. Note that I just had silent running enabled without firing a beam laser at the Titan (which keeps it in a semi-alert state basically permanently, so I kind of don’t like to use one now, despite carrying it).

I did also use to do the ‘Try to lose it on the opposite side of the Titan’ thing but the chance of encountering another Interceptor or Glaive seemed a little too high, so I might avoid doing that for any future pod recovery runs. Though admitting they currently have a relatively lesser effect on Raijin… not really tempted to really go to Indra anyway. Its controls are dropping quickly enough as it is, one person won’t make a huge difference through either absence or presence.

Doubt running shieldless makes a particular difference to the detection parameter - not sure if silent running does either, but other than the heatsink synths(which are almost negligeable in their cost… or is the word spelled with i? totally forgot), if you haven’t got a shield it makes relatively little difference to have it enabled.
I would say the Cyclops noticed but it followed me around like when they don’t get a proper target lock in hyper/interdiction. It came to look after the freed pods and then either followed me or my limpets around, but without firing or deploying a swarm (didn’t hear angry Titan noises either), though showing red on the radar. Note that I just had silent running enabled without firing a beam laser at the Titan (which keeps it in a semi-alert state basically permanently, so I kind of don’t like to use one now, despite carrying it).
Ah, that could be it.
I prefer not to take the risk of running shieldless around a Titan, and it is rather difficult to keep heat near 0% on the sinks alone, so for me it’s either being around 15% (which does appear to increase Thargoids’ detection range) or using the laser.

(And yes, the word is spelled “negligible”; doesn’t your web browser have a spell checker? I use it all the time when posting here… ;))
And yes, the word is spelled “negligible”; doesn’t your web browser have a spell checker? I use it all the time when posting here…
My phone’s web browser refuses to tell me if I am writing something correctly or not. On this forum, at least.

And I prefer to do the shieldless thing on my Krait (MKII) because there’s only so much which can be stuffed into it. While it tends to be my go to for this kind of activity.
Alongside the M. Indra storm, we have one last little victory at Arietis Sector ZE-R b4-3, the final system held by forces from the late T. Leigong—well done! I can see also HIP 23816 (94%) nearing completion, Col 285 Sector US-Z b14-4 (64%) receiving attention and Hyades Sector FB-N b7-2 (42%) on their trail, so definitely the clean-up continues around Titans Taranis and Hadad.

Presently M. Indra has lost 18 Control systems including two with Spires, and should lose at least another 12 this week. M. Cocijo has lost Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5 with ZE-P c6-11 (56%) following it, and hopefully M. Thor does not get to reinforce Almar (68%)!
With all the pushback it's getting very close to the point where Indra won't be able to place a full nine Alerts next week.
With all the pushback it's getting very close to the point where Indra won't be able to place a full nine Alerts next week.

Definitely! I think a lack of target backtrack systems starved it of one outer attack already, and either way it has just now lost Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3 and INTRA thinks its targets now should be:

Maelstrom Indra week 81.png

Of those:
  • Hyades Sector JH-V c2-13 is at 92%, the completion of which removes one attack.
  • HIP 21475 (86%) will fall also, although probably HIP 21179 survives.
  • Arietis Sector HG-X b1-0 definitely will fall if INIV pushes it, although may fall regardless. Maximising direct completions will take priority over stopping one empty Alert!
Considering just how easily fended off the alerts are, now, I don’t it’d make a particularly huge difference whether Indra gets a full set or not. The lack of spires affecting said alerts, on the other hand, does seem to have sped up the clearance by quite a lot.

… if Frontier were planning to let their Thargoid twist off the leash when Indra becomes vulnerable or explodes(and I suspect that might be the case), well, hope they have it ready.
I've been flying to AXCZ for the last week in the HIP 20419 system.
Now I jumped in again, and I get a message that the Thargoids have already been defeated here.

I've only won there 4 times :(
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