Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Check the OP.
Targets change each Thursday, and invasions tend to get cleared rather quickly.
If go on the galmap there are systems highlighted as well as lists in the Thargoid tab if you scroll down.
Wogiawong was still going this morning but best check in game.
O7 Commanders! I don't know if this is the best place to ask this, but I think it is better than creating a new topic. I have been out of the game since the Mailstorms where travelling towards the bubble. I remember that there were events from time to time about defending systems from thargoids, which meant that a big part of the community was in the system fighting in AX conflict zones. I remember it was such a nice experience, so I would like to know if now, with this thargoid invasion, there is some kind of "agreement" in the community to defend specific systems, as I would like to go into crowded AX conflict zones again to kill some thargoids.

So, my question is... what is the next target system? Where is the community focusing on? I've read the last comments in this thread but I don't get anything clear.

Thanks in advance!
The Thargoid war has been going on for some time and is in the final chapter, or so we hope..
Either way we need to kill the titan, the source of the invasion. To achive that we have to retake all (nearly all) control systems around a titan, which is titan Raijin at the moment.

So the primary job is to retake control systems, however in order for the thargoid to not conquer new systems we have to defend alert and invasion systems.

Prioraty list:
  • Alert
  • Invasion
  • Control

Hope that helps, o7 cmdr and glory to humanity
O7 Commanders! I don't know if this is the best place to ask this, but I think it is better than creating a new topic. I have been out of the game since the Mailstorms where travelling towards the bubble. I remember that there were events from time to time about defending systems from thargoids, which meant that a big part of the community was in the system fighting in AX conflict zones. I remember it was such a nice experience, so I would like to know if now, with this thargoid invasion, there is some kind of "agreement" in the community to defend specific systems, as I would like to go into crowded AX conflict zones again to kill some thargoids.

So, my question is... what is the next target system? Where is the community focusing on? I've read the last comments in this thread but I don't get anything clear.

Thanks in advance!
You can get an idea of busy systems by checking out the Thargoid War page on Inara,
or the Defense Council of Humanity page,

I imagine there are more players contributing to Inara, but the DCoH page has more specific info about the nature of the system, and therefore what kind of gameplay to expect players are actually doing there.
Small field study - PI-S b4-5.
{ "timestamp":"2024-09-18T10:28:26Z", "event":"FSDJump", "Taxi":false, "Multicrew":false, "StarSystem":"Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-5", [...] "WarProgress":0.157476,
Samples sold approx 10:45,
{ "timestamp":"2024-09-18T11:16:30Z", "event":"FSDJump", "Taxi":false, "Multicrew":false, "StarSystem":"Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-5", [...] "WarProgress":0.168291,

...So assuming there aren't pods/scouts/etc. inflating the progress achieved, 100 samples resulted in approx 0.010815 progress, putting it at nearer 9300 for the system... previous estimate was ~5209.
Would appear things that side continue to shift unfavourably, though with the system being the last one in range of Kaurukat and Balak, and one of the last three in range of Holvandalla, keeping it on the list my side.

Hope folk are doing well, been a bit buried offline my side of adventures.
Quite well; thank you! We have been finishing the occasional system as such becomes due, but otherwise regular drives are not possible while strengths are so high.

Without being sure whether something changed again or whether that ~9300 result at 18.08 Ly just indicates a steep gradient, I can say that a quite clear strength for Pegasi Sector EB-W b2-2 at 23.77 Ly was 8856. I am inclined to guess those are part of the same gradient, with the present 5 Ly strength therefore reaching ~10320.
Two things are clear:
  • Looking at the per-Titan system counts and including the last-hour eviction at Col 285 Sector RS-H b11-4 (well done!), the Invasion at Shinrarta Dezhra belongs to T. Raijin specifically, not T. Cocijo and not an orphaned force.
  • Aegis, Azimuth and Sirius have a lot of explaining to do; scheduling a Megaship each to jump 12 Ly from a future attack one week in advance is either an unacceptable withholding of information, or an act of direct espionage to guide the enemy to the heart of the Pilots Federation.
Aegis, Azimuth and Sirius have a lot of explaining to do; scheduling a Megaship each to jump 12 Ly from a future attack one week in advance is either an unacceptable withholding of information, or an act of direct espionage to guide the enemy to the heart of the Pilots Federation.
I more think this isn't anything particularly lore-based, so much as just technical stuff in the game like that megaships annouce their movement a week ahead of time. Or if Seo did warn them and they told nobody... well, yeah, that's not very excusable.

I'm not sure I expect this CG to run for its full two weeks, but then again, the turnout has also been set at 8 trillion credits maximum so we'll see how it goes down. Now I might have to turn in those 18 billion credits of bonds my alt has built up unless we get specific separate bond payouts for this initiative.

Week 95, 19th September 3310​

New Alerts are at Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-146 and Kissi.
New Invasions are at Sukurbago, Chibis, Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5, Kamato, Bormuninus, Koko Oh and Shinrarta Dezhra.

Maelstrom Raijin
Control: Reactivated ports are at Sugalis, Humarala, Iceniguari, Snoqui and Chakma.
Spire: All gone—the only remaining Spire sites are at M. Cocijo.

Targets updated at 10:50 19th September 3310
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-3 Control 92% — Cocijo 29 Ly
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-143 Matrix 88% — Cocijo 16 Ly
Sugalis Control 38% — Raijin 23 Ly
Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-2 Control 34% — Raijin 23 Ly
Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-10 Control 32% — Cocijo 29 Ly
Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-0 Control 30% — Raijin 23 Ly
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-1 Matrix 28% — Cocijo 15 Ly
HIP 117229 Control 26% — Raijin 23 Ly
Humarala Control 26% — Raijin 18 Ly
Iceniguari Control 26% — Raijin 23 Ly
Col 285 Sector TN-H b11-4 Control 24% — Cocijo 29 Ly
Col 285 Sector ZT-F b12-3 Matrix 18% — Cocijo 17 Ly
Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-2 Control 18% — Raijin 23 Ly
Col 285 Sector PM-J b10-4 Control 16% — Cocijo 29 Ly
HIP 37844 Control 16% — Cocijo 28 Ly
HIP 39409 Control 10% — Cocijo 28 Ly
HIP 40229 Control 10% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-22 Control 6% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-6 Control 2% — Cocijo 28 Ly

There is a combat bonds Community Goal in V886 Centauri, next to the attack at Shinrarta Dezhra.

Week 94, 12th September 3310​

Two Alerts repelled at HIPs 113076 and 40786.
Six Invasions defended at Holvandalla, Nu Guang, Laumas, Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-3, Balak and Wogaiawong.
Twenty-one Control evictions at Pegasi Sectors VK-L a9-0, QE-N a8-5, JH-U b3-8, JH-U b3-9, JH-U b3-1, OI-S b4-4, EB-W b2-2, IH-U b3-2, ZQ-J a10-1, ZQ-J a10-0, KC-U b3-2 and UK-L a9-3, HIP 116351, Col 285 Sectors VD-G b12-5, PM-J b10-3, YT-F b12-5, OS-T d3-76, PS-T d3-152, YT-Q c5-25 and RS-H b11-4, and Chnemine.
In addition to the defended Invasions, two recaptured systems starting Recovery are HIP 116351 and Chnemine.
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