Regarding difficulty estimation, we have an interesting pattern forming among the empty system evictions which strengthens the idea that the difficulty has linear sections. To recall what we saw for
populated systems:
Based on being unable to fit anything other than a straight line through Nihal and MCC 105 on the left which also agreed with reducing the difficulty of Desurinbin on the right (the point only just beyond 25 Ly), said line then gave a perfect estimation for Canaharvas. Now that we have much more precision available, observe what the empty systems are doing:
Again the larger markers are after update 15.01. Despite having no measurements exactly before and after 25 Ly, those 5-light-year sections surrounding it both form straight lines which point
exactly to the same junction number (486). That 25–30 Ly section also points outward to 324 at 30 Ly, which is a perfect match for Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-2 (30.07 Ly).
Those previous measurements are almost due to be retired, but I kept them around just for the observation that those
also can be explained better with linear 5-light-year sections. At first, the previous lack of precision was such that an exponential curve would fit and provide serviceable estimates. After update 15, the high precision started contradicting that curve and lead to questions about what else could be affecting the difficulty, but now we are quite sure it is—and always was—just a series of lines instead.
To state it explicitly, this also means that
only the Maelstrom distance matters; it has not to do with whether a system is Sol-facing, nor whether it has Conflict Zones (which all seem to have now, but once upon a time...), nor whether it is targeted for counter-attack. Those four evictions to protect Theemim, which are indeed done now, were two targeted and two regular yet all four support those lines.
The above picture shows not the region within 20 Ly; we have
one measurement there which
may provide an uncertain extrapolation, but please mind that this is a guess which assumes the truth of the junction indicated by the outer section (1132 at 20 Ly):
In any case, I
think we can expect that the populated systems also all fall into 5-light-year sections. I know I was going to take some more measurements; that is postponed for the moment to explore instead the surprise misbehaviour of M. Thor only placing four Alerts. In the meantime, I wanted to share that second picture above for accurate difficulty of empty systems beyond 20 Ly, and indeed suggest that the first picture may be used for populated difficulty between 20–25 Ly. Where they flatten, assume simply that some good slightly-padded targets are 1600 beyond 25 Ly for populated systems and 330 beyond 30 Ly for empty systems.