Week 45, 5th October 3309
Alerts repelled at Col 285 Sectors
SS-H b11-5, ZE-P c6-16, SS-H b11-4, UN-H b11-3, ZE-P c6-15, WN-Z b14-5, RM-B b14-4, VS-Z b14-0, OC-V d2-96, SM-C b13-0, EA-Q c5-8, RM-B b14-2 and KW-M c7-12, HIPs
20815 and
3006, Hyades Sectors
EG-N b7-0, PN-T c3-7, PN-T c3-5, CV-O b6-4 and KH-L b8-0, Arietis Sectors
WJ-R b4-0,
WJ-R b4-2 and
NH-V b2-0, Cephei Sectors
FB-X b1-1,
AV-Y b0 and
AV-Y b6, Pegasi Sectors
JH-U b3-8,
MN-S b4-0 and
MN-S b4-2,
58 Tauri,
92 Sigma-2 Tauri,
Unktety and
Control evictions at Col 285 Sectors
UC-B b14-0, RM-C b13-1 and MG-E b12-0, Pegasi Sectors
PI-S b4-3 and
KH-V c2-13, HIPs
22265 and
21261, Hyades Sectors
EX-H a11-1, UO-Q b5-2, ST-Q b5-2, ST-Q b5-3, TO-Q b5-2, HW-M b7-5 and EQ-O b6-1, Arietis Sectors
OH-V b2-5, TY-P a6-2, LM-V b2-2, OS-R a5-0, TY-P a6-1, LM-V b2-5, TY-P a6-0, JR-V b2-4 and MM-V b2-1,
Vaipacnali and
86 Rho Tauri.
Matrix systems cleared
provisionally at Ceti Sector
BQ-Y b4, Hyades Sectors
NT-I b9-4, DX-H a11-1, ST-Q b5-5, HW-M b7-4 and EG-N b7-1,
HR 1358,
HIP 22350 and Trianguli Sector
EQ-Y b0.
Three recaptured systems starting
Recovery are
Vaipacnali and HIPs
19198 and
Targets updated at 06:30 12th October 3309
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-112
Control 80% —
Raijin 25 Ly, empty, 102 strength
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-3
Matrix 66% —
Raijin 24 Ly, empty
Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-6
Control 64% —
Raijin 24 Ly, empty, 229 strength
HIP 117229
Control 58% —
Raijin 23 Ly, empty, 289 strength
Pegasi Sector ZQ-J a10-1
Control 56% —
Raijin 23 Ly, empty, 312 strength
Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-1
Control 54% —
Raijin 23 Ly, empty, 343 strength
Pegasi Sector ZQ-J a10-0
Control 54% —
Raijin 23 Ly, empty, 337 strength
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-20
Control 48% —
Raijin 22 Ly, empty, 434 strength
Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-3
Control 48% —
Raijin 22 Ly, empty, 439 strength
Modigi Control 44% —
Taranis 18 Ly, 5045 strength
HIP 22496 Control 36% —
Indra 22 Ly, 2261 strength
97 i Tauri Control 30% —
Indra 21 Ly, 2748 strength
HIP 22524 Control 26% —
Indra 20 Ly, 3385 strength
Obamumbo Control 18%
*18.4% —
Indra 19 Ly, 6165 strength
HIP 113785
Control 16%
*16.9% —
Raijin 19 Ly, empty, 1299 strength
HIP 20419 Control 14% —
Indra 18 Ly, 7802 strength
Iduni Control 14% —
Raijin 22 Ly, 2900 strength
HIP 20577 Control 14% —
Indra 18 Ly, 8085 strength
HR 1354 Control 12%
*13.4% —
Indra 18 Ly, 8108 strength
HIP 20679 Control 12%
*13.4% —
Indra 18 Ly, 8013 strength
HIP 113535 Control 12%
*13% —
Raijin 20 Ly, 3794 strength
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-115 Control 12% —
Raijin 23 Ly, 2597 strength
Cephei Sector AF-A c9
Control 10% —
Oya 16 Ly, empty, 2545 strength
HIP 8525 Control 8%
*8.7% —
Oya 18 Ly, 8351 strength
Vasupari Control 6%
*6.9% —
Hadad 18 Ly, 8279 strength
Col 285 Sector UH-C b13-1
Control 6% —
Thor 22 Ly, empty, 809 strength
HIP 18075 Control 6% —
Thor 21 Ly, 3538 strength
Humarala Control 4%
*5.9% —
Raijin 18 Ly, 8795 strength
Kurumanit Control 4%
*5.5% —
Cocijo 20 Ly, 4237 strength
Liu Huang Control 4%
*5.3% —
Oya 18 Ly, 9002 strength
Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-0
Control 4%
*4.3% —
Hadad 16 Ly, empty, 2597 strength
Akbakara Control 4% —
Oya 18 Ly, 8258 strength
Dhang Tzela Control 4% —
Thor 19 Ly, 6752 strength
HIP 20024 Control 4% —
Thor 19 Ly, 5572 strength
Chnemine Control 4% —
Raijin 18 Ly, 9325 strength
Col 285 Sector PM-B b14-4
Control 4% —
Hadad 21 Ly, empty, 924 strength
HIP 116351 Control 4% —
Raijin 18 Ly, 9324 strength
Col 285 Sector PM-B b14-1
Control 2%
*3.3% —
Hadad 19 Ly, empty, 1331 strength
Col 285 Sector SX-Z b14-0
Matrix 2%
*3.1% —
Hadad 19 Ly, empty
HIP 13179 Control 2%
*2.9% —
Oya 15 Ly, 14.6k strength
Col 285 Sector US-Z b14-0
Control 2%
*2.5% —
Hadad 18 Ly, empty, 1759 strength
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2
Matrix 2%
*2.2% —
Cocijo 24 Ly, empty
HIP 24723
Control 2% —
Taranis 18 Ly, empty, 1771 strength
Col 285 Sector PM-B b14-2
Control 2% —
Hadad 19 Ly, empty, 1561 strength
Col 285 Sector
UC-B b14-0 was completed with 399 versus an estimated 398.1, with actual progress 101.0592% and projected strength 394.8, which appears unchanged.
Alert report lists predicted attackers which can be stopped this week.
Week 44, 28th September 3309
Alerts repelled at Hyades Sectors
EB-N b7-0, LY-I b9-5, OT-I b9-1 and GW-W d1-88, Col 285 Sectors
KW-M c7-29, OR-B b14-4, KW-M c7-16, JW-M c7-10, RM-B b14-0, BA-P c6-16, OS-T d3-105, WY-F b12-5, UH-C b13-0, OB-E b12-4, SS-H b11-3, TH-C b13-3, JG-O c6-5, SW-D b12-2 and KM-V d2-69, Pegasi Sectors
LC-U b3-2,
JH-U b3-9 and
UK-L a9-0, Arietis Sectors
KM-W c1-15,
FG-Y d66 and
MX-U c2-17, Trianguli Sectors
CA-A c15 and
EQ-Y b1,
77 Theta-1 Tauri, HIPs
20485 and
20712, Cephei Sectors
DQ-Y b1, ZE-A c8, WO-A b4 and BV-Y b2,
Hyadum II,
70 Tauri and
Invasions defended at HIPs
25679 and
20616, and
Control evictions at Col 285 Sectors
XT-Q c5-6 and
RH-B b14-2, Arietis Sector
XJ-R b4-1, Hyades Sectors
JN-K b8-3 and
LX-U d2-95,
Mahlina and
HIP 110626.
In addition to the defended Invasions, three recaptured systems starting
Recovery are
Mahlina and
HIP 110626.