Thargoid War Feedback

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Should cyclops get armor buff?

So I think we can one shot cyclops with 6 modified plasmas. Right now u can do it after the first or second heart

This is also possible with shards as u can spam them to do enough damage after heart or two

Cyclops health is around 810 and has armor rating 103

Modified plasma size 2 does 8.3 x 17=141,1 damage and six does total of 6x141,1=846,6
It has armour piercing of 110

Also many new ax pilots don't realize that u dont need this much damage to pop heart and when they miss the heart cyclops will get panic shields. Heart has around 42 health so they should use only one of their plasmas for this.

Numbers are from canonn and EDSY. I believe them to be accurate as I can kill cyclops with 5 plasmas or shards after heart or two

Ps. sorry for funny English as its not my first language
One bug I've noticed is planetary base missiles "bouncing off" the scouts that are hovering above. This continues until the NPCs or the players hit them with something.
I hear this is an old bug, but still. It's a bit goofy to see heat-seeking missile bounce off the scouts. What are those ships made of? rubber? You can almost hear the doink sound when they change direction.
Another thing to fix is the hyperdiction location. It should result in ships dropping in the ships' destination system, not the starting system. Otherwise on the DSS you should be able to spot Thargold signals.

Is there a kill-counter for thargold vessels? Other than Inara, I don't see any way on the interface to keep track of my kills.

For future updates:
The Enhanced AX scanner should get upgraded to include some new side features to incorporate it with the BGS and player reputation.
  • Enemy Interceptor Ace alert and targeting.
    • If in a CZ and a particular interceptor has downed 4 NPC AX ships, it gets designated Enemy ace. If you help destroy it, you get an extra million to your payout.
    • If in a CZ and a particular interceptor has downed 4 player ships (OMG!) then that interceptor gets Super Ace status and the players that destroys it get an extra 10 million payout.
    • If in a CZ and a particular interceptor has downed over 10 player ships (HOW???) the interceptor gets Fiend of Sol status and any player that destroys it gets an extra 15 million payout. Player also gets a big boost in combat rank and superpower reputation (if in a superpower controlled system)
    • If a particular system loses 20 players ships due to interdiction by a particular class of interceptor (like a Medusa or Hydra), one random interceptor of that class gets Enemy of All status and players who singlehandedly bring it down get 50 million. This super-Interceptor will randomly hyperdict players in that system once a day. A pilot must scan the interceptor to activate the updated status, which also increases the stats of enemy by 2%. If you have "report crimes' turned on, and survive 5 minutes, an AX squad will join in the battle and you'll be paid 40 million. Those pilots will say things like "That's the that killed mom! We've been hunting this thing for a week!" and so forth. After destroying the wanted interceptor, the main pilot who brought down the Enemy of All gets mentioned on Galnet in the next few days. Something "Ace CMDR __ valiantly brought down the wretched, dastardly interceptor in system that seriously disrupted anti-xeno activities and rescues. CMDR__ shall be designated an official hero of the Thargold War by all factions in the ____ system after the war and receive 10% discounts on purchases in that system."
  • Shared data to all combatants.
    • If one person scans the interceptor, the targeting data gets pushed to all allies on the front and they'll start targeting the exposed hearts. They should be doing this already, but sometimes player pilots are bad shots.
    • When targeting scouts, a timer will appear when they're about to do weird stuff like scream a lot or trigger a missile barrage. This will get pushed to anyone also targeting the same scout, thus allowing for priority targeting
  • Kill tracking
    • When you scan a particular class, it will tell you how many of class you have killed in a 24 hour period.
The Shutdown field neutralizer should be upgraded to protect against the lightning strike/tractor beam the interceptors use.
  1. When enemy interceptor is glowing, pilot should activate the SFN
  2. As long as SFN is active (trigger held down) the lightning cannot penetrate the field.
  3. When it's working, the field will redirect the lightning like a plasma field, thus shielding the ship but making it really hand to see outside.
See what you can do with this, FDEV's!
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My biggest annoyance with this whole thargoid war stuff is that the route planning computer has no option to avoid thargoid space when plotting routes. The map has the systems marked which is good, but if I am running support/rescue missions and want to avoid the conflict area while heading back to rescue ships there is no option. The computer just plots you a route right next to a malestrom and you spen the next 20 minutes clenching your butt cheeks and probably getting killed.
I just had another idea regarding the weekly reset; this one is predicated on some form of weekly reset cycle continuing to occur, so it does not address some of the problems I mentioned originally, and I would still want to combine it with a means of breaking the cycle I added after that.

Rather than resetting all systems, the default is not to apply any resets at all, but instead the Thargoids actually must choose to reinforce a system for that to occur. This comes at the expense of attacking new systems; something like this:
  • The Thargoids have some total amount of attack forces they can allocate at the start of a cycle, something like 7000 per week or 1000 per day.
  • To invade a system, the Thargoids need to spend 100 of that, causing an Alert.
  • To ensure that an incomplete system is reset fully, the Thargoids need to spend another 100 to hold that line.
  • The Thargoids may choose to spend partially, to cause a partial push-back instead of a full reset.
  • As with some of my previous ideas, progress has to carry across states for this to make any sense.
  • Commanders will be able to see how much reinforcement is inbound to each system.
  • By design, this will work much better if scaled to apply daily, otherwise it would become a simple case of investing where Thargoid reinforcements are slim and halting investment where Thargoid reinforcements have been overspent.
Examples (assuming daily cycle):
  • If 10 is spent on Aowicha and it ends the day at 32%, it will begin the next day at 22%.
  • A budget of 1000 could be distributed to impose 4 Alerts (4 ✕ 100), reset 4 Control/Invasion systems fully (4 ✕ 100), and half-reset another 4 systems (4 ✕ 50).
  • The Thargoids might want to consider spending more like 150 on their Alerts, so they get the Alert plus 50 push-back when it goes into Invasion.
  • When Commanders see a surge of reinforcements arriving at a system they want to defend, they must choose whether to see it through that day or to respond by switching to a system the Thargoids chose to ignore. In the latter case, Commanders know that the ignored system will have no push-back that day.
Would it be possible to get per-mission progress markers like we have with normal missions' minor faction reputation/influence?
The part of correctly showing 100% of progress
Can we have the same for peoples evac missions? No, really, we can evacuate 5820300peoples from a system with pop.1440000 (and everything will drop next saturday of course)
So after this update just released in the last 24 hours: 1) Why are there still no Cyclops missions????? 2) Why the nerf of bonds amounts for kills? 3) As a single player NOT INTERESTED in multi-player combat I'm never going to kill more than 1-2 Basilisks in a single play day. (SO WHERE ARE BASILISK MISSIONS THAT JUST REQUIRE 1-2 KILLS?) 3) In a single player environment, I find it hard to believe that 1 ship of any type can take on 2 Medusas in the second part of the base defense mission set. The NPC ships can't hold aggro and both end up going after the single player each time I have tried and death is quickly eminent! (So I skip it and will never attempt again!) DO YOU WANT US MORE CASUAL PLAYERS TO JUST STOP FIGHTING BACK? After I turn elite in combat, I'm just going to go off into the black and forget about this silly invasion! (Will probably just get bored, "again" traveling through endless space and quit this game for a year or more; again!) You keep making 2 steps forward to garner interest in this game then take 3 steps back by silly decisions like nerfing combat bonds payments and other poor judgement, such as: (Taking a defensive module slot AWAY just to add an extra AX weapon turned out to be mostly worthless to most of us by the way.) (There is a SINGLE PLAYER option for this game for a reason right???? Make the Thargoid combat on base defense at least plausible to complete for 1 player, thanks!) P.S. Edit: Just was lucky enough today to get a single Medusa as part of the stage 1 base defense in single player: In a Krait II with Enhanced AX weapons; felt like I was taking on a modern tank with a little hammer. After many, many minutes of beating on the thing in a cold orbit, I finally took down just one of it's hearts. The fight was slow, dull and overall: boring! I'm never going to bother again! Waste of time, game money! Re-docked and reset the instance! Looks like I'll stick to cyclops and the occasional Bassilisk, (Both with NO MISSIONS I can neither get OR complete in the allotted time!) LOLZ!!!!!!!! Ouch............
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I have switched to Refugee Evac to see how that fairs with the war scenario, to me pretty poorly, the 10% nurf on credits is a meh who cares, to me, but the lack of any cabins above Class 6 was a big surprise, been like that since the begining no doubt, The addition of AXCZ use only of Class 7 and 8 cabins should be a shoe in, along with AXCZ slots for an AX Evac build for the Baluga, which really should out class all other ships for Evac capacity, I mean it really is huge by comparison.

More thought put into the civilian side of the war for me right now.
An important matter adjacent to that of the weekly reset, the reset itself still being ahead of anything else regarding a redesign—

It is quite obvious that Control systems changed on Monday (30th January 3309), accidentally or otherwise, such that they become suddenly insurmountable. Having watched every point of progress occur in every system quite closely since the start, I made a note of this just after checking at the end of Tuesday:

I suspect quite strongly that Control systems were changed some time yesterday, given that only around 12 hours passed between spotting the first point in Hyades Sector ZZ-O b6-6 and that system becoming complete.

Also, from a Commander who has done likely more than any to test and document exactly how much Thargoid destruction is required in a Control system:

@Bruce G this patch seems to have broken the war mechanics in thargoid controlled systems.
Progress in them has come to a screaming halt. Killing large amounts of thargoids, far more than enough to have caused an observable effect before the patch, now apparently gives no contribution towards the war.
As an example HIP 20605 went from 0 to 48% in the 24 hours before the patch but hasn't moved at all since then.

That comment itself serves as the direct feedback for that individual occasion, while this feedback post is regarding changes in general. I understand fully that such changes will occur, for as much was stated from the start, however the specific problem here is that the requirement was increased in the middle of a cycle.

This is connected inextricably to the weekly reset because the latter is designed to make Commanders organise and plan, for which the effort requirement is critical input information:
  • Ideally (to state the obvious), nothing would change at all.
  • Realistically, it is fair to expect the occasional Thursday morning requirement change.
  • At most, one might allow that each Thursday morning includes some incremental requirement change.
  • If a mid-cycle change must occur, it may be a requirement reduction without disrupting plans, but may not be a requirement increase.
The Control systems which a lot of Commanders had organised to complete, and in which they had half-invested already, became suddenly beyond scope. That was a lot of time from a lot of people which would have gone otherwise towards completing more of the top Invasion systems.

My suggestion is that changes to the completion requirements are allowed, but become very strictly controlled regarding when they occur, and perhaps that changes by more than a few percent are announced immediately. To reiterate a comment I made earlier:

The capability is the concern here; the very quantity you are attempting to measure must be varying wildly.

Wherever rates are involved, a fundamental property of measuring them is that such a measurement must occur over time, and also that a high-confidence, low-variance measurement is only achieved by spending more time measuring it (basic uncertainty principle, applies almost everywhere). To modify the completion requirement is to introduce a second-order rate of change, which is guaranteed to cause some amount of oscillation. To do so abruptly will cause immediate instability and undermine any balancing attempt, as well as cause frustration of course.

If the change was unintentional, the point stands that any possibility of such a change needs to be controlled strictly, if only to prevent a recurrence. To be sure though, even if the change was deliberate, consider the responses:
  • Commanders perceive Control systems as being easy, therefore invest in them.
  • Control systems ruled to be too easy based on data, therefore strengthen them.
  • Commanders detect the change, therefore remove all investment (accepting the sunk cost), halting all future Control progress.
  • Control systems ruled to be too difficult based on data, therefore weaken them.
By all means use data to make decisions, but please understand that this is a much more complicated feedback loop than, for example, a device which can heat a bowl of water up to a specific temperature. For example, if your measurements indicate that Control systems move around twice as quickly as intended, one cannot simply double the requirement and expect the number of Control completions to halve. Doubling that requirement will also cause withdrawal of the investment, dropping the Control completion to a much smaller fraction than half, and probably below the threshold (imposed by the weekly reset) to see any Control completions at all.

Hopefully you can see the oscillation created by the scenario above, and agree that such an oscillation contradicts the intended balance which the adjustments aim to achieve.
Flak works pretty reliably too.
Interestingly enough, the swarm has also started attacking caustic missiles since update 14. Not sure if 14.02 has changed that behaviour.
Can we get cargo delivery missions that aren't generic? Much as I like dropping off the next shipment of stogies and air fryers, I don't think that's going to repel the invasions.
Bruce, since you liked a lot of my previous suggestions and implemented them (or I just guessed really well on things you were going to implement), I figured I would leave some more feed back:
  1. Still Need Huge AX Weapons - I mentioned this last time, but it hasn't been implemented yet and bears repeating. We really need Huge Enhanced AX Multicannons to let the Corvette shine (as well as enhance the Anaconda and Cutter). Perhaps this is already planned for later, but I wanted to list it again.
  2. AX Point Defence, or some other countermeasure, for Thargoid Caustic Missiles - I have no problem running from these - dodging them until they run out of fuel - when Interceptors fire them. But when you're busy with an Interceptor, and some scouts pop up, yeah... not good. Survivable, but annoying.
  3. Engineering for Human AX weapons - feel free to constrain the options to retain balance, but it would be really nice to engineer human AX weapons for high capacity loadouts. Failing that, could you at least enable us to apply the Engineering Experimental effects (e.g. Autoloader) to the weapons. Actually, I would kill for Autoloader on the Salvation Shard Cannons (5 shot clip gets really annoying). Surely there are some recipes, and experimental effects, you could let us apply that would maintain balance while allowing us to enhance our weapons/experience.
    Could we also engineer the Xenoscanners to scan faster?
  4. New AX fighters - you already enhanced our AX weapons, now please enhance our AX fighters! I don't know if an AI tweak will work, or we need beefier versions of the Taipan and Guardian SLFs, but something is just off. With an Elite SLF pilot, I can bang the heck out of interceptor - they can exert the heart, drain it's panic shields, and keep it busy (without dying (usually)) while I regroup. However, if even one scout is around... BOOM... so much for the SLF's usefulness.
    Currently the workaround is to keep my SLF pilot in "Maintain formation" and then "Attack my Target" on Interceptors. Even then, occasionally a scout will aggro on them and that's the end of them. I have yet to see my SLF pilot engage even ONE scout successfully if I'm not also targeting said scout. It is very frustrating.
  5. Related to #4 above, give us a remote SLF self-destruct button. When the scouts aren't around, and I'm racing back to station (in a station AX combat zone), I often don't have time to recall the fighter and wait for it to dock before I land. Yet I have no way of discarding the fighter so I can quickly land. Very frustrating.
  6. Are Scouts working correctly? They seem extraordinarily tough most of the time, compared to exerting an Interceptor, unless you are using 3 or more C3 Enhanced AX Multicannons (in which case they die quite quickly). I have hit many a scout with all four C2 Salvation Shard Cannons, or fully charged C2 Salvation Plasma Chargers, and they survive with 50 to 75% of their hull. It's hard enough to hit them with those fixed weapons, but then to watch them shrug off the damage is very frustrating. Meanwhile, that same blast has a Cyclops screaming or instantly blows out one of it's hearts. It seems you can either build a ship to clear scouts, or one that can clear interceptors, but not both very well. This is extra frustrating (when in anti-Interceptor mode) when you have to deal with the first 5-10 minutes of a newly started CZ being nothing but scouts.
Those are the only suggestions I have for right now. I'm not going to bother with ones that I think you plan to reveal later (caustic sinks for quicker caustic damage removal) or that it looks like you won't implement (e.g. removing Xenoscanners and integrating that functionality into our ships internal sensors).
My biggest annoyance with this whole thargoid war stuff is that the route planning computer has no option to avoid thargoid space when plotting routes. The map has the systems marked which is good, but if I am running support/rescue missions and want to avoid the conflict area while heading back to rescue ships there is no option. The computer just plots you a route right next to a malestrom and you spen the next 20 minutes clenching your butt cheeks and probably getting killed.
We don't want to insult anyone or peel the performance of Frontier's team. It's just our opinion.

To be fair to the thread (Dear Admin Moderator) ;)
The Thargoid War is extremely costly and stressful. See below also the route planning and so on!
An automatic defense mechanic against the Gauss missiles would be desirable. None of our players go to war anymore!
To equip ships properly you have to grind for many weeks.
Most players don't have time for that anymore. The strongest ships are permanently destroyed. Gausrekaten, camouflaged ships and much more. Simply too complicated to play with your friends for two hours after work. No chance!

We have written here in 2022 what we think the game absolutely needs to remain contemporary and modern. Unfortunately, Frontier has not implemented any of this yet!
The only thing we got is the war!
Unfortunately, in many areas of the game you feel a bit like in an old children's game. The story and news in Elite is all well and good, but folks, we are adults and also need contemporary mechanics and gameplay. Like good inventory management and money payments within an ORGA, etc....
This includes the route planning and the jump ranges in the ship as well as in the carrier and much more! Have we however everything already suggested. Up to now nothing has done! The route planning is one of the catastrophes in the game.
Extensive and game-changing expansions have been announced for 2023. We are once curious what still comes and how it continues.
We hope not, that the Thargoid war was already everything. We are happy to pay a reasonable amount for a cool new DLC. If it goes ahead with a modernization. We think that many players also see it that way!

Many greetings.
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I have one more suggestion to add, one that goes all the way back to when the Thargoids were introduced:
Make the Type 10 a more viable combat ship (AX or Standard Combat) by DevMagically increasing it's pitch rate to match the Federal Corvette, or possibly being even better. This ship is nearly as expensive to equip as a Cutter and is the worst of the big four in all combat. It's built off of the Type 9, which also has a horrible pitch rate/maneuverability.. until you put the landing gear down. Then that ship is super agile to line up on the landing pad, especially compared to the Imperial Cutter. So with the Type-10, keep it slow, but say they tweaked the thrusters to give it more maneuverability to keep it's weapons on target.

Just a thought. I just wasted two days making another AX one (first one was back when they were introduced) and watch it fail horribly again. Some of the problems were due to just incredibly bad luck in my first test run, but... this ship needs some love. This is the ONLY ship that I've had take damage from ships after a HyperInterdiction, even though I boosted away immediately at top speed. Not even my rescue Anaconda had this problem.

I love the look of this ship, the idea of what it should be able to do (at it running incredibly cold), and yet it is an unmitigated disaster in anything other than an AFK farming build. Please, please, fix this ship! The Cutter might also have a horrible pitch rate, but it is super fast and can be made into a super shield tank (I've never bothered to go that far with mine). This ship is good for nothing.

Perhaps if you had allowed human AX weapons to no longer have a limit, without needing a stabiliser, it might have made a good turret boat... no, probably not even then.

Currently, the Type 10 is a bigger lemon than a 1982 Ford Escort... and anyone who ever had to deal with one of those knows exactly how bad that is. Argh!
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