The Buckyball Racing Club presents: POP GUN:BUCKYBALL, race 3 of the Triple 8 Championship

Sir ... I'd like to report that I have gone faster sir!
In both classes sir!


Also, I'd like to report commander Leeya Geddy for insubordination sir! (see attached evidence)
Me too!!
I submitted an unlimited run last night, pretty good first run, but definitely lots I can do better.
Working from home today, so made a couple of runs during my "lunch break", should have improved on my first attempt, but couldn't find my preferred landing spot near Matarov in the dark, and then didn't lower my landing gear at the end. Finished 2 seconds slower.

Back to work, hopefully I'll manage another mission attempt tonight.
I submitted an unlimited run last night, pretty good first run, but definitely lots I can do better.
Working from home today, so made a couple of runs during my "lunch break", should have improved on my first attempt, but couldn't find my preferred landing spot near Matarov in the dark, and then didn't lower my landing gear at the end. Finished 2 seconds slower.

Back to work, hopefully I'll manage another mission attempt tonight.
"Matarov in the dark"?!?!


Don't say things like that ... I live in perpetual fear of Matarov being in the dark. The only thing I fear more is seeing that Agartha has moved to here when I take off.


I say fear ... given my current standing I obviously have "mixed feelings" on seeing that happen in fact. 😜
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Volunteer Moderator
I managed to get a couple of runs in today. The first ended with me in the detention centre. The second I managed to complete, but as I was reviewing the reconnaissance footage I noticed that my missile strike on Matarov hit the main building not the Power one, so I guess that run is invalid too.

I'll try again tomorrow. Good fun this one though, going to require a lot of luck for me to get a semi decent run finding the right entrances/containers etc I think.
Ok CMDRs, gather round and listen up. It's debrief time.

Hey you! Why aren't you wearing sunglasses?

Come on, I can wait.

That's better. Let's start. Ok we had 10 attempts at completing the mission in the last 24 hours, that's good work but a little way off optimal. Let's see what the next few days brings.

CMDR Sulu, your first Unlimited submission ticked all the boxes objectively, but your post run report was shoddy to say the least. You claimed an elapsed time 20 minutes over your actual time and you didn't claim additional merit for running without shields. Now I don't have time to cover your ass with the pen pushers around here, and like I always say, the job's not done until the paperwork is complete, just like when you visit the john. Thankfully your second Unlimited submission saw you learn from your mistakes and I can only commend you for that. Good job CMDR.
Regulation wise, your run was a little scruffy as I'm sure you'll agree, but you got the job done. I'm sure there's more to come from you, son. Well done.

Ok, who's next?

CMDR Shaye Blackwood. Hell son, where'd you learn to fly like that? Showboating your way around and taking unorthodox lines didn't come from any academy training I know, but damn, I'm expecting great things from you. I can see you've got more in the tank. I'll be keeping my eye on you.

CMDR LeroyJethroTull. What can I say? I think I saw your ship type in a recent movie that bears no resemblance to this mission whatsoever, and you did good pilot. Right up to the point where you went to the wrong planet and blew up an innocent settlement. 2 E not 2 B !!! Read the damn mission brief again. Don't let me down again kid. I've got system authorities crawling all over my ass now wanting me to explain why one of our ships just spoiled a local dignitary's birthday party.

I need some good news. Who's next?

CMDR Raiko. Your strike on the Carrier Yard at Enoch Port was a thing of beauty. Great flying. Go see the mechanics to get that sticky throttle fixed that I noticed at The Lucent Embrace. I'm sure you'll be up there with the best of the best in a week's time, but just one thing, are your sunglasses too dark!!!??? Planet 2 E for Matarov Analysis Complex, not 2 B! Damn! You guys have caused a near political crisis today!

Somebody give me something to be happy about please.

Turner! Get out of that SRV and get over here!

Let's see, oh, yeah. Great run in Unlimited. Mmmhhmmm. Regulation, yeah. Not bad at all. You're the cream of the crop so far CMDR. Don't get cocky.

CMDR Martinjameson. I see you've improved too. Good run in Unlimited, but I can't accept it as you didn't give me your full loadout before or after you finished. We can't be seen to be contravening galactic convention with our ships CMDR. Please make sure you submit a full report in future.
Regulation wise, it's the same story. Good run but we gotta make sure those rules are followed to the letter otherwise we'll be up a certain creek, without a paddle. Full loadout next time please.

CMDR Tannis Phage. You got a little beat up there, and your ship is going to take some fixing, but you soldiered on and I like that son. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that knock on your head is why you chose the wrong planet to attack a settlement on too.

That made 3 of you!! Are you trying to get me court martialled?

On top of all that the debrief board seems to have some sort of glitch in it so I can't give you the tables tonight. Given the performance some of you turned in that's probably not a bad thing. I think it might have something to do with all that Cat Media and maybe there was a virus. Either way, I guess you'll just have to wait until the technical boys fix it.

Don't let me down tomorrow aviators!
but just one thing, are your sunglasses too dark!!!??? Planet 2 E for Matarov Analysis Complex, not 2 B! Damn!
I did nearly ask about the name.
The thing that convinced me that I had the right place is that it has the same layout.

I bought the sunglasses from this guy, they did go a bit dark at times.

You guys have caused a near political crisis today!
Collateral damage?

Permission to point and laugh and otherwise openly mock the cadet sir!
I'm pointing and laughing at myself - I'd even gone back in the dark to check I could locate my landing zone!

Go see the mechanics to get that sticky throttle fixed that I noticed at The Lucent Embrace.
That was so frustrating, it kept going back to 2m/s.

Oh well, I've time for one or two more attempts before bedtime.
Showboating? I'd never.

Just for fun, to see if it fit, and breaking the rules of only one missilrack.
Darn it CMDR! Have you got some kind of pyromania issues? Get over to the clinic and book yourself in with the shrink.

I will be checking you went.

Pull that stunt again and I’ll have you up in front the brass so fast you’ll think one of those extra missiles delivered you.

Who in engineering authorised the fitting of all that ordnance? I NEED NAMES!
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