The Buckyball Racing Club presents: Zombaland (Triple Eight Championship, Race 5)


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If you can do it faster than 10 then it's worth it. For example, a 30 minute run where you spent 8 minutes in the SRV will give a 8.5 minute bonus making the final time 21.5 which is 0.5 mins faster than if you didn’t do it at all.

Bonus = ((T - T/4) + 150) seconds
Where T = SRV section time in seconds.
Lovely thanks, that does make it much clearer.

Artemis suit runs the fastest
Does it actually run faster, or does it use slightly less stamina when sprinting by default?
For the avoidance of any confusion, the Pippin Beacon target (that you need to drive to within 100m of) is actually centered on the radar dish circled in this image and not the tall building as one might imagine.


Basically where my SRV is parked in this image.


P.S. I couldn't resist it ... spot the SRV!

Rule changes.

I’ve tweaked a couple of the rules.
1) The required landing distance at Pippin Beacon is now between 3km and 4km.
2) The no shields Gentle Lander bonus now pays 60s for 100%, 30s for 99% and 15s for 98%.

Also note, if you happen to incur any fines or bounties (ahem, you know who you are!) then there's an interstellar factors conveniently located at the finish line.
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I had time to scout out the settlements last night, thanks to Apex Taxi. I can't tell you how much Apex Taxi has helped me to get things set up for a race when completely free time at home is so scarce these days. Plus the stars seem to be aligning this week, which means I won't have to be using precious racing time to shake out the flaws in my strategy.

Also, for the record, the Extended Sprint Duration doubles the length of time you can sprint, and Noel Industrial Installation is the only settlement where the kiosk isn't immediately on your HUD within a few steps towards the landing pad arch.
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OK, I've now added an extra spoiler to the Race Submission Evidence section which contains a complete set of screenshots for an example run including some extra hints on when to take them and what to include plus a calculation of the final score.

As the sun rises (sets?) over Pippin Beacon there's just time for one final sweep of the course to clear away any debris from your test runs but otherwise all is peaceful ... the deep breath before the plunge!


Good luck everyone, and may the best Zombie hunter win!
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OK, I've now added an extra spoiler to the Race Submission Evidence section which contains a complete set of screenshots for an example run including some extra hints on when to take them and what to include plus a calculation of the final score.

As the sun rises (sets?) over Pippin Beacon there's just time for one final sweep of the course to clear away any debris from your test runs but otherwise all is peaceful ... the deep breath before the plunge!


Good luck everyone, and may the best Zombie hunter win!

I woke up early enough to sneak in a second trial run, both because my attempt last night was a disaster, and because I woke up and realized that my initial strategy could use some improvement.

And I was right.

I also may have to rethink the ship I'm planning on using for Unlimited. Being unable to get to the cargo hatch once may be bad luck. Four times is a pattern... though to be fair this morning I chose to leave Pippen from a completely different direction, and managed to wiggle my SRV under my ship this time. ;)
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