The "Can I Run Planet Coaster" thread

Hi All,
I'm new here, hopefully soon I will be here more...

I am thinking about buying a new PC (only for Planet Coaster to be honest...),
Do you think a PC with the following spec will be able to run it properly?

Thanks in advance,

  • 7th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-7700HQ Quad Core (6MB Cache, up to 3.8 GHz)
  • 16GB Single Channel DDR4 2400MHz (8GBx2)
  • NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1050 with 4GB GDDR5 graphics memory
Hi All,
I'm new here, hopefully soon I will be here more...

I am thinking about buying a new PC (only for Planet Coaster to be honest...),
Do you think a PC with the following spec will be able to run it properly?

Thanks in advance,

  • 7th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-7700HQ Quad Core (6MB Cache, up to 3.8 GHz)
  • 16GB Single Channel DDR4 2400MHz (8GBx2)
  • NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1050 with 4GB GDDR5 graphics memory

Hell Yes. Your game may start to struggle with 2,000+ guests... but the game should run well on high settings...
Dont buy the game. Its the flop of the year. Your fps will sink to 10 with 20% map filled and 5k guests. This game is a wreck and total unplayable. so sad but true. great potential but ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎ coding
Dont buy the game. Its the flop of the year. Your fps will sink to 10 with 20% map filled and 5k guests. This game is a wreck and total unplayable. so sad but true. great potential but ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎ coding


Yeah he has a bad computer and now it's the games fault.
I've seen him posting before.

Never any positive things, only negatively bringing the game and other forum members down.
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Yeah my I7 2700k and GTX980TI is very bad. The 16GM RAM is also sooo bad. No the only bad here is the game. I waited patiently for patches to fix this disaster. Now after several patches and still ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎ performance its time for a final call: dont buy this. you have been warned
Your i7-2700 is almost 7 years old so how do you want to compare that with today's technology....

Even de i5's of today are better....
Your i7-2700 is almost 7 years old so how do you want to compare that with today's technology....

The 2700 compared to 7700 in PC or other games has no real performance impact. The fps boost i would get from the 7700 is ~3-4 fps. AS I have 13-15 curently the game would still be unplayable. I have filled out only 20% of the map. Why do people like silvarett not post big parks? Because NO ONE can run them. So this game is a fail in design and code

Then play another game.

Or give some constructive feedback.

edit: removed a bad comment. not nice.
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Then play another game and don't be a sad kid complaining here.

I paid ~100€ for this (alpha) and I have all right to complain and warn others to not buy this. The game itself is fun if you like to build a 100m² park. If you like to go medium or big this game becomes unplayable. disaster in design
I paid ~100€ for this (alpha) and I have all right to complain and warn others to not buy this. The game itself is fun if you like to build a 100m² park. If you like to go medium or big this game becomes unplayable. disaster in design

As you can see I edited my post as I was reacting from emotion. It was a bad response.

I still find it strange (although I play on medium settings) that I can build a very decent park with my I5-6500, 8gb and a gtx660.
The problem still mostly is Dx11.
You can build a full park if you not detail much of course. look my post history. I have posted several pics of my park with mass detail. I had to stop early 2017 because of performance. I can even remove all people from my park and the fps stays the same. the object renderer is the problem. just bad coding. I waited half a year hoping for the one patch to fix this. but it wont happen. this game is unplayable for the next years. maybe once when 6/7 ghz cpu's rise this game will become playable but until then: dont buy it
As you can see I edited my post as I was reacting from emotion. It was a bad response.

I still find it strange (although I play on medium settings) that I can build a very decent park with my I5-6500, 8gb and a gtx660.
The problem still mostly is Dx11.

Just ignore him. He is obviously a troll. It is true the i7 2600k should have no problems with modern games; especially when OCed its an absolute beast. I can know, because I have one myself paired with a measly gtx 760TI and the game runs fine on medium settings. Of course with 1000s of guests my fps will go down, but what do you expect really. THOUSANDS, I dont get why people don't see how much that actually is....
I have an i7-6700k. I know that the i7-4700k or something from an older generation of Intel is a little bit faster stock clock speed. Along with a GTX 1070 I can play the PAX map by Silveret on Ultra preset 1080p full screen with 28-40fps. I can play a map with 20 rides and 6k people with 26-40fps. Planet Coaster is not one of those games where you can realistically get 1080p 60fps all the time. Some modern games CAN be very demanding on even high end hardware.
Just ignore him. He is obviously a troll. It is true the i7 2600k should have no problems with modern games; especially when OCed its an absolute beast. I can know, because I have one myself paired with a measly gtx 760TI and the game runs fine on medium settings. Of course with 1000s of guests my fps will go down, but what do you expect really. THOUSANDS, I dont get why people don't see how much that actually is....

LOL. Its ok Mr Fanboy. Enjoy your FPS in ur mini park
If you just look at some of my other posts you see I am very critical about Planet Coaster and its faults.

Anyway, as a programmer I can at least understand why the game runs the way it does. And for the amount of guests that are being simulated and the amount of highly detailed objects that can be rendered at a time paired with a really good lighting engine the game runs rather well. Now it is of course a different question if the guest-flow simulation was worth it (many people prefer the way peeps walked in RCT1 and 2..) But I wouldn't call the game badly coded at all. It is just "next-gen", like Crysis 1 once was.
Intel has not produced a compelling reason to upgrade from a quad-core Sandy Bridge CPU. There should be no debate about the i7-2600k -- it is still relevant today. It doesn't crush benchmarks, but it performs more than well enough to run Planet Coaster. You don't need the latest and greatest to comfortably run PC games. Lay off the media and marketing hype. Only upgrade if there's a legitimate reason to upgrade, and don't limit yourself to Intel if you are going to upgrade.

I argue that the way you configure your system has much more impact on games like Planet Coaster than the hardware does. The number of background craplets, unnecessary services, bloatware, and simultaneous programs makes a huge impact on how the game performs. If you're letting Dropbox or One Drive sync while playing Planet Coaster, then you're doing it wrong. If you're letting Windows Defender scan while playing, then you're doing it wrong. If you're running Discord, Mumble, and Skype in the background at the same time, then you're doing it wrong. If your taskbar is filled with a dozen background apps, browsers with many open tabs, or other stuff competing for resources, then you're doing it wrong. It never ceases to amaze me how people don't realize or make excuses for all that extra junk running.

I recently had a friend complain about the performance of a new AMD 1600 not being any better than an i7-920. The reason? Dropbox, Skype, Discord, Steam, Google Update, Adobe Update, One Drive, Avast, CCleaner, Libre Office, Lexmark printer status, HP printer status, iTunes, and HP Update all running in the background randomly calling out for attention. His Task Manager startup list had 25 items enabled on it!!! Cleaning out all that crap made his computer fly the way it should. Gaming performance, likewise, improved.
Yeah my I7 2700k and GTX980TI is very bad. The 16GM RAM is also sooo bad. No the only bad here is the game. I waited patiently for patches to fix this disaster. Now after several patches and still ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎ performance its time for a final call: dont buy this. you have been warned

There's seriously something wrong with your computer if it's performing as badly as you say - or to put it in other words, it isn't the game. I know it hurts people to realise but it's a demanding game, all I use this game for is exploring massively detailed parks on Ultra settings, and I don't have issue. Talking 20mb+ parks. What settings are you running the game on?
for the ones that can afford it, intel is releasing skylake-x and kabylake-x next month, they have confirmed 8 and 10 core cpu's with turboboost 3.0 with a boost clock of 4.5ghz, i imagine that will run planet coaster extremely well, but the 10 core will be 1,000 bucks with the 8 core coming in around 700.00 from what i have read on the new x299 platform. amd didn't hold the multicore market for very long. i have a 7700k at 5ghz, i plan on going with the 8 core 16 thread at 4.5ghz, if it does that out of the box, we can probably get at least 4.7ghz out of it.
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