Imagine the continuation of a new roller coaster. Whith new graphic effects who use the Unreal engine 3 system. Your Parck can be visit by real people thanks to internet when you have open an they can try your amusement an give a mark for the parck evaluation. All people can visit your parck with a helmet of virtual reality who can follow your head movement in the space for a total immersion. there is a new tool who allow to build a underground scenery . For exemple a big cave with a monster inside and a underground lake. There is the possibility to put a ambian song where you want. Wy not in the cave. the imagination have no limit. Please answer me and say me your opinion on this project. Well. If the Frontier worker have read this message they can say me her opinion and if my idea is appreciate by her and if they are going to make this game for the biiiiiiiiig fan's and for have a lot of $ of course. Write me at (Scuse me for the fault i'm french and i dont know all the words for the moment) see you lader.