The Dangerous Games: The Rise to Power!

Not really. We each have our own. If we want to join together afterwards who cares? Powers are made up of multiple player groups already.

It looks like you're hedging your bets though. I see that the Winged Hussars, who are the third member of the Border Coalition, have now listed themselves as a wild card entry.


But congratulations to all that have been chosen!
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Not really. We each have our own. If we want to join together afterwards who cares? Powers are made up of multiple player groups already.

You don't think its strange that 2 of the 5 competing powers will both create a Power called the Border Coalition with both groups as members?

The Border Coalition is a union of player minor factions on the edge of civilized space joined by necessity to protect each other from encroachment of aggressive major powers. Originally founded by an odd alliance between the Mercs of Mikunn and Communism Interstellar, recent events have caused the rapid growth of the alliance. In its current form, the Coalition is simply a defensive pact, and aggressive measures will only be taken in the event of an attack or territorial loss. In the event that one of the factions involved becomes a power, that faction will ask Frontier to make the created power representative of the Border Coalition.

You have a faction called the Interstellar Communist Union, and Communist Interstellar, and only one of them might make a pro communist power.

I imagine players wanting to support a communist faction would be very interested to know if they support CI they are helping to create an amalgamated power made up from Communist and Feudal elements.

I don't think splitting your players across 2 entrants gives you an advantage, its probably a disadvantage, but I think players would like to know what new power they are supporting.
It looks like you're hedging your bets though. I see that the Winged Hussars, who are the third member of the Border Coalition, have now listed themselves as a wild card entry.

If various groups have alliances and coalitions, isn't that just sensible politics? I'm not sure it means they are all the same people does it?

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
You have a faction called the Interstellar Communist Union, and Communist Interstellar, and only one of them might make a pro communist power.

I imagine players wanting to support a communist faction would be very interested to know if they support CI they are helping to create an amalgamated power made up from Communist and Feudal elements.

Both would be part of a pro Communist power . If you want to support a purely communist power then its the ICU for you. If you want to support a communist player group that has entered into a long term alliance with their neighbours who are Feudal then its CI and the power if we were to be lucky enough to launch the border coalition as a power. It would also contain a cooperative supporting player group.

We has our first positive interaction with the Mercs in April 2015 and agreed terms for an alliance last July.
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You don't think its strange that 2 of the 5 competing powers will both create a Power called the Border Coalition with both groups as members?
Not really, we've been working on this a long time. Well before the current situation eventuated. What it demonstrates is that there are two groups, already allied because they are neighbours, who know how to work the BGS well. That this fits FD's criteria is incidental, although not unwelcome.

You have a faction called the Interstellar Communist Union, and Communist Interstellar, and only one of them might make a pro communist power.
Incorrect, the ICU are a Russian faction with whom we share some history and with whom we are also, naturally, allied. However, they're based on the other side of the bubble from us.

I imagine players wanting to support a communist faction would be very interested to know if they support CI they are helping to create an amalgamated power made up from Communist and Feudal elements.

I don't think splitting your players across 2 entrants gives you an advantage, its probably a disadvantage, but I think players would like to know what new power they are supporting.
Should they wish to know, we will answer transparently and honestly.


I answered in my interpretation of "you have" as "you are." Jane's understanding of the sentence clearly differs from mine.

Anyway, what's all the fuss about?
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Top 5 groups that qualify for the final "Rise to Power" event are (in no perticular order)...

Mercs of Mikunn [MoM]
Communism Interstellar [CI]
Social Eleu Progressive Party [SEPP]
Interstellar Communist Union [ICU] (different group to the one above)
Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corp [AEDC]

If anyone feels they're group might have been missed for whatever reason and would like me to check the list and confirm they are not top 5, then let me know ASAP.

Otherwise, it's wildcard entries which will be closing shortly.

Congrats to all of those picked!

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
It is also worth saying that we originally wanted to make one entry between us Frontier said it would unfair on the other groups if we were to be allowed to combine our expansions/influence etc so we should be treated as individual groups. In then end we nearly got all 3 of us in anyway.
My main question is: Where will the new power's capital be?

I haven't seen any indication that the current center of operations will become the capital. For all we know, the new capital could be hundreds of LY away from their current area. There is prior art: The power LYR, a.k.a. Sirius, is located far away from the star Sirius.

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
My main question is: Where will the new power's capital be?

I haven't seen any indication that the current center of operations will become the capital. For all we know, the new capital could be hundreds of LY away from their current area. There is prior art: The power LYR, a.k.a. Sirius, is located far away from the star Sirius.

Of the top 5, only the AEDC are within the PP bubble (save for one overlapped system between the Mercs and Archon Delaine)
Of the top 5, only the AEDC are within the PP bubble (save for one overlapped system between the Mercs and Archon Delaine)

No Mercs of Mikunn factions in our bubble :)
We have 2 Dukes of Mikunn minor factions in the Wadir bubble though, one ruling a system, one not.

AECD would have to be right in the heart of Mahons territory, will be interesting to see what they will do with this if they win.
Surely a second Alliance Power would have to start in Alliance space
Aisling's headquarters of Cubeo is nowhere near Cemiess (an ALD exploited system), either. Sirius Corp isn't the only one. My guess is that they'll get slotted in place of the power they wind up replacing. I doubt they'll extend the count over 10 just yet. I suppose it depends on which player faction wins, too.
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Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
No Mercs of Mikunn factions in our bubble :)
We have 2 Dukes of Mikunn minor factions in the Wadir bubble though, one ruling a system, one not.

AECD would have to be right in the heart of Mahons territory, will be interesting to see what they will do with this if they win.
Surely a second Alliance Power would have to start in Alliance space

The Dukes of Mikunn were the Mercs qualifying faction, just as the WMLU were ours. Imagine the outcry if we have both entered both our supported factions.

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That's their current base. My question is about the future capital of the power. That might not be the same location.
I can only speak for ourselves, but we would not have any interest in being a power if were not in our bit of space. I imagine that most BGS groups feel the same.
No Mercs of Mikunn factions in our bubble :)
We have 2 Dukes of Mikunn minor factions in the Wadir bubble though, one ruling a system, one not.

AECD would have to be right in the heart of Mahons territory, will be interesting to see what they will do with this if they win.
Surely a second Alliance Power would have to start in Alliance space

We were agonizing about this very thing. We were unsure whether to even throw our hats into the ring because of potential damage to Mahon. Zacs post above that any new power would be located away from an existing one (or words to that effect) reassured us.

We have excellent relations with AOS and Mahon, and AEDC has invested heavily in Mahon's success to date. We were heavily involved in the early days and have come back to assist during Mahon's current hour of need. I would publish our activity logs as proof, but that would be giving too much away. A second Alliance power acting in concert with Mahon would only be a good thing. It aint easy being green and alone!

And of course lets not forget that there is the small matter of actually winning the damn games. Looking at the list of competitors its going to be quite the challenge!
I can only speak for ourselves, but we would not have any interest in being a power if were not in our bit of space. I imagine that most BGS groups feel the same.

I agree that other PMF would feel the same way, which means FDev really should clarify this ASAP, so everyone knows what they are getting in for.

Maybe none of the current 5 contestants would have accepted entering if they will be placed elsewhere in the galaxy.

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
I agree that other PMF would feel the same way, which means FDev really should clarify this ASAP, so everyone knows what they are getting in for.

Maybe none of the current 5 contestants would have accepted entering if they will be placed elsewhere in the galaxy.
In our chat with Frontier we did clarify that our area was ok before we accepted - again can't speak for everyone else
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