The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition

Anyone seen this before?

Question: how do I filter out T Tauri stars when plotting a course? I always end up in the middle of nowhere in T Tauri clusters.

Filter out L, T, and Y stars. Perhaps Proto Stars too, but I'm not sure.

If I am not mistaken, when you use the filter de-select everything after type M. Then every way point should be a scoopable star. The plotter may use non-scoopable here and there if it has too, but the majority of your stops will be scoopable. If anyone knows this to not be true please chime in
DECE scouting crew:

- Henkka77
- |Element|
- iain666
- Hanekura Shizuka
- Wheezy Platypus

We aim to deliver good basecamps for you and us to enjoy. As we are all first timers in this kind of thing, bare with us as we are learning this thing as we go.
Hopefully we can find great and enjoyable camp sites. :)

If someone still wants to join scouting crew, youre very welcome. We could use at least one cmdr who is between GMT+0 and GMT+4.
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DECE scouting crew:

- Henkka77
- |Element|
- iain666
- Hanekura Shizuka
- Wheezy Platypus

We aim to deliver good basecamps for you and us to enjoy. As we are all first timers in this kind of thing, bare with us as we are learning this thing as we go.
Hopefully we can find great and enjoyable camp sites. :)

If someone still wants to join scouting crew, youre very welcome. We could use at least one cmdr who is between GMT+0 and GMT+4.

I’m GMT+1 and I would be interested in joining the advanced scouting party as I was looking to set off a week early and try and get a bit of a head start. My only concern is that I’m not sure how active I would need to be to be any help and I’m off on a 4-6 week trip to SE Asia in March next year 😐
So I signed up on EDSM and I’m assuming most of you will be using EDSM to log your stops at waypoints? As an Xbox user I don’t have that option.

Is there a way for us to log our stops?
I’m GMT+1 and I would be interested in joining the advanced scouting party as I was looking to set off a week early and try and get a bit of a head start. My only concern is that I’m not sure how active I would need to be to be any help and I’m off on a 4-6 week trip to SE Asia in March next year 

Thank you for the offer Cmdr.
But unfortunately i really would like to have someone from the PC roster, as scouting requires that we should be able to be in the same instance, just for example to test few things like possible fighter locations, srv rally locations, etc etc. :)
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I saw a T Tauri last night that looked like an F. That was quite big. Specially when I kept flying towards it wondering when the fuel scoop was going to kick in :D
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Thank you for the offer Cmdr.
But unfortunately i really would like to have someone from the PC roster, as scouting requires that we should be able to be in the same instance, just for example to test few things like possible fighter locations, srv rally locations, etc etc. :)

No worries ;)

Im still going to make a start this weekend as by the end I may be a quite few weeks behind everyone assuming I survive :cool:
I've been following the planning here, and it looks like you're all going to have a great time out there! I was tempted many times to sign up for this expedition, but I just can't commit to something so long term and scheduled. ;) I'll probably go to Beagle Point and back before the expedition gets there, depending on when I decide to go.

Maybe I'll swing by one of the base camps at some point. Good luck, and safe travels everyone!
Last weekend before we go and new Beluga paint jobs drop! Guys, I am EXCITED!

It's also the last weekend to collect synth mats for heat sinks. Although I feel it's overkill, I've got 7 reloads ready thanks to my local anarchy nav beacon. If anybody wants to wing-up to go materials shopping, hit me up in game or discord--I know not everyone enjoys combat, but I can always make 'em go "boom" while you scoop :D

The two materials needed drop from transport ships, which is just about everything--all Lakon ships, as well as Sidewinders, Cobras, Adders, Haulers, Pythons, 'condas, and even the Saud Kruger ships drop 'em. Watch out, wedding barge!

[edit]: Forgot to mention I can wing with anybody in Open, FleetComm, or Mobius PvE.
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