The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition

Gonna hitch a ride on the Gnosis on Thursday. Meantime I can still improve my shields a tad (pretty pointless but I've engineered the heck out if everything else).
Quick question guys - are there any third party apps for ED that calculate and show you how much exploration data you've got?
Afaik Captains Log. Never used it, only hear say.

I'll second Captain's Log. I used it during DWE, and the new version uses the journal to auto-update what you find, no more manual entry! I use it concurrently with EDDiscovery+EDSM

Get it at

Captain's Log does the job alright, thanks for the advice CMDRs!

I've just handed in enough data to hit Pioneer too, that's another tick off the bucket list before I leave the bubble :)
Well, i installed EDDiscovery after long break. Used it back in DWE, but back then it was way different and way too complex. After that i have uploaded my journal entries to EDSM using EDMC, but for this trip i wanted something a bit more versatile.
But now i think i will also try Captains Log for the first time, theres no harm if i use both, is there?
Downloaded 'Captains Log'. No harm in giving it try again if it now auto updates from your journal. Tried a very early version of it but found to much time spent doing manual entry's.
Quick question guys - are there any third party apps for ED that calculate and show you how much exploration data you've got?

ED Discovery will show you an estimated value of bodies scanned since your last dock (and in any any other number of arbitrary time periods you want to look at). We can't factor first discovery bonuses and credits from stuff you just honked into that.

Captain's Log does much the same but I'm not a dev on that so I'm biased and ED Discovery does all kinds of other cool stuff too ;)

But now i think i will also try Captains Log for the first time, theres no harm if i use both, is there?

They should play nicely together.
Well, i installed EDDiscovery after long break. Used it back in DWE, but back then it was way different and way too complex. After that i have uploaded my journal entries to EDSM using EDMC, but for this trip i wanted something a bit more versatile.
But now i think i will also try Captains Log for the first time, theres no harm if i use both, is there?

I'm using both and have been using both for quite some time. I have EDD on my left screen, Elite runs on the centre screen, and Captain's Log run's as an overlay together with two more overlays from EDD. See pics below:



Both apps are awesome.
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I use both EDD and captains log (and did have TCE as well for system security info and stuff). All running problems.

Functionally....EDD I'd probably the most complete. It's almost the only tool you need. But.....the others are prettier :)
Now that EDD added system info I have started to drop TCE. But...TCE was better visually as it colours 'anarchy' in red and 'high security' in green where as EDD doesn't do you have to actually read it. For this trip though it's hardly a factor :) hence dropping TCE.

EDD can pop up a panel on body scan showing a bunch of info including the likely TC range for the primary star.
But I'm intending to keep CL2 running concurrently for now because:
It automatically flicks between overlay and window mode.
It looks pretty like I said before and colours info about the body scanned.
Can upload to imgur automatically.....the EDD team looked at doing this but decided against it.

I usually have EDD running on a 2nd screen and CL2 on overlay.

I also find CL to be better for planet exploration (currently). Alt C back to the window app and tap the body to get the overlay to display that one (assuming it wasn't the last one scanned that you're interested in).
Now the overlay gives you all the mats and %ages and, crucially, the gravity. I'm not sure EDD can do that (yet) as it only seems to show the last scanned body (unless I'm missing a trick).
And *then* CL can give you bearings. Type in from and to go ordinate and it'll tell you how far and which direction. (getting the radius from the scan. It'll also add the starting Co ords from your touchdown entry if applicable).

On the flip side, EDD has the shopping list.

Both tools are fantastic :) and it's great they play nice together and complement each other so well.
If you pop out the scan panel from EDD and make it transparent and on-top then it might do what you want, although you'd still need to click a body to see details. If CL does it in a tabular form that could be nicer and I might write that as an EDD transparent panel now you've made me think of it...
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Lol, he better not..... he's our head Scout [haha]

I thought we were all equal.. :eek:

Re: Captains Log

Those overlays look great, have to give it a go then. It looks way more simplified than EDD, but i have to learn to use EDD also. To get the best from both, right..?
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If you pop out the scan panel from EDD and make it transparent and on-top then it might do what you want, although you'd still need to click a body to see details. If CL does it in a tabular form that could be nicer and I might write that as an EDD transparent panel now you've made me think of it...

I have this running on my 3rd screen, you don't need to click only hover to see the body's details, it also doesn't remove the focus from ED so quite safe while playing.
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