The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition

Welcome to your other life :D
Every time I fly with the Rift it makes me smile, I just asked my wife if she could see my screen and she said yes, and asked what she was looking for and I responded " nothing , JUST LOOK AT IT" haha

My biggest issue is with using the keyboard, I can't type without seeing the keyboard for some reason

I just docked at the Witch Head Science Centre. Spent a long while just cruising around the asteroids before letting the DC take me in to the strains of "The Blue Danube". The sense of scale is just incredible, why did I wait so long :(

Can't wait for the first of the updates where we see the back of the beige planets and hopefully true dark sides, it's going to look incredible in VR.
SO, if the info Frontier told us at the Expo today is correct, we should see a substantial change in the galaxy sometime in the first quarter of 2018, right about the time we're approaching the western cardinal point or so. The beige planets which plague the galaxy will be replaced with incredibly awesome colorful worlds, possibly even with improved and more varied surface terrain to explore:


When this goes live expect me to fall very, VERY far behind the fleet!!!! [big grin]

I'm not kidding, I'm actually worried that when this goes live I will be so distracted that I may end up lost in space forever.....
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SO, if the info Frontier told us at the Expo today is correct, we should see a substantial change in the galaxy sometime in the first quarter of 2018, right about the time we're approaching the western cardinal point or so. The beige planets which plague the galaxy will be replaced with incredibly awesome colorful worlds, possibly even with improved and more varied surface terrain to explore:

When this goes live expect me to fall very, VERY far behind the fleet!!!! [big grin]

I'm not kidding, I'm actually worried that when this goes live I will be so distracted that I may end up lost in space forever.....

And the concept art for Q4 of 2018 is what I always dreamed about as an explorer...exciting/DIFFERENT planets to explore. I am really looking forward to Q1 and Q4

SO, if the info Frontier told us at the Expo today is correct, we should see a substantial change in the galaxy sometime in the first quarter of 2018, right about the time we're approaching the western cardinal point or so. The beige planets which plague the galaxy will be replaced with incredibly awesome colorful worlds, possibly even with improved and more varied surface terrain to explore:

When this goes live expect me to fall very, VERY far behind the fleet!!!! [big grin]

I'm not kidding, I'm actually worried that when this goes live I will be so distracted that I may end up lost in space forever.....

I'm also worried that there will be a bunch of new technologies and such available and we're far out there and no station to get them. :(
I'm also worried that there will be a bunch of new technologies and such available and we're far out there and no station to get thm. :(

Worry about them when you get back. My last circumnavigation was 1.3 to 2.2 - there's (probably) not going to be anything as fundamental as an SRV you can't buy while we're out so you'll cope. It'll be grand :)
Worry about them when you get back. My last circumnavigation was 1.3 to 2.2 - there's (probably) not going to be anything as fundamental as an SRV you can't buy while we're out so you'll cope. It'll be grand :)
But... but... I wanna new SRV!!! [cry]
But.... you can see half the world throught the nose hole? ;)

Just kidding. :D

But really, Vive doesnt have that hole and i just lift it to my forehead, although i can write without looking.

i can barely see anything out of my little peep hole ! But I seriously need to learn how to type without looking, I have the next year to practice, so maybe by the time this is over I may be good at it... [haha]

I just docked at the Witch Head Science Centre. Spent a long while just cruising around the asteroids before letting the DC take me in to the strains of "The Blue Danube". The sense of scale is just incredible, why did I wait so long :(

Can't wait for the first of the updates where we see the back of the beige planets and hopefully true dark sides, it's going to look incredible in VR.

Yes it is very nice indeed..... The Witch Head Science Centre seems tiny to me compared to the others, not sure why....
Ship built, mats gathered, supercruising to the Witch Head Science Centre now. I'm all set.

Same here ...i arrived today and i am ready and I dont know whats worse - waiting all this time prepping or actually being ready and having to wait only 7 days [where is it]
SO, based on what I saw in that stream....

I've stopped engineering. I can fly back to the bubble, and then return to wherever I came from in less time that it takes me to gather materials for an RNG roll. When 2.4.1 (or whatever) drops, I'll likely make a buckyball for the bubble to finalise my mods. My Anaconda is at just on 61LY right now, so it'll do (was hoping for 63-64).

The graphics upgrade looks nice, I think we are all for a treat when it goes live, and I expect the 3 or so days I spend buckyballing on release will be the bug sorting time. I also have a sneaking suspicion that new exploration mechanics *may* require new modules, again, a good reason for a buckyball run.

Anyway, I'm far more excited about this trip in general now, I was worried The Beige would kill my will to jump after a certain amount of time, but I'm actually hopeful for some truly awesome looking planetary base camps, and some wicked canyon racing.

Now, if we could only convince FD to let us untether our SLF's and dismiss the mother ship...

Anyway, I'm far more excited about this trip in general now, I was worried The Beige would kill my will to jump after a certain amount of time, but I'm actually hopeful for some truly awesome looking planetary base camps, and some wicked canyon racing.

As was I. Seriously, part of me was dreading circumnavigating the galaxy for an entire year with the galaxy as beige and boring as it is right now, and I wasn't sure I'd be able to handle it. Now though, I just have to survive for a few months and then suddenly there will be lot's of interesting worlds to explore at our fingertips.

Now I'm worried I won't be able to keep up after the Q1 update as I'll be constantly distracted by beautiful planets to land on along the way!

I also have a sneaking suspicion that new exploration mechanics *may* require new modules, again, a good reason for a buckyball run.

I think we'll actually be safe from this. It sounds like exploration mechanics will be in the very large Q4 update, the final one for 2018, and we'll most likely be back from our expedition by then. We don't know for sure though, so it could happen.
You may be right there, though I've allowed for a buckyball anyway I can easily do 6kLY in a 2 hour stint, probably 7 if I push hard, so there an back in less than a week.

Now, falling behind due to too much stuff to explore is a good problem to have. Up until now, I was seriously wondering what I was going to do for the res to of my week, with only a 1k LY a day rate of progress, the only things worth looking for would have been ELW's and Ammonia worlds.

But now... The sooner that patches pops up, the better, I think! For the first time in along time, I am genuinely excited for the game.

Bah.. Those new things will wait for you when youll get back.

When i leave, i leave. Ill come back Oct 2018, not a day earlier. ;)

As I said, I'm now basing this on actual "fun". I find it more fun to buckyball, than to grind for mats. I still have 20 odd rolls for FSD and modules. I'd rather spend 6 days buckyballing (~ 2hrs/day) than randomly spend an unknown number of hours grinding for an unknown (maybe) upgrade. For now, I think I'll grab my Cobra and fly out to where the Thargoids are, try and relive the "good old days" of 1989 (When I bought Elite on my Atari ST). Should be fun! May even go and check out all these ruins...

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The ship is built* and on station at the Witch Head Science Centre, got my lucky bottle of Lavian brandy, and the course has been locked in. I'm ready.

See you all for launch CMDR's.

*ECM as placeholder for Xeno-scanner, Collector Controller as placeholder for Repair Controller. Maximum jump range now 62.16LY.

That's an impressive ship you have there... my exploration anaconda is stripped down to the bones, and she has a smaller jump range than that... The RNGods must have been kind to you, CMDR.
You may be right there, though I've allowed for a buckyball anyway I can easily do 6kLY in a 2 hour stint, probably 7 if I push hard, so there an back in less than a week.

Now, falling behind due to too much stuff to explore is a good problem to have. Up until now, I was seriously wondering what I was going to do for the res to of my week, with only a 1k LY a day rate of progress, the only things worth looking for would have been ELW's and Ammonia worlds.

But now... The sooner that patches pops up, the better, I think! For the first time in along time, I am genuinely excited for the game.

As I said, I'm now basing this on actual "fun". I find it more fun to buckyball, than to grind for mats. I still have 20 odd rolls for FSD and modules. I'd rather spend 6 days buckyballing (~ 2hrs/day) than randomly spend an unknown number of hours grinding for an unknown (maybe) upgrade. For now, I think I'll grab my Cobra and fly out to where the Thargoids are, try and relive the "good old days" of 1989 (When I bought Elite on my Atari ST). Should be fun! May even go and check out all these ruins...


Ah, but of course if buckyballing is your thing. :)

Im way too busy irl for buckyballing. :(
Hey team, if you're looking for materials for on-ship heat sink production, I spent a couple of hours in Harang (Anarchy, Outbreak), at a couple of the Convoy Beacons close to the primary and picked up 27 Basic Conductors and Heat Conductive Wiring and 24 Heat Exchangers!

Target only the Type-6 Transporters though, the T9s will not drop these. Almost every T6 dropped something I needed, very good run tonight and I'm officially all set on materials for this trip!

I gained 0.04Ly range in the last couple of hours, so I guess I am done with engineering as well.

This is what I ended up with:

Still undecided about two things:

Drop the shields, probably in favour of a fuel limpet controller?
Saves about 1T for a bit more range. I can safely land up to 1.5G planets without shields, any other use for shields? How many of you are bringing fuel limpet controllers?

Take a second SRV?
That would add 4T and drop the range on fumes to 45.22, not sure if that is enough for Erikson's star. But for me an SRV is crucial, should I lose it, I will probably abort the expedition.
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