The Dev Dairy detective!

It might also just be the save game and its current date.

I noticed in the video the date of the park he played in. Early January 2016. Time could've passed, he saved, showed us the menu, and there you have it.

Sorry if I broke some hopes :D

- The Early Access will start in March.
- In RCTW (I know it's an another game) you see the real date when you save the game, so why not in Planet Coaster?
- 14/03/2016 is on Monday, a good day to start the Early Access.

I know it's a rumour :)

@Angelis: Yes, you posted it. What do you think?
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I have said I won't do betas/early access because I dislike playing incomplete game and ruin the "wow" of a full game.. but I do not know if I can stop myself from buying early access...
Probably just something like in Cities skylines where the day you open the Park is the real day you start a new game. Would be cool if they actually were doing a little easter egg though
Only reason why I haven't pre-ordered this game yet is because I don't know if I should buy early access or not!?!?!

I'm also waiting for more information about the Early Access. Can we play Planet Coaster every day or is it a few weeks or weekends...?

Brett, can you confirm this?
I'm also waiting for more information about the Early Access. Can we play Planet Coaster every day or is it a few weeks or weekends...?

Brett, can you confirm this?
The answer is in the question.

It's not a Beta Test (which is cut into differents phases) but it's an "Early Bird" (even if they were not very smart for choosing "Early Bird" rather than "Early Access" because this creates confusion, but it's not something new)

Anyway, like any Early Access, consumers pay for a game in the early stages of development in exchange of an access to the unfinished version of the game until the official release.

So of course you can play every day (except during maintenance/update, which seems logical).

Frontier said:
Your Early Bird Edition will grant you first access to Planet Coaster months before its official public release, and full access to the complete game upon release. The Early Bird Edition of Planet Coaster will be available to play March 2016.

If this is what they have sold to us, it is what it is ...
Otherwise, it would be false advertising, and they can be sued for that.
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I have said I won't do betas/early access because I dislike playing incomplete game and ruin the "wow" of a full game.. but I do not know if I can stop myself from buying early access...

This is exactly how I felt, but ordered early bird last week as I really cannot wait til the end of the year, and see everyone else playing it [squeeeeee] My first alpha/beta.

Hmm, I need an upgrade on my PC sharpish. Cant wait for March!!!
Here's a neat video of the on-ride perspective too:

Talk about never ending swinging on a ferris wheel! [big grin]

Thank you for that Brett. I have commented on this video channel, that if anyone is interested in Theme Park Games, to check the Planet Coaster website for the new game being released later this year, which includes this ride. So a good plug for Frontier which may gain a few more customers who don't know about this game.
I have said I won't do betas/early access because I dislike playing incomplete game and ruin the "wow" of a full game.. but I do not know if I can stop myself from buying early access...

Yes, I understand and 67,99 euros it´s a lot of money. I wonder how will be the final prize on final release?[haha]
The answer is in the question.

It's not a Beta Test (which is cut into differents phases) but it's an "Early Bird" (even if they were not very smart for choosing "Early Bird" rather than "Early Access" because this creates confusion, but it's not something new)

Anyway, like any Early Access, consumers pay for a game in the early stages of development in exchange of an access to the unfinished version of the game until the official release.

So of course you can play every day (except during maintenance/update, which seems logical).

If this is what they have sold to us, it is what it is ...
Otherwise, it would be false advertising, and they can be sued for that.

I know what Early Access means but on Facebook Frontier is talking about Alphas and Betas...
Entrance fee, free rides !!! Good !!! Amen !!!

Even if I always use the free option because I usually do theme parks and not amusement parks/fairs, the option of letting you choose paying for rides is good for everyone and needs to be there.
I like theres no booth option though, because that would make more real the free rides option, but lets not be close minded here, not only you is playing theme park simulators and people like different things.
I know what Early Access means but on Facebook Frontier is talking about Alphas and Betas...
Yeah I know [sad]
They like to play with words, and making simple things into something complicated. I REALLY dont know why.
It's their major weakness point. And this has been said (and said again) a lot. But maybe that's intentional ? to create buzz ? I dont know.

The last fail in date is, they used the word "darkrides" in the video (DevDiary), when I saw the video I was like "Oh no, bad idea", and now ? Well, people are claiming everywhere "heyyy, darkrides are confirmed, we are going to make the Phantom Manor"

Yeahhhhhhh [big grin] ... but nope ! [bored]
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Yeah I know [sad]
They like to play with words, and making simple things into something complicated. I REALLY dont know why.
It's their major weakness point. And this has been said (and said again) a lot. But maybe that's intentional ? to create buzz ? I dont know.
So they have said alphas, betas and early access... [knockout]

The Early Bird edition is 68 euros (67,99 - 26,99 = 41 euros for the early access / alphas / betas) so I want to know a lot about it:
- What is it (alpha, beta, early access)?
- How long can we play it?
- etc..
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So they have said alphas, betas and early access... [knockout]

The Early Bird edition is 68 euros (67,99 - 26,99 = 41 euros for the early access / alphas / betas) so I want to know a lot about it:
- What is it (alpha, beta, early access)?
- How long can we play it?
- etc..
I also want to know if we can play the whole game in march or that something is disabled...
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