THE DRY LANDS - A Desert Zoo Experience

I recently uploaded part of the fence used in front of the camels as a blueprint. In case you are interested:
It has been a while for this park.
Finished up something I started a long time ago. The ZooToxin Science Center with various venomous snakes and Gila monsters. It features a public window where guests can see venom extraction (snake milking) in action. I made a small presentation of it you can find below the pics. The video also gives a small update on this zoo.


Almost forgot to post this here. I more or less finished up my Wild West area with some facades to cover up a backstage building and one to house a restaurant. I also moved the donkey habitat closer to the rest of the Wild West builds. (Sherif has since been corrected to Sheriff)
A video is below the pics, which also includes a few other changes.

Planet Zoo Screenshot 2024.08.17 -
Planet Zoo Screenshot 2024.08.15 -

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