Sorry Scytale, I should have responded nicer. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, if your thinking that there is something left out in the Rift to find, you might be disappointed. If you think that there is still a narrative arc worth pursuing then, yeah, I think you're right.

No worries Mac.
Scytale is just an evil character whose first purpose here is to PROVOKE our FDevs to respect the high POTENTIAL this game has.
Most of his posts are directed to them...there is no longer a secret! You excellent fellow threaders are just a ...mean..for Scytale to tell THEM what he thinks.

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Nice, isn't it ?
Who didn't think he found the Marvel of the Milky Way when, young explorer, he came across this star diadem ?
Edit: keep going in the same direction, looking "up" ... soon you'll see another interesting one, near the roof of the Galaxy.

It's very interesting around here, but it's all been scanned, and I prefer to be first, so I've pointed my ship clockwise and hit the "thataway" button. :D
Either tomorrow or over the bank holiday weekend (as it is here in the UK) I would like to submit my CG proposal for the formation of a team of investigators to attempt to establish the extent of criminal activity during the Dynasty Expedition and, where possible, to bring the perpetrators of any crimes to trial. Please review the proposal here:
Also consider the nature of the subsequent formal investigation, as suggested here:
At this time the only concern I have heard is that the CG system, Zeaex, is not independent but as there is no guarantee that a system not allied to a superpower would be any less vulnerable to countermeasures by those involved in the conspiracy behind the Dynasty Expedition, I am inclined to stick to my choice of the Zeaex system. If you really think I am wrong about this, then we'll have to look elsewhere. Are there any other concerns?
The Formidine Rift was never about some deep "mystery". It was about about the narrative, the last hidden chapter of Elite: Reclamation. That chapter just grew into something bigger: a book of it's own. It's kind of like one of those old "Grunge Rock" CDs from the early 90's where they stuck a hidden track at the end that you could hear if you kept listening through silence after the last official track on the CD for 20 or 30 minutes. It was always "just" and Easter Egg. After CMDR Cly discovered Jaques sooner then Frontier anticipated some of that content got rolled into the Formidine Rift and the Rift became a contingency plan to allow Frontier to continue to expand on the story line of "The Missing".

CoR's involvement wasn't because Drew or Frontier simply because they got picked randomly from some hat from all the other player groups. CoR was one of the only, and first, groups founded on the principle of respecting the Lore. One of the chief questions CoR used to ask (still asks?) prospective members is "what Elite related novels or stories have you read?" They're basically a book club for Elite fans and much of their discussions are about the literature. Unlike most of us, who thought the Rift was a Rubik's Cube CoR understood that they were participating in a story like improvisational actors on a stage.

Still can't rep you but you are correct, That question about books read is still part of the application process! CoR was instrumental in breathing life back into the Rift mystery after it had initially been abandoned by FDev.
The Rift (for me) represented something that SHOULD be in the game. The whole of ED society is based on greed, so somewhere, someone would eventually do something that was beyond acceptable standards (even by ED warped standards) and then try and cover up the deed. It happens today in real life, it should appear in some form in the ED world.
In fact, the lack of any major corruption would be so unrealistic it would make the ED political setup unplayable. If Fdev have abandoned the rift mystery, they have made a colossal gameplay mistake and they need to resurrect it quickly.

All the wealth and power sloshing about in the bubble, and no-one trying to grab more than they deserve? Nope, that won't wash.
All this currently makes me think that the whole Formidine Rift mystery always has been just a tiny bit of a much bigger story arc/concept/idea.

I have been under that impression ever since i saw the Teorge Logs. Something big is coming that scares the sheep of whoever the Shepard is pulling the strings behind the empire and federation. Thargoids? Whatever alien race is in the flower ships? Whatever they were running from could already be here, that's why there is no attempt to silence or cover up the dynasty plan any longer.
If you look at Reclamation and the flow of the narrative you will notice one interruption and one addition that doesn't make any sense - the Formidine Rift. For me, by just looking at the story of the book, it's superfluous text in a novel without anything superfluous. It sticks out like a sour thumb.

After reading "And here the wheel" and "Elite: Legacy" I noticed that the parts of Reclamation that felt superfluous actually fitted in the overall theme of those three books.
As if those two paragraphs in Reclamation where added to the story to create a connection to the other books - or a small nod to the "secret lore source book, masterplan" the authors got from FD.

Interestingly the two paragraphs in Reclamation sparked the imagination of players more than the more obvious things in "And here the wheel".

All this currently makes me think that the whole Formidine Rift mystery always has been just a tiny bit of a much bigger story arc/concept/idea.

Correct. The rift is no longer a separate mystery. It was a finger pointing at things to come.
Now these things are comming.
I have been under that impression ever since i saw the Teorge Logs. Something big is coming that scares the sheep of whoever the Shepard is pulling the strings behind the empire and federation. Thargoids? Whatever alien race is in the flower ships? Whatever they were running from could already be here, that's why there is no attempt to silence or cover up the dynasty plan any longer.

That's why I'm currently on the far end of the RR line. I figure if the stuff hits the fan I can try supercruising to Andromeda....better get that hypersleep thing working :D
That's why I'm currently on the far end of the RR line. I figure if the stuff hits the fan I can try supercruising to Andromeda....better get that hypersleep thing working :D

Hadn't you heard? That's where they are coming from. You are now the galaxy's first line of defence and target 1 for the alien invaders.

All this currently makes me think that the whole Formidine Rift mystery always has been just a tiny bit of a much bigger story arc/concept/idea.

Oh yes, fully agree with this. I'm sure FD have a 10-year long strategic storyline and the FRift was just a tiny part of that. The trouble is that from their point of view it's a tiny part, but from our point of view, as players, it's been a huge part because it's the only part that has had obvious movement and goal. I think they have forgotten that to keep players's interest we need some smaller/shorter/more immediate story arcs to keep us immrsed. I don't get that immersion from PowerPlay, or the basic trading/BH/combat/mining/exploration activities; they are just the bones and we need some flesh and dressing to keep it interesting.
Millerport is in lockdown, sorry.

Don't be.
Only outfitting and market are locked.

easy quick $$$ (15M in 5 min )


I need a 8A fuel scoop for my iCutter ...
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