The great big Odyssey Screenshots thread


And nearby rock-climbing opportunity...


I have been searching around for an Odyssey atmospheric body with geo to see if it is the same as the Horizons ones, at the moment they are indeed. DSS fails, very widespread geo, I found one after searching for a few minutes;


A very thin atmosphere so not worth getting any other shots, but about .5g so couldn't jump much. I am still searching for an Odyssey body with both bio and geo so I can test the filters out, no luck so far!
It Finally Worked 2.jpg

It Finally Worked.jpg

So I FINALLY managed to get the DSS filters working closer to what was intended by the Devs. Sadly, this was a one off. It hasn't worked again since.

Ice Trees.jpg

Some more biologicals.

First Surface Scan.jpg

The aftermath of my first Surface-scan mission in Odyssey. They really need work.

Mission Accomplished.jpg

I finally succeeded at a Scavenger Elimination mission. Managed to take down 5 of them. I felt really proud of myself :) .
A Little Help.jpg

Funny story here. So I decided to take another Scavenger Elimination mission, and flew to the site.....only to see a Keelback and an SRV already at the location. Then I noticed in my mission screen (top right corner), that 2 of the 6 Scavs I needed to take down were already dead. I got to the Settlement to find 2 other commanders, laying waste to the Scavs left and right. By the time I got in there, 5 out of 6 were dead. Thankfully, I was able to take down the last one all by that is something, I guess ;).
Hey, look, the biological and geological filters finally "worked" for me and I did not get a Vomit Green Orb of Death! Aren't they purrrty? Look how easy it is to use them for navigation and read the HUD. I think I was better off when they didn't work. Not quite seizure-inducing (I assume, but I wonder if anyone has checked? Ditto for the exobiology mini-game).

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