I get 39.12ly jumps on a full tank with 2 SRVs
Right, but the only way you can do that is with a 1D power distributor. I think this is viable once you are 100% pro at surface landings, but until you reach that point having boost available will usually save your bacon if you come in too hot for a landing. This is one area where the Asp shines, because you only lose .15LY of jump range to add a big enough power distributor to be able to boost, verus losing 2.13LY in an Anaconda.
The reason for choosing the anaconda was:
- The internals. I'm not a too disciplined pilot, and make mistakes often, so 1 SRV won't cut it
- The FSD that can support all that weight, while still keeping jump range around 35Ly. Even if you could squeeze all this stuff onto an Asp somehow, your jump range would suffer...
Just to be annoying, here's an Asp with 2 SRVs that still gets 35LY jumps on a full tank.
I can totally appreciate that you need to like the ship you're flying though. I don't mind the spartan look of the Asp. If I didn't mind the slow turn rate of the Anaconda, I'd probably take that instead.