Game Discussions The No Man's Sky Thread

Yeah the start wasn't very elegant to say the least but what good does it do to keep hanging in the past, they came back with a lot of updates with a lot of content in a short time and all updates were free just as the one coming this summer.
Fdev hyped about iceplanets, carriers and whatnot but suspended or reprioritized those shortly before the actuall update and there's no substantial update coming for at least another eighteen months.
All devs make mistakes or say things they shouldn't, in the end it comes down to what kind of game I get to play, Hello Games definitely rectified their initial mistake in my book, I can't say that about Fdev.

Very nicely put, I agree as well. Most indie devs would just "run" with the money or tried payware DLC route.
I think there's a big difference between dev's who constantly make promises and never deliver (Peter Molyneux and Chris Roberts come to mind), and people who messed up but realize they did and tried to rectify it.

Sean Murray made some bad calls, but instead of being defined by them and doing a quick money grab and walking away he stuck with it, learned from it and its made him a better person and game dev. Were all human beings and make mistakes, but good ones learn from it and turn it into a learning experience. He didn't ask for more money, he didn't cash shop and dlc his customers and didn't just quit and move onto another game. He's making good on what he initially promised and that's a good thing.
Hyping products with false advertising is nothing new. It's commonplace. "New, Better Formula" on toothpaste. Yeah. Changed the ratio of the existing contents, change the box and colors to draw the eye, charge more. The outrage is still not even on simmer.

I remember in the 80's when the games were packaged with a pretty gauche painting on the box that was nothing like the game itself. Front: amazing space ships flying through asteroid fields. Content: monochrome pixels on the screen. Outrage!!!

The biggest hype maker Star Citizen, still around, and people are still pushing millions into it each month.

We never learn.
I've had a lot of fun with NMS. There are things I dislike about it, and things I really like about it.

I've had even more fun with ED. There are things I dislike about it, and things I really like about it.

Yay, me. I'm having fun. By the way, Rimworld is bizarre, just sayin'. Yes that's out of context. :)
I think there's a big difference between dev's who constantly make promises and never deliver (Peter Molyneux and Chris Roberts come to mind), and people who messed up but realize they did and tried to rectify it.
Yup. Those are guys with experience of big name products, advertising, and such. They know what they're doing.

Sean Murray made some bad calls, but instead of being defined by them and doing a quick money grab and walking away he stuck with it, learned from it and its made him a better person and game dev.
Agree. He's newer to the industry. Got drawn into Sony sphere and got hyped himself. He made mistakes, no question about it, but enough outrage is enough.

Were all human beings and make mistakes, but good ones learn from it and turn it into a learning experience. He didn't ask for more money, he didn't cash shop and dlc his customers and didn't just quit and move onto another game. He's making good on what he initially promised and that's a good thing.

Like they say, it's not how you start but how you finish.
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I've had a lot of fun with NMS. There are things I dislike about it, and things I really like about it.

I've had even more fun with ED. There are things I dislike about it, and things I really like about it.

Yay, me. I'm having fun. By the way, Rimworld is bizarre, just sayin'. Yes that's out of context. :)

What!? You're having fun?! That's all wrong. Games should be work, not fun. :D

If I bought a bottle of beer, and inside was water, and it wasn't a mistake it was water but the promise of beer was in fact a 'knowing misrepresentation' in order to get sales, and then a couple of years later I got an actual beer delivered to my door ... you're saying I should be grateful?

Here's a better analogy:

HG promised a premium lager 15%, we got a premium lager 10%......some people read "premium lager 15%" to mean "a Magnum of champagne".....and had a major strop.
I've had a lot of fun with NMS. There are things I dislike about it, and things I really like about it.

I've had even more fun with ED. There are things I dislike about it, and things I really like about it.

Yay, me. I'm having fun. By the way, Rimworld is bizarre, just sayin'. Yes that's out of context. :)

Haha... You sound like me, fancy that, I enjoy more than one game. :)

Not sure why people have to choose one OR another?

I do play both and I personally thought the ED Beyond update had more of interest to me than the NMS Next update, I understand that's just me.
Currently enjoying DW2 with one of my alt accounts, so mostly in ED, who knows something in the new NMS content my encourage me back. :)
I disagree it is a fake outrage... ...But trying to rewrite history ignoring/minimising how HG got all the funds they got is quite disingenuous though and a great disservice for the customer base imho.

I don't deny that the outrage was real. I just believe it was falsely based, as in, based on misunderstanding and over-hyped internet-fuelled expectations - a common phenomenon.

We disagree on what happened. Our experiences are clearly divergent. I believe that the game as presented on numerous occasions, complete with caveats given at the time, was what was delivered, and refunds given to those who were sufficiently upset.

I wholly reject that I am being disingenuous in the slightest, as I'm sure would you if so challenged. So, let's leave it there if we can.
What isn't there to like.. :D

I like it a lot, right now I'm searching for a nice planet to build an underwater base and personally I think that the underwater environments are even better looking then the surface.
Nevertheless I do understand that NMS's style is not everyone's cup of tea, saying it's a bad game because of that is nonsense thoug.
I like it a lot, right now I'm searching for a nice planet to build an underwater base and personally I think that the underwater environments are even better looking then the surface.
Nevertheless I do understand that NMS's style is not everyone's cup of tea, saying it's a bad game because of that is nonsense thoug.

I chose a planet near the core in the first galaxy for this. I've got a several land bases and sea bases, with several connected up to each other. I also built a couple of racetracks starting in the mountains (and have built bases into a couple of the mountains too). Conveniently there is a portal located not far away. I think I've got a picture of the co-ordinates somewhere, I'll see if I can find it. :)

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I chose a planet near the core in the first galaxy for this. I've got a several land bases and sea bases, with several connected up to each other. I also built a couple of racetracks starting in the mountains (and have built bases into a couple of the mountains too). Conveniently there is a portal located not far away. I think I've got a picture of the co-ordinates somewhere, I'll see if I can find it. :)


I never got how these coordinates work or where to use them, can you use them at all on the Xbox?
I found a nice planet with a very deep ocean, building there right now, most oceans aren't that deep but this one has that dark eerie feeling when you go down.
The first time I encountered a hypnotic eye was a shock. :)

You can use the runes at portals, once you have all the portal runes (or at least those that you need for a destination). You find the portal runes at traveler's graves - just ask a traveler where it came from. Can't remember how you find the portal - I think it is by taking something to a monument. Once you have found and unlocked a portal, you can jump to any other portal by entering the runes. Pretty sure they work on all platforms (though I play on PC).
The first time I encountered a hypnotic eye was a shock. :)

You can use the runes at portals, once you have all the portal runes (or at least those that you need for a destination). You find the portal runes at traveler's graves - just ask a traveler where it came from. Can't remember how you find the portal - I think it is by taking something to a monument. Once you have found and unlocked a portal, you can jump to any other portal by entering the runes. Pretty sure they work on all platforms (though I play on PC).

Thanks for explaining how those runes work, never found a portal though except the ones during community goals.

I usually shoot those eyes from the nautilon, first time during the quest dreams of the deep scared the hell out of me too lol.
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Thanks for posting that NMS - what a great presentation from Sean. He's clearly not comfortable stood up in front of people - but his honesty and sincerity shines through, and hopefully makes some realise how easy it is to criticise in absolutist language, and how terribly unhelpful that outlook on life can be.

As Sean says, we need to encourage innovation. Even if it fails.
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