Game Discussions The No Man's Sky Thread

Just watched the trailer.
And i still dont like the GFX, i still dont like the space flying part (cant even call it a flight model), i dont like the way space and planets are presented/draw/rendered and i really dont like the planetary features and on-foot part - too much Spore resemblance 😒
The main disservice that NMS gets is that it is perceived as a space game: it is not. Not at all.

Once you get rid of that misconception, it is a very fun game.

I was under that same impression until I decided to try it, last year.
Then I realised that it is an alternative to games like Subnautica, or Minecraft.
If one likes Subnautica, then NMS is much, much more!

Alternative to ED? Not in the slightest.
The main disservice that NMS gets is that it is perceived as a space game: it is not. Not at all.

Once you get rid of that misconception, it is a very fun game.

I was under that same impression until I decided to try it, last year.
Then I realised that it is an alternative to games like Subnautica, or Minecraft.
If one likes Subnautica, then NMS is much, much more!

Alternative to ED? Not in the slightest.

Good points. Really good points.

I do have an XBox One S - Minecraft edition (the one that looks like a grass block) with a green (creeper) controller and a pink (pig) controller
I played Minecraft for exactly 3 weeks, the first 3 weeks in November 2018.
Since the 4th week of November 2018 i played Elite as the only game played on my XB - that meant 3000+ hours.

Guess now it's clear why NMS does not cut it for me.
The main disservice that NMS gets is that it is perceived as a space game: it is not. Not at all.

Once you get rid of that misconception, it is a very fun game.

I was under that same impression until I decided to try it, last year.
Then I realised that it is an alternative to games like Subnautica, or Minecraft.
If one likes Subnautica, then NMS is much, much more!

Alternative to ED? Not in the slightest.

Absolutely spot on. NMS is not a space game. Space is just the loading screen to get to the next bit of gameplay. Although I've still to try 'Outlaws' yet (need to wait a day or two for the essential mods to be updated), that might be changing a bit, looking at the patch notes? :unsure:

As for the graphics, they are wholly consistent with the style. And they look damn lovely, especially in first person on a planet. So after a while, they just become the "reality" of this universe you get to play in... and you stop noticing them, in the same way you stop noticing that trees are green, and pavements are grey when you walk outside.
Absolutely spot on. NMS is not a space game. Space is just the loading screen to get to the next bit of gameplay. Although I've still to try 'Outlaws' yet (need to wait a day or two for the essential mods to be updated), that might be changing a bit, looking at the patch notes? :unsure:

As for the graphics, they are wholly consistent with the style. And they look damn lovely, especially in first person on a planet. So after a while, they just become the "reality" of this universe you get to play in... and you stop noticing them, in the same way you stop noticing that trees are green, and pavements are grey when you walk outside.
I have to admit that the aesthetics were originally offputting for me but, as you say, once you are into them, it all becomes part of the general mood.
Still, not my favourite, but it had to do mostly with non black space. Once I established that it's not really space, but some form of 1950s sci-fi teletubbies in aether, it all made sense.
After all, Subnautica is quite cartoony, but I love it for that.

And, on the other end of the spectrum, there is Kerbal Space Program which is hilariously cartoony, but it is THE space game to me, perhaps even more that ED.
Just watched the trailer.
And i still dont like the GFX, i still dont like the space flying part (cant even call it a flight model), i dont like the way space and planets are presented/draw/rendered and i really dont like the planetary features and on-foot part - too much Spore resemblance 😒

However, the dedication for the game that Helo Games is having over the years is undeniable
Anyway, even if ED servers would be shutting down tomorrow, i'd still not buy NMS since it doesnt check any boxes for me. :(
It does look a bit Sporey I guess. It's the artstyle. The gameplay doesn't feel like Spore. I'd say it is a space game. For me. Maybe it's more like a "journey game". Something with a RPG element due to the perspective and progression. Or the story. It is a very good exploration game. Kinda like every planet is just replaceable. You can always just jump to the next one. But you can always have adventures on the planet you pick.
They are "beliebig" (arbitrary) but can become "special" based on what you experience there. NMS is a journey and everyone has a different one. Maybe yours sucks, but I had memorable moments during mine.
Juniper's definition is on point though. The "space" isn't really the defining part of the gameplay. It's more the planets and space is something in between.
I’ll disagree that the space part of NMS is “just a loading screen to get to the next bit of gameplay” - most of my time in the game has felt very akin to playing original Elite and to a certain extent FE2. Trading goods between systems, taking missions, “boost” travel towards the Station with occasional interceptions, etc. On-foot play has just been gravy for my game.

For me, if I’m flying a spaceship through space doing spacey things, it’s a space game 😁

Looks like the new update will improve my play style significantly 👍
I’ll disagree that the space part of NMS is “just a loading screen to get to the next bit of gameplay” - most of my time in the game has felt very akin to playing original Elite and to a certain extent FE2. Trading goods between systems, taking missions, “boost” travel towards the Station with occasional interceptions, etc. On-foot play has just been gravy for my game.

For me, if I’m flying a spaceship through space doing spacey things, it’s a space game 😁

Looks like the new update will improve my play style significantly 👍
I think it can be different things to different people. It is quite versatile.
I've already had to fight off a pirate attack on my settlement... Jumping into my ship and fight. Interesting addition that now you have to take down their shield (like in Elite) before you can really take them out. So I have the laser and a rocket, and now I have to plan and use them accordingly. Before, it didn't matter what I used to take someone out. Basically, they've added a bit of tactical demand into the combat. Me like it!

Also, I started the outlaw mission, but had to do other things, so I haven't gone to the new outlaw station yet. Shouldn't take long though when I can start the game again today.

I found the squadron management screen. It might be in other places, but I found it in the fleet management console in the freighter. Opened up 3 of the slots with a bunch of nanites. I assume you get one or more for free at the end of the outlaw quest, but since I haven't finished that one yet.
Oh my gorsh... In the quest, I get into a skirmish with some more elite version of pirates. I have a fairly decent upgraded ship, but I had to really work now to take them out. I've done a couple of battles now under the new system, and I really love the new shield health thing, and some of the pirates are quite easy still, even though it's a bit more than before. But then there are some really hardcore pirates that took a lot longer to complete. They fly better, faster, smarter, and they recharge their shields within seconds. Dang, it was almost like fighting pirates in Elite. LOL!

Got my pass to the pirate base. Looked around and they now have outlaw missions. Super cool.

And another great update: a new high capacity storage in the ship. Really cheap. Only 300,000,000 per slot to upgrade. Luckily I've amassed 1.5 bil the last go-around.

This update definitely changed the feel of the game for me. It's not just flying colorful lego-ships, but there's some serious stuff. Also, I have the feeling the background in space has changed too. Looks better.
say what you want about the focus being on foot gameplay over space ship gameplay in NMS, but those space ships transforming .... if a non-space ship game is making way better space ships than your space ship game, what does that say for your space ship game?

If they could get a flight model that didn't feel like you were flying with training wheels on and full proper hotas support, NMS would be king of the genre spanning whatever survival niche you call it all the way thru Elite and star citizen....easily.
PSA for PS4 console owners... There is a hard cap on how much credits you can have... lol... So you can only cash out stock at a limited amount each time....

Did the cargo ship, so what next....

Did the fighter...
Boo it only goes half way down the screen...
On another note, there's going to be an outlaw expedition, ex6. Haven't checked if it's open already, but based on the expedition quicksilver rewards, there's a bunch of pirate stuff to own.

Also... yay, did my first smuggle run, and also hired a S-class V'ykeen to my squad.

When it comes to the question if this is a space game since there's not much "space" stuff to do, I'd say the outlaw update increased "space" activities, in particular for piracy. I'm going to sign up for a couple of pirate missions at some point, like stealing stuff from traders and attacking freighters. Sounds like a fun activity... in space. :D
Just watched the trailer.
And i still dont like the GFX, i still dont like the space flying part (cant even call it a flight model), i dont like the way space and planets are presented/draw/rendered and i really dont like the planetary features and on-foot part - too much Spore resemblance 😒

I used to feel this way about NMS. Dear God am I glad I got over that and can now enjoy the game to it's fullest!

WOW, this update is awesome! They gave us NPC Squadrons where we can manage our pilots and such, this is what I've wanted in Elite Dangerous for so long!
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And Hello Games just keeps giving, I love the new update, the new ships look awesome and I don't have to sacrifice one of my existing ships since you can now own nine ships instead of six.

HG never pre-announce what they're going to release but they sure do know how to surprise their players.
NMS just keeps getting better and better, and on all platforms, HG must know what they're doing, unlike some other developers who can't keep supporting multiplatform releases.
And Hello Games just keeps giving, I love the new update, the new ships look awesome and I don't have to sacrifice one of my existing ships since you can now own nine ships instead of six.

HG never pre-announce what they're going to release but they sure do know how to surprise their players.
NMS just keeps getting better and better, and on all platforms, HG must know what they're doing, unlike some other developers who can't keep supporting multiplatform releases.

What amazes me is how FEW developers Hello Games has, and yet how much more PRODUCTIVE they are compared to the likes of Frontier Developments and how many devs they have on Elite Dangerous. It's a stark difference in output and quality.
And Hello Games just keeps giving, I love the new update, the new ships look awesome and I don't have to sacrifice one of my existing ships since you can now own nine ships instead of six.
OH!!! I didn't know that. Very nice.

HG never pre-announce what they're going to release but they sure do know how to surprise their players.
NMS just keeps getting better and better, and on all platforms, HG must know what they're doing, unlike some other developers who can't keep supporting multiplatform releases.

Some pictures of my new solar ship:


I'm really excited about this update. Did one of the pirate missions. About to do a couple more. Have to tried them.

(for some reason, all my skips are red, except the Arrow.)
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