The Planetary Circumnavigation Club


Having just completed my own circumnavigation of a small moon in an SRV I decided to do a little bit of research and have come across enough other people crazy enough to perform this right of passage that I thought I'd create a new thread to celebrate their achievements.

If you too have driven around an entire planet/moon in an SRV and wish to be added to this exclusive list (or are aware of someone else who deserves to be included) then post the details of the circumnavigation in this thread (I'm afraid some form of proof of your achievement will be required whether that be a video, a detailed account or a testimony from one or more other trusted individuals).

Note: club members who are registered with EDSM will unlock an exclusive Planetary Circumnavigation Club badge.

Entries in chronological order of finishing ...

Cmdr namePlanet/MoonRadiusGravityStart/finish date(s)Distance travelledTime takenStatus
Tannik Seldon (aka SushiCW)EOL PROU IW-W E1-336 : 2A ("Tannik's Tater")??10.09.33021,137 km4 hrs 11 mins 36 secsSUCCESS
DisorganiseBeagle Point : 2??07.06.3302 - 11.09.33027,990 km134 hrs 29 minsSUCCESS
Nookie Mr.SmithVasak : C 1??15.03.3303n/an/aEPIC (but disallowed)
Timmy Brabston (aka subhouse07)Byeia Thaa ET-F D12 : 1 A??18.05.3303872 kmapprox. 1 hr 20 minsSUCCESS
Alec TurnerPleione : 3 A170 km0.04 g03.11.3303 - 09.11.33031,240 km7 hrs 43 minsSUCCESS
Aken B. (aka AkenBosch)Sol : Enceladus252 km?04.12.3303 - 17.12.33031,780 km21 hrs 49 mins 30 secsSUCCESS
MengyDahan : Coltan167 km?11.01.3303 - 04.02.33041,120 km65 hrs, 9 minsSUCCESS
Timmy Brabston (aka subhouse07)COL 107 Sector LX-S D4-2 B 1217 km?04.03.3304n/an/aGLORIOUS (but failed)
Nick SticksEol Prou FB-I b25-50 1353 km?27.12.3303 - 05.03.33042,785 km?SUCCESS
Serenice Charbonneau (aka Jazzlvraz)Hi'iaka (Sol)160 km?05.03.3304 - 10.03.33041,180 km23 hrs 28 minsSUCCESS
KrisSyralaei BF-A d69 5 a366 km?04.03.3304 - 15.04.33042,987 km56 hrs 54 minsSUCCESS
Bomba Luigi"Wilson" (PRAEA EUQ GK-Y B30-0 2)579 km?23.3.3304 - 16.04.33044,200 km58 hrs 6 minsSUCCESS
Eryn Liamson (aka Supermoose)Qeakae UW-E c11-1 A 1 A186 km??.5.33041,168 km?SUCCESS
Tannik SeldonBeta Sculptoris ABC 4 A B??27.05.3304?47 mins 49 secsSUCCESS
67MistakenotHyadum 1 2b150 km?30.05.3304 - 17.06.33041,000 km20 hrs (approx.)SUCCESS
Ray MobulaHyadum 1 2b150 km?30.05.3304 - 17.06.33041,000 km20 hrs (approx.)SUCCESS
PrimeTimeCasualMitterand Hollow684 km?12.06.3304 - 22.08.33044,297.7 km51.5 hrsSUCCESS
Timmy Brabston (aka subhouse07)Outotz FN-F B39-0 A 2375 km?06.09.3304~2,355 km??ORBITAL DEMONSTRATION
LoneJohnSIlverPria Thae JM-L c8-0 B 2 a159 km?14.09.3304 - 15.09.33041,000 km13 hrsSUCCESS
GreytestDahan : Coltan167 km?19.09.33041,049 km6 hrs 32 mins 57 secsSUCCESS
Chankk SaotomeOuchorphs SK-F d11-3 3 b154 km?17.09.3304 - 24.09.3304967.6 km~13hrsSUCCESS
Straha Yeagar (aka straha20)Phrae Flyou JN-S e4-382 2 g a651 km?01.09.3304 - 04.10.33045,220 km?~100hrsSUCCESS
OrvidiusSmojeia LI-E c14-1 1217 km?06.10.3304 - 13.10.33041,450 km33hrs 52minsSUCCESS
Termite AltairHyades Sector DR-V c2-23 A 5617 km?05.10.3304 - 20.10.33043,500 km??MORE OR LESS
ZiemanFlyae Blao LD-G c25-0 B 1 a429 km?18.10.3304 - 21.10.33042,700 km26hrs 11mins 48secsSUCCESS
Jonas TreesongAriel (Sol)579 km?29.09.3304 - 01.11.33043,940 km42hrsSUCCESS
RustnsawdustPrai Hypoo SG-I b40-0 2 a438 km?10.10.3304 - 06.11.3304~2,900 km~65hrsSUCCESS
Reighdar (aka Ian Phillips)Charon (Sol)604 km?24.09.3304 - 17.11.33044390 km67hrs 36minsSUCCESS
Exploris (aka Taronas)Olelbis 3a497 km?18.11.3304 - 05.12.33043780 km64hrsSUCCESS
Tado ChipHi'iaka (Sol)160 km?05.01.33051005 km7hrs 55minsSUCCESS
Stern Winter"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g29.01.3305 - 30.01.3305~900 km3hrs 45minsSUCCESS
Kezika"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g28.01.3305 - 30.01.3305860 km~8hrsSUCCESS
Sabazeus"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g01.02.3302860 km7hrs 12mins 7secsSUCCESS
Kit Ausland (aka Andrew Linton)"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g01.02.3305 - 02.02.3305890 km15hrsSUCCESS
AtomicFury (aka AtomicUnicorn64)"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g02.02.3305860 km4hrs 19 minsSUCCESS
Alex Swindler"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g01.02.3305 - 02.02.3305860 km?SUCCESS
PrimetimeCasual and Greytest"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g02.02.3305860 km4hrs 56mins 49secsSUCCESS
Moses8uno w/ Tenna"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g02.02.3305860 km10hrsSUCCESS
BastiWandeR"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g02.02.3305 - 03.02.3305860 km7hrs 45minsSUCCESS
Federico deSoya"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g01.02.3305 - 03.02.3305860 km16hrs 45minsSUCCESS
Daxterius"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g02.02.3305 - 03.02.33051000 km12hrsSUCCESS
Tenna"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g04.02.3305~860 km9 hrs 57 mins 10 secsSUCCESS
Oleg_wk"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g01.02.3305 - 06.02.3305955 km"a lot" ... about 35hrsSUCCESS
GerUA"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g01.02.3305 - 07.02.3305860 km13hrs 3minsSUCCESS
Dr.Nagi"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g03.02.3305 - 07.02.3305900 km2hrs 30minsSUCCESS
Werdna"Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)137 km0.04 g02.02.3305 - 09.02.3305~860 km>15hrsSUCCESS
DarkStarSwordFlyiedgiae QN-T D3-17 AB 1 A ("Quantum World's Neighbour")137 km0.04 g10.02.3305~917 km7hrs 34mins 19secsSUCCESS
Ascendingbike42Clooku EW-Y C3-197 5 G A??10.02.3305??NOVELTY FAIL
DalAdamantEuropa (Sol)??24.12.3304 - 03.03.3305~10,000 km~160hrs (69 days)SUCCESS
Jaunte (aka Turkwinif)Kumay (Chi Herculis)??16.03.33053,840 km?SUCCESS
Arburich59 Virginis 6 B A??04.05.33053,250 km19hrs 44minsSUCCESS
CaliberDRYAO AIN QL-Y DO 8 E??06.05.33053,000 km?SUCCESS
PrimetimeCasual, LordTyvin (also AggregateChip, Soundo & Andrew Purslow who's attempts failed due to loss of SRVs)Oevasy SG-Y d0 B 9 f (outer moon of Semotus Beacon)??04.05.3305 - 15.05.33054,239 km?SUCCESS (mostly)
soantiiSkueque LG-G c13-0 B 2363 km?17.05.3305 - 25.05.33052,280 km~50 hrsSUCCESS
Sandosan2Pru Aub DL-P e5-35 ABC 10 c a566 km?31.05.33053,555 km~1 hrSUCCESS (orbit)
IckyHi'iaka (Sol)160 km?27.05.3305 - 31.05.33051,005 km~9.5 hrsSUCCESS
RNGesus PrimeDryio Flyuae ZU-Y e367 A2a??31.05.3305 - 01.06.33051,024 km15 hrsSUCCESS
XenVanth (Sol)??16.06.3305 - 17.06.3305 (?)1,734 km30 hrsSUCCESS
Malic VRHIP 22588 2 A??02.08.3305(?)~5440 km in circumnavigational orbits (+ considerably more in interplanetary transit)?SUCCESS (orbit)
Swoop DoggHR 745 planet 1 A??01.08.3305 - 08.08.3305910 km11 hrs 15 minsSUCCESS
AlexfighterEifonth WR-A D14-6 B 1 A156.6 km?30.09.3305 - 02.10.3305990 kmapprox. 8 hrs 10 minsSUCCESS
Straha YeagerBlau Euq Wk-V d3-1 C 72019.77 km?6.08.3305 - 21.12.330516,000 km?SUCCESS
Straha YeagerBlau Euq WK-V d3-1 C 7 a674.93 km?23.12.3305 - 18.01.33064,500 km?SUCCESS
Alvin WallHIP 23759 9 A720 km?06.01.3306 - 02.02.33064,600 km?SUCCESS
Lord FlyvinTewanta A 7 g a838 km0.05 g05.02.3306 - 23.02.33065,265.30 km53.82 hrsSUCCESS
Nozdus3 Geminorum 2 A298 km0.08 g07.03.3305 - 08.03.3306over 1,782 kmapprox. 1 hr for 2 circumnavigationsSUCCESS (orbit)
Sealios MaximusFlya Hypooe TE-L b9 body 1286 Km?02.03.3306 - 09.03.33062,000 Kmapprox. 36 hrs 16 minsSUCCESS
Alec TurnerHIP 23759 9 A720 km0.08 g02.01.3306 - 23.03.33064,600 km~52 hrsSUCCESS
ZibadianZeta Tucanae 1205 km0.05 g18.07.3306 - 20.07.33061,400 km~15 hrsSUCCESS
AdoranzAemosys YE-A e37 2 B152 km?29.06.3306 - 25.07.3306~1300 km for the first (due to orbital deviation), ~1000km for the second~7 hrs for the first circumnavigation + 42 mins for the second (primarily orbital) circumnavigationSUCCESS (orbit)
Luna Sidhara (aka Arburich)59 Virginis 6 b1,305 km0.16 g01.08.3306 - 02.08.33068,199 km21 hrs 30 minsSUCCESS
Andrew LintonMercury (Sol)2,440 km0.38 g27.07.3306 - 05.09.330615,329 km?SUCCESS
V-4-VendettaHi'iaka (Sol)160 km0.00 g02.09.3306 - 06.09.33061,103 km~22 hrsSUCCESS
Andrew Purslow (Swoop Dogg)Sphiesi HX-L d7-0 A 1 a433 km0.12 g13.05.3306 - 09.09.33062,720 km27.25 hrsSUCCESS
V-4-VendettaEnceladus (Sol)252 km0.01 g08.09.3306 - 18.09.33061,670 km~32 hrsSUCCESS
V-4-VendettaVanth (Sol)276 km0.00 g20.09.3306 - 28.09.33061,800 km~29 hrsSUCCESS
V-4-VendettaCharon (Sol)604 km0.03 g30.09.3306 - 15.10.33064,070 km~70 hrsSUCCESS
cratercamperHi'iaka (Sol)160 km0.00 g27.10.33061,005 km4 hrs 10 minsSUCCESS
CaptnPicard2305 (aka V-4-Vendetta)Kioti 368 8 a485 km0.06 g30.10.3306 - 15.11.33063,460 km72 hrsSUCCESS
V-4-VendettaJunga 1283 km0.07 g17.11.3306 - 22.11.33061,850 km25.5 hrsSUCCESS
cratercamperNinsun 4 a2,174 km0.16 g29.10.3306 - 22.11.3306??SUCCESS
V-4-VendettaNu Tauri 1a190 km0.05 g03.01.3307 - 10.01.33071,200 km18 hrsSUCCESS
Marcus BraxlynSynuefai HS-S B37-4 1 A138 km0.04 g09.02.3307 - 10.02.33071,024 km10 hrs 35 minsSUCCESS
SgurrPomeche 2 C742 km0.08 g21.12.3306 - 03.03.3307~5,000 km?SUCCESS
Marcus BraxlynHi'iaka (Sol)160 km0.00 g09.03.3307 - 10.03.33071,010 km6 hrs 10 minsSUCCESS
Mathias ShallowgraveVeil West Sector DL-Y d68 D 3 b a493 km0.05 g05.03.3307 - 24.03.3307~4,000 km~50 hrsSUCCESS
RandarioVeil West Sector DL-Y d68 D 3 b a493 km0.05 g05.03.3307 - 24.03.3307~4,000 km~50 hrsSUCCESS
Frank DolasVeil West Sector DL-Y d68 D 3 b a493 km0.05 g05.03.3307 - 24.03.3307~4,000 km~50 hrsSUCCESS
HattorVeil West Sector DL-Y d68 D 3 b a493 km0.05 g05.03.3307 - 24.03.3307~4,000 km~50 hrsSUCCESS
KriztozzVeil West Sector DL-Y d68 D 3 b a493 km0.05 g05.03.3307 - 24.03.3307~4,000 km~50 hrsSUCCESS
YeOldTravellerOevasy SG-Y d0 B9f (Salomé's Reach)675 km0.04 g02.07.3306 - 08.04.33076,000 km100 hrsSUCCESS
Alec TurnerT Tauri A 1 b607 km0.07 g09.05.3307 - 21.05.33073,814 km?SUCCESS
V-4-VendettaBYEIA THAE LH-U C16-7 B 1236 km0.05 g22.05.3307 - 24.05.3307~1,482 km?SUCCESS
Chewcat1CPD-65 2513 AB 1 d153 km0.04 g26.07.3307 - 27.07.3307~1,000 km8 hrs 30 minsSUCCESS
Mike KastilioneHIP 88155 AB 2 b363 km0.04 g29.04.3308 - 03.05.3308~2,500 km~26 hrsSUCCESS
Alec TurnerCol 359 Sector BE-Q c6-0 7 b375 km0.04 g27.05.3308 - 08.06.3308~2,500 km~17 hrsSUCCESS
cratercamperDrevlyada ABC 5 a537 km0.03 g28.01.3309 - 31.01.3309~3,573 km~45 hrsSUCCESS
Alec TurnerCol 285 Sector RB-R b19-5 1 a279 km0.03 g23.02.3309 - 27.02.3309~1,750 km~10 hrsSUCCESS
Antti SuniHypoe Bloae XX-U C5-2 b 1220 km0.06 g18.06.3309 - 15.07.3309~1,382 km~35 hrsSUCCESS
AriaxumYamaha's Grave, Achenar861 km0.11 g02.07.3309 - 29.07.3309~5,410 km~71 hrsSUCCESS
Caelum IncolaHachao HA-A D2 b 1 a182 km0.05 g31.07.3309 - 02.08.3309~1,000 km6 hrs 34 minsSUCCESS
cratercamperAucoths FB-W e2-10 1 a??08.08.3309 - 12.08.3309~1,350 km40 hrsSUCCESS
Cmdr name: Heydan Seegil
Planet/Moon: LHS 3006 : Vulcan
Radius: 1,115 km

Cmdr name: Tannik Seldon (aka SushiCW)
Planet/Moon: EOL PROU IW-W E1-336 : 2A ("Tannik's Tater")
Start/finish date: 10.09.3302
Distance travelled: 1137 km
Time taken (in-game): 4 hrs 11 mins 36 secs
Evidence/travelogue: Around the world in an SRV


Cmdr name: Disorganise
Planet/Moon: Beagle Point : 2
Start/finish date: 07.06.3302 - 11.09.3302
Distance travelled: 7990 km
Time taken (in-game): 134 hrs 29 mins
Evidence/travelogue: Equatorial cannonbal run


Cmdr name: Nookie Mr.Smith
Planet/Moon: Vasak : C 1
Start/finish date(s): 15.03.3303
Evidence/travelogue: SRV driven into orbit!
Status: EPIC (but disallowed)

The aim of this endeavour was speed not circumnavigation. Nookie eventually reach a speed of 1300m/s and bounced off the planet.

Cmdr name: Timmy Brabston (aka subhouse07)
Planet/Moon: Byeia Thaa ET-F D12 : 1 A
Start/finish date: 18.05.3303
Distance travelled: 872 km
Time taken (in-game): approx. 1 hr 20 mins
Evidence/travelogue: Circumnavigating a moon, Take 2 - Success!

While similar to (and inspired by) Cmdr Nookie Mr.Smith's epic speed run, Cmdr Brabston did eventually fall back to the planet and successfully returned to his starting point thereby receiving a status of SUCCESS for his (accidental) circumnavigation of this planet.


Cmdr name: Alec Turner
Planet/Moon: Pleione : 3 A
Radius: 170 km
Start/finish date(s): 03.11.3303 - 09.11.3303
Distance travelled: 1240 km
Time taken (in-game): 7 hrs 43 mins
Evidence/travelogue: Circumnavigating a planet (for charity)


Cmdr name: Aken B. (aka AkenBosch)
Planet/Moon: Sol : Enceladus
Radius: 252 km
Start/finish date(s): 04.12.3303 - 17.12.3303
Distance travelled: 1780 km
Time taken (in-game): 21 hrs 49 mins 30 secs
Evidence/travelogue: "X Marks The Spot" A leisurely circumnavigation of Enceladus


Cmdr name: Mengy
Planet/Moon: Dahan : Coltan
Radius: 167 km
Start/finish date(s): 11.01.3303 - 04.02.3304
Distance travelled: 1120 km
Time taken: 65 hrs, 9 mins
Evidence/travelogue: Want to know how much salvage can you collect while circumnavigating a planet in an SRV?


Cmdr name: Timmy Brabston (aka subhouse07)
Planet/Moon: COL 107 Sector LX-S D4-2 B 1
Radius: 217 km
Start/finish date(s): 04.03.3304
Evidence/travelogue: SRV Distress Signal! I'm floating away! Help!
Status: GLORIOUS (but failed)

"Accidentally" went into orbit during circumnavigation attempt and had to call on the Fuel Rats.


Cmdr name: Nick Sticks
Planet/Moon: Eol Prou FB-I b25-50 1
Radius: 353 km
Start/finish date(s): 27.12.3303 - 05.03.3304
Distance travelled: 2785 km
Evidence/travelogue: The-circumnavigation-of-planet-Eol-Prou-FB-I-b25-50-1-a-funny-looking-rock


Cmdr name: Serenice Charbonneau (aka Jazzlvraz)
Planet/Moon: Hi'iaka (Sol)
Radius: 160 km
Start/finish date(s): 05.03.3304 - 10.03.3304
Distance travelled: 1180 km
Time taken: 23 hrs 28 mins
Evidence/travelogue: Around-Hi-iaka


Cmdr name: Kris
Planet/Moon: Syralaei BF-A d69 5 a
Radius: 366 km
Start/finish date(s): 04.03.3304 - 15.04.3304
Distance travelled: 2987 km
Time taken: 56 hrs 54 mins
Evidence/travelogue: My-journey-around-366km-radius-rocky-moon-(travel-log)


Cmdr name: Bomba Luigi
Planet/Moon: "Wilson" (PRAEA EUQ GK-Y B30-0 2)
Radius: 579 km
Start/finish date(s): 23.3.3304 - 16.04.3304
Distance travelled: 4200 km
Time taken: 58 hrs 6 mins
Evidence/travelogue: Planetary-Circumnavigation-Wilson-Edition


Cmdr name: Eryn Liamson (aka Supermoose)
Planet/Moon: Qeakae UW-E c11-1 A 1 A
Radius: 186 km
Start/finish date(s): ?.5.3304
Distance travelled: 1,168 km
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Tannik Seldon
Planet/Moon: Beta Sculptoris ABC 4 A B
Radius: ?
Start/finish date(s): 27.05.3304
Distance travelled: ?
Time taken: 47 mins 49 secs
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club

Another "classic" Tannik Seldon endeavour - this time conducted during the "Falling With Style" SRV base-jumping race. Tannik managed to speed bounce his SRV into a perfect orbital plane and then completed 5 full orbits of the planet (at around 2,500m/s) before commencing a controlled descent back down to the ground.


Cmdr name: 67Mistakenot
Planet/Moon: Hyadum 1 2b
Radius: 150 km
Start/finish date(s): 30.05.3304 - 17.06.3304
Distance travelled: 1,000 km
Time taken: 20 hrs (approx.)
Evidence/travelogue: Paradox Wing Discord / #circumnavigation channel


Cmdr name: Ray Mobula
Planet/Moon: Hyadum 1 2b
Radius: 150 km
Start/finish date(s): 30.05.3304 - 17.06.3304
Distance travelled: 1,000 km
Time taken: 20 hrs (approx.)
Evidence/travelogue: Paradox Wing Discord / #circumnavigation channel


Cmdr name: PrimeTimeCasual
Planet/Moon: Mitterand Hollow
Radius: 684 km
Start/finish date(s): 12.06.3304 - 22.08.3304
Distance travelled: 4,297.7 km
Time taken: 51.5 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club
Status: SUCCESS (see @PrimetimeCasual / #TrippyHollow for updates)


Cmdr name: Timmy Brabston (aka subhouse07)
Planet/Moon: Outotz FN-F B39-0 A 2
Radius: 375 km
Start/finish date(s): 06.09.3304
Distance travelled: ~2,355 km?
Time taken: ?
Evidence: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: LoneJohnSIlver
Planet/Moon: Pria Thae JM-L c8-0 B 2 a
Radius: 159 km
Start/finish date(s): 14.09.3304 - 15.09.3304
Distance travelled: 1,000 km
Time taken: 13 hrs
Evidence: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Greytest
Planet/Moon: Dahan : Coltan
Radius: 167 km
Start/finish date(s): 19.09.3304
Distance travelled: 1,049 km
Time taken (in-game): 6 hrs 32 mins 57 secs
Average speed: 44.49 m/s
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Chankk Saotome
Planet/Moon: Ouchorphs SK-F d11-3 3 b
Radius: 154 km
Start/Finish: 17.09.3304 - 24.09.3304
Distance travelled: 967.6 km
Time taken (in-game): ~13hrs
Evidence/travelogue: Source:



Cmdr name: Straha Yeagar (aka straha20)
Planet/Moon: Phrae Flyou JN-S e4-382 2 g a
Radius: 651 km
Start/finish date(s): 01.09.3304 - 04.10.3304
Distance travelled: 5,220km?
Time taken (in-game): ~100hrs
Evidence/travelogue: Meridian-a-planetary-circumnavigation


Cmdr name: Orvidius
Planet/Moon: Smojeia LI-E c14-1 1
Radius: 217 km
Start/finish date(s): 06.10.3304 - 13.10.3304
Distance travelled: 1,450 km
Time taken (in-game): 33hrs 52mins
Evidence/travelogue: A-Mercurial-Circumnavigation


Cmdr name: Termite Altair
Planet/Moon: Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23 A 5
Radius: 617 km
Start/finish date(s): 05.10.3304 - 20.10.3304
Distance travelled: 3,500 km?
Time taken (in-game): ?
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club (Failure to Bounce | Dav's Antipode)

Cmdr name: Zieman
Planet/Moon: Flyae Blao LD-G c25-0 B 1 a
Radius: 429 km
Start/finish date(s): 18.10.3304 - 21.10.3304
Distance travelled: 2,700 km
Time taken (in-game): 26hrs 11mins 48secs
Evidence/travelogue: Equatorial-circumnavigation-with-a-twist


Cmdr name: Jonas Treesong
Planet/Moon: Ariel (Sol)
Radius: 579 km
Start/finish date(s): 29.09.3304 - 01.11.3304
Distance travelled: 3,940 km
Time taken (in-game): 42hrs
Evidence/travelogue: Ariel-circumnavigation


Cmdr name: Rustnsawdust
Planet/Moon: Prai Hypoo SG-I b40-0 2 a
Radius: 438 km
Start/finish date(s): 10.10.3304 - 06.11.3304
Distance travelled: ~2,900 km
Time taken (in-game): ~65hrs
Evidence/travelogue: Yet-another-circumnavigation


Cmdr name: Reighdar (aka Ian Phillips)
Planet/Moon: Charon (Sol)
Radius: 604 km
Start/finish date(s): 24.09.3304 - 17.11.3304
Distance travelled: 4390 km
Time taken (in-game): 67hrs 36mins
Evidence/travelogue: Charon-Circumnavigation


Cmdr name: Exploris (aka Taronas)
Planet/Moon: Olelbis 3a
Radius: 497 km
Start/finish date(s): 18.11.3304 - 05.12.3304
Distance travelled: 3780 km
Time taken (in-game): 64hrs
Evidence/travelogue: Not-Yet-another-circumnavigation


Cmdr name: Tado Chip
Planet/Moon: Hi'iaka (Sol)
Radius: 160 km
Start/finish date(s): 05.01.3305
Distance travelled: 1005 km
Time taken (in-game): 7hrs 55mins
Evidence/travelogue: Tado Drives Around a Moon (Twitch)


Cmdr name: Stern Winter
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Radius: 137 km
Start/finish date(s): 29.01.3305 - 30.01.3305
Distance travelled: ~900 km
Time taken (in-game): 3hrs 45mins
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club (update: circumnavigation complete)


Cmdr name: Kezika
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Radius 137 km
Start/finish date(s): 28.01.3305 - 30.01.3305
Distance travelled: 860 km
Time taken (in-game): ~8hrs
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Sabazeus
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Radius: 137 km
Start/finish date(s): 01.02.3302
Distance travelled: 860 km
Time taken (in-game): 7hrs 12mins 7secs
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Kit Ausland (aka Andrew Linton)
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 01.02.3305 - 02.02.3305
Distance travelled: 890 km
Time taken (in-game): 15hrs
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: AtomicFury (aka AtomicUnicorn64)
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 02.02.3305
Distance travelled: 860 km
Time taken (in-game): 4hrs 19 mins
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Alex Swindler
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 01.02.3305 - 02.02.3305
Distance: 860 km
Distance travelled: 860 km
Time taken (in-game): ?
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr names: PrimetimeCasual and Greytest
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 02.02.3305
Distance travelled: 860 km
Time taken (in-game): 4hrs 56mins 49secs
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name(s): Moses8uno w/ Tenna
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 02.02.3305
Distance travelled: 860 km
Time taken (in-game): 10hrs
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: BastiWandeR
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 02.02.3305 - 03.02.3305
Distance travelled: 860 km
Time taken (in-game): 7hrs 45mins
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Federico deSoya
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 01.02.3305 - 03.02.3305
Distance travelled: 860 km
Time taken (in-game): 16hrs 45mins
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Daxterius
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 02.02.3305 - 03.02.3305
Distance travelled: 1000 km
Time taken (in-game): 12hrs
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Tenna
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 04.02.3305
Distance travelled: ~860 km
Time taken (in-game): 9 hrs 57 mins 10 secs
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Oleg_wk
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 01.02.3305 - 06.02.3305
Distance travelled: 955 km
Time taken (in-game): "a lot" ... about 35hrs
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: GerUA
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 01.02.3305 - 07.02.3305
Distance travelled: 860 km
Time taken (in-game): 13hrs 3mins
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Dr.Nagi
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 03.02.3305 - 07.02.3305
Distance travelled: 900 km
Time taken (in-game): 2hrs 30mins
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Werdna
Planet/Moon: "Quantum World" (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 Planet AB 1 B)
Start/finish date(s): 02.02.3305 - 09.02.3305
Distance travelled: ~860 km
Time taken (in-game): >15hrs
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: DarkStarSword
Planet/Moon: Flyiedgiae QN-T D3-17 AB 1 A ("Quantum World's Neighbour")
Start/finish date(s): 10.02.3305
Distance travelled: ~917 km
Time taken (in-game): 7hrs 34mins 19secs
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club


Cmdr name: Ascendingbike42
Planet/Moon: Clooku EW-Y C3-197 5 G A
Start/finish date(s): 10.02.3305
Distance travelled: ?
Time taken (in-game): ?
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club
Status: NOVELTY FAIL (fell into the core of the planet and kinda circumavigated that!)


(note the distance to the planet!)

Cmdr name: DalAdamant
Planet/Moon: Europa (Sol)
Start/finish date(s): 24.12.3304 - 03.03.3305
Distance travelled: ~10,000 km
Time taken (in-game): ~160hrs (69 days)
Evidence/traveloque: Completion announcement on twitter

Cmdr name: Jaunte (aka Turkwinif)
Planet/Moon: Kumay (Chi Herculis)
Start/finish date(s): 16.03.3305
Distance travelled: 3,840 km
Time taken (in-game): 2hrs 25mins 37secs (and subsequently, an orbital circumnavigation in 1hr 22mins 58secs)
Evidence/travelogue: The-Planetary-Circumnavigation-Club + The-First-Great-Planetary-Expedition


Cmdr name: Arburich
Planet/Moon: 59 Virginis 6 B A
Start/finish date(s): 04.05.3305
Distance travelled: 3,250 km
Time taken (in-game): 19hrs 44mins
Evidence/travelogue: featured-event-the-road-trip


Cmdr name: Caliber
Planet/Moon: DRYAO AIN QL-Y DO 8 E
Start/finish date(s): 06.05.3305
Distance travelled: 3,000 km
Time taken (in-game): ?
Evidence/travelogue: #galactic channel of PCC Discord - Just completed equatorial circumnavigation of DRYAO AIN QL-Y DO 8 E, This planet is 9, 942.47 LY from SOL. I think it is the Furthest Planet south of SOL to Be circumnavigated.. Circumference distance is real close to 3000 Km.


Cmdr names: PrimetimeCasual, LordTyvin (also AggregateChip, Soundo & Andrew Purslow who's attempts failed due to loss of SRVs)
Planet/Moon: Oevasy SG-Y d0 B 9 f (outer moon of Semotus Beacon)
Start/finish date(s): 04.05.3305 - 15.05.3305
Distance travelled: 4,239 km
Time taken (in-game): 29.25 hrs, 35.5 hrs and "countless" hrs respectively
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club
Status: SUCCESS (mostly)


Cmdr name: soantii
Planet/Moon: Skueque LG-G c13-0 B 2
Radius: 363 km
Start/finish date(s): 17.05.3305 - 25.05.3305
Distance travelled: 2,280 km
Time taken (in-game): ~50 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club


Cmdr name: Sandosan2
Planet/Moon: Pru Aub DL-P e5-35 ABC 10 c a
Radius: 566 km
Start/finish date(s): 31.05.3305
Distance travelled: 3,555 km
Time taken (in-game): ~1 hr
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club
Status: SUCCESS (orbit)


Cmdr name: Icky
Planet/Moon: Hi'iaka (Sol)
Radius: 160 km
Start/finish date(s): 27.05.3305 - 31.05.3305
Distance travelled: 1,005 km
Time taken (in-game): ~9.5 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club


Cmdr name: RNGesus Prime
Planet/Moon: Dryio Flyuae ZU-Y e367 A2a
Start/finish date(s): 31.05.3305 - 01.06.3305
Distance travelled: 1,024km
Time taken (in-game): 15 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club


Cmdr name: Xen
Planet/Moon: Vanth (Sol)
Start/finish date(s): 16.06.3305 - 17.06.3305 (?)
Distance travelled: 1,734 km
Time taken (in-game): 30 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club

Cmdr name: Malic VR
Planet/Moon: HIP 22588 2 A
Start/finish date(s): 02.08.3305(?)
Distance travelled: ~5440 km in circumnavigational orbits (+ considerably more in interplanetary transit)
Time taken (in-game): ?
Evidence/travelogue: Twitch livestream (clips linked here)
Status: EPIC SUCCESS (at least 5 orbits plus an interplatenary transfer over an asteroid field)


Cmdr name: Swoop Dogg
Planet/Moon: HR 745 planet 1 A
Start/finish date(s): 01.08.3305 - 08.08.3305
Distance travelled: 910 km
Time taken (in-game): 11 hrs 15 mins
Evidence/travelogue: #screenshots channel of Planetary CIrcumnavigation Club discord


Cmdr name: Alexfighter
Planet/Moon: Eifonth WR-A D14-6 B 1 A
Gravity: 0.04
Radius: 156.6 km
Distance travelled: 990 km
Start/finish date: 30.09.3305 - 02.10.3305
Time taken (in-game): approx. 8 hrs 10 mins
Evidence/travelogue: 16x video on Youtube with final 1x celebration.


Cmdr name: Straha Yeager
Planet/Moon: Blau Euq Wk-V d3-1 C 7
Radius: 2019.77 km
Distance travelled: 16,000 km
Start/finish date(s): 6.08.3305 - 21.12.3305
Evidence/travelogue: the-great-circle-a-planetary-circumnavigation


Cmdr name: Straha Yeager
Planet/Moon: Blau Euq WK-V d3-1 C 7 a
Radius: 674.93 km
Distance travelled: 4,500 km
Start/finish date(s): 23.12.3305 - 18.01.3306
Evidence/travelogue: the-great-circle-a-planetary-circumnavigation (continued)


Cmdr name: Alvin Wall
Planet/Moon: HIP 23759 9 A
Radius: 720 km
Distance travelled: 4,600 km
Start/finish date(s): 06.01.3306 - 02.02.3306
Evidence/travelogue: lets-see-where-this-little-ravine-takes-me


Cmdr name: Lord Flyvin
Planet/Moon: Tewanta A 7 g a
Radius: 838 km
Gravity: 0.05 g
Distance travelled: 5,265.30 km
Start/finish date(s): 05.02.3306 - 23.02.3306
Time taken (in-game): 53.82 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: Circumnavigation spreadsheet


Cmdr name: Nozdus
Planet/Moon: 3 Geminorum 2 A
Radius: 298 km
Gravity: 0.08 g
Start/finish date: 07.03.3305 - 08.03.3306
Distance travelled: over 1,782 km
Start & Endpoint: 0°, 86° (equator). Circumnavigated nearly along the equator with SRV orbiting
Time taken (in-game): approx. 1 hr for 2 circumnavigations
Evidence: Winter Australis Expedition - SRV Orbit around 3 Geminorum 2 A (Youtube)
Status: SUCCESS (orbit)


Cmdr Name: Sealios Maximus
Planet/Moon: Flya Hypooe TE-L b9 body 1
Radius: 286 Km
Start/finish date(s): 02.03.3306 - 09.03.3306
Distance travelled: 2,000 Km
Time taken (in-game): approx. 36 hrs 16 mins
Evidence ..
On March 2, 3306, as a part of my Perseus Reach expedition route, I entered the undiscovered system FLYA HYPOOE TE-L B9. During my initial scan of this system I discovered a couple small bodies which caught my attention. Upon mapping the pair of potato planets, I decided to perform my first planetary circumnavigation. In this decision, I chose the larger of the two spuds to traverse.


As I am not well versed in videography which limits my documentation options to screen shots and an eye witness testimony, I sent an invitation to my long-time in-game friend and exploration partner Cmdr. Double Eagle. Cmdr. Double Eagle and I met during the Distant Worlds 2 expedition where he found me making my first attempt at group play during an SRV excursion. Our introduction was as comical as frustrating due to my inability to establish two-way voice communication with others; I could receive but not transmit. Our solution was a system of SRV jumps and light flashes. From there, communications have improved dramatically and our friendship has grown.

Cmdr Double Eagle graciously accepted my invitation to accompany me on this epic journey and adventure in exploration. His role was acting as navigator and support in that from a height in his DBX (Astral Vision II) he was able to assist me in maintaining my bearing, spot the best path of travel across difficult terrain, and provide a nudge in the event I got stuck. His accompaniment was invaluable logistically and psychologically as we enjoyed hours of educational, philosophical, and even nonsensical conversation. I wish to sincerely acknowledge my appreciation of Cmdr Double Eagles choice to spend his time making this great memory with me.


Our journey began when I chose to strike out in my SRV from a large impact feature located at 44.3351 by -59.2163 on March 2nd 3306 at 0530 IGT (in game time). Assuming a generally northerly course, I intended to connect with the terminator as a guide to maintain my heading. Collecting screenshot each time I stopped to refuel or repair is how I sought to demonstrate my progress. When Cmdr Double Eagle arrived we began a course along the 0/180 meridian with small detours to avoid some hazardous terrain. While I was speeding along in my SRV Cmdr Double Eagle took time to pioneer the delicate art of planetary rock farming using the Astral Vision II as the plow. The flash of his shields and shower of demolished rocks and dust created an amusing display which was quite entertaining.
On March 9th 3306 at 1354 IGT we arrived at my start location and celebrated our accomplishment. The journey encompassed around 2000 km of travel distance over a time period of 7 days 8hours and 16 minutes driving several hours each day.


Cmdr name: Alec Turner
Planet/Moon: HIP 23759 9 A
Radius: 720 km
Gravity: 0.08 g
Start/finish date(s): 02.01.3306 - 23.03.3306
Distance travelled: 4,600km
Time taken (in-game): ~52 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: lets-see-where-this-little-ravine-takes-me


Cmdr name: Zibadian
Planet/Moon: Zeta Tucanae 1
Radius: 205 km
Gravity: 0.05 g
Start/finish date(s): 18.07.3306 - 20.07.3306
Distance travelled: 1,400 km
Time taken (in-game): ~15 hrs


Cmdr name: Adoranz
Planet/Moon: Aemosys YE-A e37 2 B
Radius: 152 km
Start/finish date(s): 29.06.3306 - 25.07.3306
Distance travelled: ~1300 km for the first (due to orbital deviation), ~1000km for the second
Time taken (in-game): ~7 hrs for the first circumnavigation + 42 mins for the second (primarily orbital) circumnavigation
Evidence: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club
Status: SUCCESS (orbit)


Cmdr name: Luna Sidhara (aka Arburich)
Planet/Moon: 59 Virginis 6 b
Radius: 1,305 km
Gravity: 0.16 g
Start/finish date(s): 01.08.3306 - 02.08.3306
Distance travelled: 8,199 km
Time taken (in-game): 21 hrs 30 mins
Evidence: Arburich Extra Life charity donation page


Cmdr name: Andrew Linton
Planet/Moon: Mercury (Sol)
Radius: 2,440 km
Gravity: 0.38 g
Start/finish date(s): 27.07.3306 - 05.09.3306
Distance travelled: 15,329 km
Evidence: the-circumnavigation-of-mercury


Cmdr name: V-4-Vendetta
Planet/Moon: Hi'iaka (Sol)
Radius: 160 km
Gravity: 0.00 g
Distance travelled: 1103 km
Start/finish date(s): 02.09.3306 - 06.09.3306
Time taken (in-game): ~22 hrs
Evidence: Time-stamped location photos uploaded to PCC Discord.


Cmdr name: Andrew Purslow (Swoop Dogg)
Planet/Moon: Sphiesi HX-L d7-0 A 1 a
Radius: 433 km
Gravity: 0.12 g
Distance travelled: 2,720 km
Start/finish date(s): 13.05.3306 - 09.09.3306
Time taken (in-game): 27.25 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: PCC Discord posts and screenshots


Cmdr name: V-4-Vendetta
Planet/Moon: Enceladus (Sol)
Radius: 252 km
Gravity: 0.01 g
Distance travelled: 1,670 km
Start/finish date(s): 08.09.3306 - 18.09.3306
Time taken (in-game): ~32 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: PCC Discord posts and screenshots


Cmdr name: V-4-Vendetta
Planet/Moon: Vanth (Sol)
Radius: 276 km
Gravity: 0.00 g
Distance travelled: 1,800 km
Start/finish date(s): 20.09.3306 - 28.09.3306
Time taken (in-game): ~29 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: PCC Discord posts and screenshots


Cmdr name: V-4-Vendetta.
Planet/Moon: Charon (Sol)
Radius: 604 km
Gravity: 0.03 g
Distance travelled: 4,070 km
Start/finish date(s): 30.09.3306 - 15.10.3306
Time taken (in-game): ~70 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: PCC Discord posts and screenshots


Cmdr name: cratercamper
Planet/Moon: Hi'iaka (Sol)
Radius: 160 km
Gravity: 0.00 g
Distance travelled: 1,005 km
Start/finish date(s): 27.10.3306
Time taken (in-game): 4 hrs 10 mins
Evidence/travelogue: PCC Discord posts and screenshots


Cmdr name: CaptnPicard2305 (aka V-4-Vendetta)
Planet/Moon: Kioti 368 8 a
Radius: 485 km
Gravity: 0.06 g
Distance travelled: 3,460 km
Start/finish date(s): 30.10.3306 - 15.11.3306
Time taken (in-game): 72 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club + PCC Discord posts and screenshots


Cmdr name: V-4-Vendetta.
Planet/Moon: Junga 1
Radius: 283 km
Gravity: 0.07 g
Distance travelled: 1,850 km
Start/finish date(s): 17.11.3306 - 22.11.3306
Time taken (in-game): 25.5 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club + PCC Discord posts and screenshots


Cmdr name: cratercamper
Planet/Moon: Ninsun 4 a
Radius: 2,174 km
Gravity: 0.16 g
Distance travelled: ?
Start/finish date(s): 29.10.3306 - 22.11.3306
Time taken (in-game): ?
Evidence/travelogue: PCC Discord posts and screenshots


Cmdr name: V-4-Vendetta.
Planet/Moon: Nu Tauri 1a
Radius: 190 km
Gravity: 0.05 g
Distance travelled: 1,200 km
Start/finish date(s): 03.01.3307 - 10.01.3307
Time taken (in-game): 18 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club


Cmdr name: Marcus Braxlyn
Planet/Moon: Synuefai HS-S B37-4 1 A
Radius: 138 km
Gravity: 0.04 g
Distance travelled: 1,024 km
Start/finish date(s): 09.02.3307 - 10.02.3307
Time taken (in-game): 10 hrs 35 mins
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club


Cmdr name: Sgurr
Planet/Moon: Pomeche 2 c
Radius: 742 km
Gravity: 0.08 g
Start/finish date(s): 21.12.3306 - 03.03.3307
Evidence/travelogue: srving-round-a-ridge-world-pomeche-2-c


Cmdr name: Marcus Braxlyn
Planet/Moon: Hi'iaka (Sol)
Radius: 160 km
Gravity: 0.00 g
Distance travelled: 1,010 km
Start/finish date(s): 09.03.3307 - 10.03.3307
Time taken (in-game): 6 hrs 10 mins
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club

Cmdr name: Mathias Shallowgrave (also Randario, Frank Dolas, Hattor & Kriztozz)
Planet/Moon: Veil West Sector DL-Y d68 D 3 b a
Radius: 493 km
Gravity: 0.05 g
Distance travelled: 4000 km
Start/finish date(s): 05.03.3307 - 24.03.3307
Time Taken (in-game): ~50 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club


Cmdr name: YeOldeTraveller
Planet/Moon: Oevasy SG-Y d0 B 9 f (Salome's Reach)
Radius: 675 km
Gravity: 0.04 g
Distance travelled: 6000 km
Start/finish date(s): 02.07.3306 - 08.04.3307
Time taken (in-game): ~100 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club


Cmdr name: Alec Turner
Planet/Moon: T Tauri A 1 b
Radius: 607 km
Gravity: 0.07 g
Distance travelled: 3,814 km
Start/finish date(s): 09.05.3307 - 21.05.3307
Time taken (in-game): ?
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club


Cmdr name: V-4-Vendetta
Planet/Moon: BYEIA THAE LH-U C16-7 B 1
Radius: 236 km
Gravity: 0.06 g
Distance travelled: ~1,482 km
Start/finish date(s): 22.05.3307 - 24.05.3307
Time taken (in-game): ~22 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club
Status: SUCCESS (and the first complete Odyssey circumnavigation)


Cmdr name: Chewcat1
Planet/Moon: CPD-65 2513 AB 1 D
Radius: 153 km
Gravity: 0.04 g
Distance travelled: 1,000 km
Start/finish date: 26.07.3307 - 27.07.3307
Time taken (in-game): 8 hrs 30 mins
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club


Cmdr name: Mike Kastilione
Planet/Moon: HIP 88155 AB 2 b
Radius: 363 km
Gravity: 0.04 g
Distance travelled: ~2,500 km
Start/finish date: 29.04.3308 - 03.05.3308
Time taken (in-game): ~26 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: SRV Circumnavigation 3308 (YouTube)


Cmdr name: Alec Turner
Planet/Moon: Col 359 Sector BE-Q c6-0 7 b
Radius: 375 km
Gravity: 0.04 g
Distance travelled: ~2,500 km
Start/finish date: 27.05.3308 - 08.06.3308
Time taken (in-game): ~17hrs
Evidence/travelogue: planetary-circumnavigation-in-odyssey-conclusions-videos-tips-etc


Cmdr name: Antti Suni
Planet/Moon: Hypoe Bloae XX-U C5-2 b 1
Radius: 220 km
Gravity: 0.06 g
Distance travelled: ~1,382 km
Start/finish date: 18.06.3309 - 15.07.3309
Time taken (in-game): ~35 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club


Cmdr name: Ariaxum
Planet/Moon: Yamaha's Grave, Achenar
Radius: 861 km
Gravity: 0.11 g
Distance travelled: ~5,410 km
Start/finish date: 02.07.3309 - 29.07.3309
Time taken (in-game): ~71 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club


Cmdr name: Caelum Incola
Planet/Moon: Hachao HA-A D2 b 1 a
Radius: 182 km
Gravity: 0.05 g
Distance travelled: ~1,000 km
Start/finish date: 31.07.3309 - 02.08.3309
Time taken (in-game): 6 hrs 34 mins
Evidence/travelogue: the-planetary-circumnavigation-club


Cmdr name: cratercamper
Planet/Moon: Aucoths FB-W e2-10 1 a
Radius: ?
Gravity: ?
Distance travelled: ~1,350 km
Start/finish date: 08.08.3309 - 12.09;3309
Time taken (in-game): ~40 hrs
Evidence/travelogue: PCC Discord

Driving (altitude over 4 meters: less than 2% of the time) and HUD-less (no compass, no horizon gauge, no coords - only peeking hull + fuel occasionally when halted)


On-foot circumnavigations

Cmdr namePlanet/MoonRadiusGravityStart/finish date(s)Distance travelledTime takenStatus
Alex FighterStuelou OJ-E c26-45 3 C a189.1 km0.02 g22.05.3307 - 27.05.33071,206.345 km76 hrs 35 mins 35 secsSUCCESS
Frank DolasHIP 88155 AB 2 b363 km0.04 g29.04.3308 - 02.06.33082,331 km105 hrsSUCCESS
BahassoPraea Euq WE-J b50-2 1 a190 km0.02 g01.09.3309 - 22.09.33091,417 km93 hrsSUCCESS

Google docs link

Hints and tips for planetary circumnavigators.

1) Aim your SRV's weapons at the heading you want to follow (for example, 90°) and then open the right hand Modules panel and turn off the Duel Repeaters. The targetting reticule will now remain fixed on that heading thereby giving you an easy to follow compass bearing right there on the HUD. (note: it seems likely that Frontier will be "fixing" this in Q4 so that this technique no longer works!) "fixed" - gee, thanks a bunch FD!

2) Primetime Casual's excellent video guide on how to "flive" up a very steep incline.
3) Alec Turner demonstrates a nifty way of using your own ship to get the SRV out of a tight spot.
4) SushiCW demonstrates how to drive an SRV into a stable low-altitude orbit.

Further Q&A from video comments:
Q) how do you go about keeping your orbital path so close to passing a surface spot like Farseer? I guess there's just a lot of careful directional course adjustment that we're not seeing in the video?
A) I started a quarter of the way around the planet, set Farseer as the target, and tried to aim for it as much as possible. Got pretty close, although not as close as I'd hoped.

Q) how long did the whole process take? (i.e. how long a gaming session would I need to set aside time for to be able to do this? ... oh, and also, what happens if you log out once you're in stable orbit? where are you and what's your situation when you log back in)
A) It was about 25-30 minutes to get to the point where I could stay up indefinitely. Close to another hour before I had the orbit perfected and could just walk away. Each orbit took 55 minutes or so... something around that, anyway. Eventually I turned off modules, gave myself some premium fuel, and just walked away for a few hours to rack up those SRV distance travelled stats. :)
So I'd say you'd want to set aside a couple of hours, at least.
If you log out, you lose all momentum (but not altitude) and fall straight down. Easy enough to deal with.

Q) how do you get back down?
A) The easy (but boring) way is to log out. Or, do a bunch of video processing in the background until the game hiccups and deposits you unceremoniously on the surface (which is what happened to me this time around). The last time I did this, without Shadowplay working, I did the whole process in reverse. Point backwards and tilt-boost, but very slowly/gently at first to avoid vertical speed going out of control. And then bounce to a halt, reverse-thrusting between bounces to shed as much momentum as possible. The whole process took another hour.
5) Excellent "SRV flyving basics" infographic from SushiCW.
6) Quick video on how to perform mid air SRV twist correction manoeuvres so you can keep going and not lose all your momentum.

Further reading.

Sagittarius Eye magazine issue #9 - "Conquerors of Worlds" article (pages 44 - 51)

An article about the inspiration and formation of The Planetary Circumnavigation Club written as an interview piece with the club's founding member.

Sagittarius Eye magazine issue #17 - "Master your SRV" article (pages 26 - 33)

An article by yours truly about driving the SRV and, more importantly, some more advanced techniques including "flyving" the SRV through the air, mountain climbing and getting yourself out of tricky situations.

Now available in video form!

Handy tools for planetary circumnavigators.

E.D.I.S.O.N - excellent little utility by Maxine Slayton which lets you input planetary co-ordinates and which will then use text to speach and/or a graphic overlay to direct you to those co-ordinates with a combination of bearing and range.
Here's an example of the HUD overlay.

Waypoint Creator - an Excel sheet by Robert Maynard which allows you to create an arbitrary number of waypoints on a great circle. See also "StatusDisplay" below.

StatusDisplay - a surface navigation assistant by Robery Maynard which "assists in real-time bearing / distance to destination co-ordinates and can also record the player's session". Among other things this lets you produce really cool maps of your travels.
This is Dav's Hope.

MapToGlobe - If you want to create a 3D interactive map of the globe you're planning to circumnavigate then this is a really cool utility which can be used to do so. When you start your map select Images, pick "choose a file" for the Surface and upload a copy of a blank coordinate grid which you can download from here: Globe Grid
(note: all the coordinates are reversed on that image - my bad - ED coordinates go up and then across, not the other way around). In order to add waypoints and things to your map just edit a copy of that blank image, adding text and graphics as you fancy, then re-upload it as the new Surface image.

SRVTracker - superb utility, originally developed for SRV racing, which can be used to set and then track (via an on-screen overlay) the location of surface waypoints as well as a whole host of other useful features such as the recording and display of telemetry data including things like average and maximum speed.
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Interesting thread. Im planning on doing my SRV circumnavigation at some point at DECE, possibly with few other cmdrs who are as crazy as me. :)
Will post info as soon as i have it.
Only addendum I have: EOL PROU IW-W E1-336 2A is totally officially named "Tannik's Tater". I'm sure Frontier is going to make that official any day now.

Meanwhile... let's get more people into the club! It's a ton of fun and (once you get the hang of long-distance SRV travel) not even that hard.
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Only addendum I have: EOL PROU IW-W E1-336 2A is totally officially named "Tannik's Tater". I'm sure Frontier is going to make that official any day now.
Whatever you say! :p

Meanwhile... let's get more people into the club! It's a ton of fun and (once you get the hang of long-distance SRV travel) not even that hard.
Actually that was partly the reason for creating this thread. I was thinking that perhaps, in the same way that the Sagittarius A* visitors list probably inspired a whole load of people to give that a go that perhaps the existence of this list might do the same.

I'm no graphic designer but I was wondering about trying to create a logo for this club, something like a little SRV icon driving around a tiny planet. Perhaps inspired by the Little Prince?

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First run is over 70 m/s if I did my math right. In an SRV? Seems sketchy. If your wheels aren't on the ground most of the time, you're unnecessarily cutting corners as to the intent of 'in an SRV'! :p

(Unless you managed to reach orbit and are doing in that way, in which case all's fair...)
Excellent thread! There seems to be a smudge on the official documentation of my circumnavigation and it's riddled with asterisks. My source video is nowhere to be found so all I have to go by is the first time the clock is shown in my edited youtube video (4:26). The title of that clip of the video in my Adobe Premier project has the timestamp from Nvidia share as 4:30 oddly. All the other video captures are also offset by about 4 minutes from their actual start time as well so it would seem that the beginning of that first clip of my video is approximately the beginning of the source clip. Taking into account nvidia share creates a new video clip about every 11 minutes, and judging by the speed I was going at the beginning of that clip, I would guess that I would have captured 1-3 clips before that, giving me a start time somewhere between 3:53 and 4:15.

Due to my incredibly lucky bounce which sent my floating around 2/3 of the planet, my path around the planet became kind of a wobbly loop, then I had to back track to get back to my original starting spot at the north pole. But anyway, I consider that point to be the finishing time, and that was 5:24. So that puts my total time somewhere in the neighborhood of 1hr 30m to 1hr 10m.

I wish I hadn't deleted the source videos. I purge my capture folder every now and then to save space.
First run is over 70 m/s if I did my math right. In an SRV? Seems sketchy. If your wheels aren't on the ground most of the time, you're unnecessarily cutting corners as to the intent of 'in an SRV'! :p

(Unless you managed to reach orbit and are doing in that way, in which case all's fair...)

From SushiCW's video description - "Average Speed: 75 m/s | 169 mph | 271 kph"

I've seen Sushi flive. I have no problem believing that whatsoever. [yesnod]
Now we wait until someone attempts this on CHROABS TI-S d4-58 4.


24.404km radius(!).
That would be 153.334km.

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First run is over 70 m/s if I did my math right. In an SRV? Seems sketchy. If your wheels aren't on the ground most of the time, you're unnecessarily cutting corners as to the intent of 'in an SRV'! :p

People like Tannik or Brabston seem sketchy to me when they go *under* 70 m/s. :p
As for "cutting corners", as far as unofficial rules are concerned, even when wheels are detached enough from the ground to accidentally attain escape velocity you are still sitting 'in an SRV', so....:p

Let's see...

- Pay a visit to Hutton Orbital, for no reason in particular
- Reach Sag A* in a most unfitting ship
- Circumnavigate a planet in an SRV

Now here's a thing I've had on my bucket list for a while...I'll let you know as soon as I find a baked potato worth the undertaking...and the time for it too!
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