The "problem" with the current Thargoid attack gameplay

The problem is not only that all of galnet is presently text but that its hidden away in menus. Plus reading galnet is generally a tedious affair with most of the articles utter trash, such as stats etc..

Even Frontier forgot it was there, and instead of placing engineering detail there, invented an entirely bespoke UI which can't present the information properly; if only there was an existing UI they could have used.. hmm.

It would be far better if we didn't need to leave the game so to speak to learn what is going on, and yes as it stands I consider the way galnet works out of game because its a seperate screen and seems unconnected to the real game.. It could be linked to the comms console somehow, displayed whilst we are in our cockpit, and the voice played too. Better yet, instead of text, make some sort of videos and display it in cockpit.. It might be the 3300s but I doubt TV is not still around. ;)

Elite is a combination of starvation and hide-and-go-seek. We are starved of reason or detail, and everything is based on gophers. Go fer this. Go fer that. Go fer the other thing.

Could be integrated with the HUD, video displayed with some sort of transparancy, I'd also prefer for the galaxy map to work like this too.

The technicalities of delivery may not really be the stumbling block; it's that the developer simply doesn't believe informing their player base is worth the time investment. The fact that all we get for GALNET soon - is text to speech (hell, I could probably get VOICEATTACK to read out the articles if they were added to the journal when loading the UI) from an interface everyone has been trained to ignore.

I don't believe adding a huge amount more to the cockpit UI is wise; it's already information overload with the same thing presented four times in some cases. Don't show me more, be smarter about what I am shown.
How to fix Galnet:

1. Remove auto-generated posts. They are awful. Please stop.

2. Hire writer(s) to prepare and posts stories that tie in to things (hopefully, interesting ones) that people can do or at least experience in-game.

3. Send notification to player inboxes when newsworthy story is posted.

Linking Galnet to notifications box will allow FD to summon flash mobs of players to events in real time (eg. distress call by station under attack, a lot of people will drop what they're doing and head over). Possibilities are endless. How about a military campaign by a couple of beligerant factions? Maybe those naval ranks might be earned in future?
From last night's stream, Beyond:

  1. Removes Galactic Powers, Engineers, Holo-Me from the existing cockpit UIs
  2. Puts a nested tab bar in the right hand UI containing
    1. Player News
    2. Galactic News
    3. (Obscured by Sandro, in spite of slo-mo review)
    4. Engineers
    5. 8-pointed star icon
  3. Hides Station Services' local galnet articles when connecting to the station via anonymous protocols, when Wanted.
This looks like a step towards improving the UI.

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