The Return of the Home computer?

I loved my 64 too .... I had an "Expert" Cartridge from Trilogic ... Flick the switch , hit restore and it launched a disassembler ... That is how I taught myself 6510 Assembly coding , which actually isnt too different to Z80 Zilog. I used to love nosing around, finding the sprites (and Rob Hubbard music) in the code ....
I did have that "power cartridge" (cant remember the exact name) that was plugged on the side in the expansion port of my A500, by pushing the switch button it would halt any running program and give me full debug mode and RAM editing. Used that to cheat in games at first, then crack a few protections, then learn a bit of 68xxx assembly... Of course nowadays you have integrated dev environments that do a lot better (with a lot more comfort !) but i did learn quite a bit with that thingie, and I had a motivation (game cheats !). Today you can find the same tweaking pleasure in fiddling with an RPi and putting it on a remote controlled toy and have fun with hardware level programming. And the tooling is light years ahead..
There was a "Power Cartridge" too for the C64 (think it was Evesham Micros who made it, though don't quote me as I haven't Googled it). It was never as successful as Trilogic's Expert or Datel's Action Replay.
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