Wait. It takes a while to calculate the routes if they are close to the (current) 100LY limit. You can see the lines spreading out from your current location showing the routes it has calculated.
Wait. It takes a while to calculate the routes if they are close to the (current) 100LY limit. You can see the lines spreading out from your current location showing the routes it has calculated.
Far as I can tell, your solution is the only one.
What seems to be happening is the navigation pane displays systems up to around 30 Ly from your current system, but if your ship has a jump range longer than 30 Ly, you're able to plot routes to stars too far for your Nav panel to show. Opening the map and re-selecting the system from there seems the only option.
I'm dealing with the same thing on my nebula tour - I'm going to ticket it and maybe it'll be re-worked in an update.
I must admit, I find the current Galaxy map / route planning hit and miss. If I plan a route along the same z axis (or close to it) from where I am, I seem to be able to plot further than if my destination is quite different in terms of +/- Z. But often, if I can't plot to my destination, if I plot near to it, I can gradually click on systems closer and closer to my destination, and then it suddenly accepts the plot, and the plot icon changes from red to white. Small I missing something? I have fastest routes ticked, but it doesn't seem to help when plotting routes over 85-90ly.
EDIT: Can't speel
you can pick routes over 90 ly...max i think is 100... just wait forever ..and you can pick it.Am I missing something here? When you say...10 minutes...? I just click on the star, and if the route planning icon is white, it calculates the route immediately when I click on it. The only issue I have, as above, is I can't click the icon for stars over 90(ish) light years. Is there another option I might be missing...that's happened before