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US Herd Immunity calculation: 17th-9-2020

^600 citations!

Current numbers today:
Population 330 million.
Reported Cases: 6.8 million
Deaths reported: 201 thousand
Covid 19 R0 = 2.5( estimated)

% infected = (6.8/330) * 100 = 2% population infected so far
% death rate = (201/6800) * 100 = 3% of infected cases die

Business Insider estimates 2 million dead. Total, following this strategy.
I think they are grossly wrong.

Ok, suppose we do not get any vaccine. The infection runs like every pandemic has in the past. At an R0 of 2.5, the lower estimates are 60-65% of total population infected, with a declining rate thereafter, which would then run till about 80% are infected before it burns out. Business Insider is ignoring the burnout part.
These are rough but realistic estimates. It could be worse. Some estimates are as high as 75% to get the R0 to start to decline, which would wind up ending at 85% to 90% total infected. There are suggestions as low as 20%, but those are considered political and ascientific in nature. We can ignore those.

Here is the math:
80% total population = 330 million * 0.8 = 264 million infected by the time it is over
Estimated deaths from established rate = 264 million * 0.03 = 7.92 million dead
However, it is very unlikely that the US health services could maintain their standard of care if faced with 264 million patients. That is a very very far cry from 6.8 million!
The death rate will at least double because at 40 times the current patient loads, we will saturate the ICU units. Doubling is extremely conservative.

7.92 million doubled = ~15 million dead. Extremely conservative estimate.
Five times worse: ~40 million dead. More realistic figure? Maybe not if the numbers overspill into younger cohorts, like in India now.
Depending on the speed of transmission, if the ICU's are perma-saturated, nobody new gets ventillated or oxygenated properly. All normal ICU cases of opoid overdose, heart attacks, strokes, surgical cases, etc get no care. Opioid cases will surge as the stress increases. It's already happening.

Dead is dead, no matter the cause, so counting only the Covid-19 deaths is not realistic. It does not give us the full picture.

Herd immunity as a strategy is now being proposed by President D.J. Trump, as no vaccine will be ready to distribute before November, despite his false assurances. People deserve accurate projections about what this is going to actually mean. If followed till vaccines emerge in mid 2021, it could have a large impact on survival.

This course of action was predicted here weeks ago.
Dr. Redfield, CDC chief, testified under oath, and is not likely to be misleading anyone.
His main detractor, a former Russian advisor named Caputo with zero medical knowledge, appointed by the President to HHS, has been trying to obscure CDC data from revealing the reality. Suffering what seems to be some kind of breakdown, Caputo was sent on medical leave after bizarrely claiming that CDC officials are tryng to "kill him", and that a "deep state cabal of scientists are trying to do political things" etc. It appears he is not taking the revealing of the truth too well, or he's worried about the consequences of his failure. He's living where he's making Coronavirus worse, so that should be the least of his worries. But- no medical knowledge.

I cannot understand why telling people to wear masks is so fraught in the USA. The US is on the edge of a cliff. It does not have to be.
Herd immunity as a strategy will be the biggest mass killing so far in this new century.

Those are scary as hell numbers. :(
10593 new cases detected in 24 hours in France, a new record. (n)

896 clusters are still active in the territory, including 84 new ones that have been detected in the last 24 hours.

🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 😷

A man crusading as “The Resistance” who defaced several buildings in Port-of-Spain and allegedly set the Ministry of Health on fire in a campaign against COVID-19 measures, has been arrested and charged.

Twenty-seven-year-old Jean Paul Cooper, who the Prime Minister described as a lunatic fringe during a news conference, was arrested on Monday after weeks of investigations by officers of the Port of Spain Criminal Investigations Department

It's one thing to be the nutcase on internet forums. But starting fires while ranting about "The New World Order" will get you straight to jail in my country.
In France, hundreds of employees of medical biology laboratories went on strike Thursday to denounce the deterioration of their working conditions ... In question, the multiplication of screening tests for the coronavirus.

I saw on TV, many work 6 days per week from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.

They are in burnout.

Government says the tests should be on priority people.

Currently everyone can be tested and several times.

The state spends 230 million euros per month for this absurdity.

🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 😷
The covid is fake, engineered to restrict our freedoms, possibly so that 'they' can inject us with microchips, which is an attack on society so to highlight this, I'm going to start fires.

Have we not yet got a prison colony on the moon? Just this case alone is an excellent reason to build one.

He'd also be able to see the Earth isn't flat from up there.
He'd also be able to see the Earth isn't flat from up there.
Well, you say that, I saw a thing with Carol Vorderman on the TV once.....[thinks about Carol Vorderman for a moment...]

Anyway, she was on TV and she had what looked like a globe behind her, she started with the line, "The Earth is a bloke, right?"

She then twisted it around to show that it was in fact a piece of card. A 2D printing of the globe.

Yeah, I know that probably only works on TV but it blew my mind....or maybe that was just Carol Vorderman?
Backtracking on earlier guidance that had provoked widespread criticism, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends that everyone who’s had close contact with a person infected with COVID-19 should get tested for the virus, including those who aren’t exhibiting any symptoms.

The CDC updated its testing guidelines on Friday ― a day after the publication of a scorching report by The New York Times that said the agency’s earlier guidance had not been written by CDC scientists and had been posted on the agency’s website despite their “serious objections.

Are the US authorities actively trying to kill as many of their population as possible?

Trump also disagreed with Dr. Robert Redfield about the effectiveness of protective masks - which the president recommends but almost never wears - and said he'd telephoned Redfield to tell him so.

Because it sure looks like it to me.
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So Mr. Minister, the health or the economy ? :sneaky:

well played but he's only a minister, that gives him only nominal power ... to say whatever his masters want him to say. i don't think him being positive would have any bearing even if he were special risk population, since he would be overruled straight away and then have 2 problems instead of 1. 🤷‍♂️
The covid is fake, engineered to restrict our freedoms, possibly so that 'they' can inject us with microchips, which is an attack on society so to highlight this, I'm going to start fires.

Have we not yet got a prison colony on the moon? Just this case alone is an excellent reason to build one.

Seeing how Mr. Musks intelligence knows no boundaries, I am thinking he would be open to the Idea .
Are the US authorities actively trying to kill as many of their population as possible?

well, with all those pension funds pending and social security getting broke, i can't deny the idea has crossed my mind ...

don't attribute to malice what can be explained with incompetence, though. i guess it's everybody looking out for themselves first as usual, and right now the biggest concern seems to be the upcoming election.
well, with all those pension funds pending and social security getting broke, i can't deny the idea has crossed my mind ...

don't attribute to malice what can be explained with incompetence, though. i guess it's everybody looking out for themselves first as usual, and right now the biggest concern seems to be the upcoming election.

Boy am I GLAD to not be the only person...

Somewhen I think in May I thought "What if the s just calced it through, and figured how much money they would save/not have to spend if they simply let people die..." .
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well played but he's only a minister, that gives him only nominal power ... to say whatever his masters want him to say. i don't think him being positive would have any bearing even if he were special risk population, since he would be overruled straight away and then have 2 problems instead of 1. 🤷‍♂️
I just wanted to underline the irony of the situation and show my satisfaction to those who think only of the economy, of money, of overproduction, overconsumption, overpollution. ;)

I know very well that it is only a minister, a puppet who executes the orders, and in addition a good minister of money who has a little humanity compared to others.

In addition het is asymptomatic. :)

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