The Single Player/Offline Discussion Thread

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In addition to the pure sandbox, there will be NPC missions and injected events too. They'll only form the framework that your storyline is based around, though.
You will still get missions, and stories will happen to you, and you will be given the option from time to time to do some sort of a mission.

But more in a by chance way than a forced, driven way. And it will be up to you whether you do them or not. And if you fail them theres no game over, you just fail it move on and see what happens next.

Thats what happened in previous elites.

In the originals you sometimes but once in a lifetime got missions to blow up a spacestation, one mission got you a cloaking device. Some missions may be as simple as transporting somebody from one planet to the other while people are chasing him, or just delivering a letter.

You could get missions from the federation or the alliance or whatever and get a promotion for completing them.

The originals if you did enough of the right things and have a known rating you became a sort after task man sort of person.

I assume this one be no different.

Its much more exciting and fun that way than the usual campaign games where its destined to happen, and you know when its going to happen and it will happen that way every single time to everybody.
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Its much more exciting and fun that way than the usual campaign games where its destined to happen, and you know when its going to happen and it will happen that way every single time to everybody.

That reminds me of SWtOR:
Oh! You are our hero! Your galactic heroic bravery saved us from the Empire! (yeah right for the 79523th time, no doubt! :D)
A full story based campaign wouldn't work in elite, especially now it's multiplayer.

But it would be nice to have sequences of connected missions that work like a mini campaign if you do a lot of work for the same NPC or faction.
A full story based campaign wouldn't work in elite, especially now it's multiplayer.

But it would be nice to have sequences of connected missions that work like a mini campaign if you do a lot of work for the same NPC or faction.

It sort of worked that way in the originals.

You had a rank for completing missions for each faction, the higher the rank the more important missions you got offered.

I think having a high rank in one faction annoyed another rival faction although I'm sure you could still be highly ranked in multiple factions and work for all of them if you wanted.
Oh and I suppose it will have multiplayer/PVP (even better a group of players vs a group of players) battles?
Count me in!

I only hope they'll have oceanic servers though as my normal address is in New Zealand. Ping time to the US would be a bit slow for a space combat sim I think.
Oh and I suppose it will have multiplayer/PVP (even better a group of players vs a group of players) battles?
Count me in!

I only hope they'll have oceanic servers though as my normal address is in New Zealand. Ping time to the US would be a bit slow for a space combat sim I think.

I'm no expert on this but I think one of the benefits of being a peer to peer server setup is it shouldnt be a problem where you live. The game will generally match you to local players and the one with the best connection hosts the game.

But I could be wrong.
I'm no expert on this but I think one of the benefits of being a peer to peer server setup is it shouldnt be a problem where you live. The game will generally match you to local players and the one with the best connection hosts the game.

But I could be wrong.

You are correct!
Oh and I suppose it will have multiplayer/PVP (even better a group of players vs a group of players) battles?
Count me in!

I only hope they'll have oceanic servers though as my normal address is in New Zealand. Ping time to the US would be a bit slow for a space combat sim I think.

The PvP isn't really a primary part of the multiplayer. It's more like an emergent aspect of all the players being part of the same persistent universe.
Is the full game going to be so battle focused, will there be all these distress signals in the real game or are they just there because its the beta, and its testing.

The originals had nothing like this, but with it being a mulitplayer they may have added all these meeting places to set up action for those that will want to do that all day long and play the game like a constant mini battle.

Sort of like a death match mode that regular multiplayer games have.

Thats what I'm wondering.
Well, the last game in this series had storyline missions.

I very much dislike it in multiplayer games though. I hope they use injected events extensively, and I hope there are lots of ways you can discover and interact with them, so that they just fit in to normal gameplay.
Is the full game going to be so battle focused, will there be all these distress signals in the real game or are they just there because its the beta, and its testing.
Pretty much everything we see right now is placeholder, to some degree or other. The scenarios we see right now do have some random elements to them, such as random interdictions and the unidentified signals having random encounters. I would imagine in the full game that these encounters would be far more varied and not just in fixed locations either.


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
Yep. :D

SP off and online MP and Ironman IIRC.

Merged into main thread.
I'll add my vote for single player. I'm looking forward to getting into a small fast ship with some high value cargo in the hold and then just picking a direction and heading out to explore, trading a bit here and there.
Ideally, i'd love the single player mode to not just be an offline version, but a game mode where multiplayer design choices can be taken out of the experience: mainly removing the speed cap and enabling time compression for proper in-system cruising. Also enabling a save/load feature, so that one can easily try every possible stupid thing (how many waves of Police Vipers can you take down? How close can you fly to that star?) without needing to trade endlessly for a new ship each time. :p

Preset story/events and newspapers like in FFE would be lovely too, but maybe this is more going to be a defining feature of the 'living' multiplayer universe.
As there's a thread for Multiplayer on here I thought it might be a good idea to have a single player thread to discuss what people would like to see in the single player version.

For me it would be n part a continuation of the previous games.

Lots of hand coded missions giving you the opportunity to explore the galaxy as a trader, miner, courier, pirate or assassin etc.

It's the aspect of FFE I enjoyed the most and hope that it continued in one form or another in ED.

Yes T.J; I also would look forward to the single player option. With the use of bulletin boards in stations, maintaining the original 'Elite' flight control mechanics. Any form of hyperspace would be ok with me; but I'd like to be able to scoop fuel from Gas Giants, land on moons and planets and have any appropriate adventures. I'm not clear on whether first person movement on moons/planets is planned in single player offline. Also not known if first person movement is planned in ships/stations. I would love this.

If the first person elements are planned in single player I can see a lot of content possibiity. Cantinas on the larger asteroids/moons; sort of like 'truck stops'. Missions obtained from curators, other customers etc.

And the whole question of simple (later) 'modding' of the SP client being available if FD were comfortable in supplying the tools.:)
Is there a truly offline mode?

so far the "offline mode" seems like a solo which i still need to connect to the official server
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