The Single Player/Offline Discussion Thread

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OFFLINE single player Elite?

This game needs an OFFLINE mode; and I hope it is included.
I dont care about other player interaction; the original Elite never did; and thats how I remember it, and love to play it (now).

Because seriously; the multiplayer aspect just isnt reliable. Maybe 2-3 dozen attempts to connect; i have only ever connected 3 times.

I dont have great internet; and I shouldnt be expected to;
besides; I have NO TROUBLE whatsoever playing any other Online Multiplayer game.
If offline is available (and all the specs I've seen demand an Internet connection) then it will surely miss out on the galactic event model that enables new space stations to get built, and the fluctuating markets.

Playing in an online private group will be far preferable.
I prefer the offline mode also. I hope they'll have major patches where an offline gamer can connect and get whatever updates are included (new locations etc).
I'd love to see an offline mode implemented sooner rather than later - not because I don't want to play with all you *ahem* fine gentlemen :p but because I work away from home - I have a good laptop, but crappy internet access so I can't really play for two of every three weeks.
If you signed up for the premium testing phase then you get development builds, not a game.

The current development build is multi-player focused. It's about developing that side of the game and refining it, improving the technology and balance etc.

It really can't be about what specific individuals want in those builds. The single player is actually not difficult for Frontier to implement, it's pretty much the same as multi-player but without loading other players into your instance. They demonstrated this at E3. They WILL add this later, but to actually make the game they need to focus on critical functionality within the more complicated multiplayer.

Sorry, but if you wanted anything specific that wasn't in development, you probably should have factored that in and purchased a finished game.
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Given 400 billion stellar systems PVP encounters will be very rare events. Unless you go to stellar systems where more players are expected to be. E.g. Earth when it is added as an accessible system.


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
Merged a couple of threads discussing single player options. :)
In my opinion single player online will come real soon - in August.

Single player offline it seems will come after gamma. It seems they need to get background sim up and running to acceptable minimum first, before branching off version they will tweak and remove parts to make it playable on single PC.

Also testing concentrates on MP for obvious reasons - because that's where most challenges lie. Also improvements in graphics, controls, etc. all benefit single player offline too, so take that in mind.
In my opinion single player online will come real soon - in August.

Single player offline it seems will come after gamma. It seems they need to get background sim up and running to acceptable minimum first, before branching off version they will tweak and remove parts to make it playable on single PC.

Also testing concentrates on MP for obvious reasons - because that's where most challenges lie. Also improvements in graphics, controls, etc. all benefit single player offline too, so take that in mind.

I really like this guy.
I want both. :D

I will try online MP and see how it feels. If I find it not agreeing with me I will go online Private Group or Solo Online play mode.

But I will definitely also play Offline Single-player, where I can be the one to discover X and Y and Z and enjoy it as I did Frontiers (the one I mostly played). :cool:

If only Standard Beta arrived already... :p
I see no MP Gaming here? For me MP means communication too! What happen if people don´t communicate and run with a gun? Play DayZ! LOL
MP brings only trouble....but its the best way to bind players and sell upgrades.

Server is down...? unlucky....

Bad connection? change your Internet Provider or leave the countryside and come into town!

Hacking Kids spoil your fun? Be more tolerant with the young generation or cheat by yourself!

A serious Problem with "shoot first, ask later"? Thats survival, may be you are too weak and better play "Rollercoaster Tycoon"!

Framerate drops down to 5 when more then 5 Players in sight? Come back in the evening, or play at night!

MP would be nice, but it does not work for Humans...
the only thing people can do well is to annoy and hate each other, except they're real friends. I know that, i don't have to find that out!
Poor? Yes! Maybe in next Life^^


Hey Cyborg; you wont' find Multiplayer in this thread, aint it great?!
Time acceleration in SINGLE PLAYER OFFLINE

Evening folks,

After a preliminary search I couldn't find anything on this, but my apologies if I'm treading old ground here.

I never truly played the original Elites, being born in 86 to a farming family in a rural village with a less than tech-savvy population, I only saw them in passing awe once or twice, and have read quite a bit on them from old magazines greedily obtained from urbane cousins, watched videos and so on. I've also messed around with Pioneer, Oolite etc.

One of the nicest features I like (and seems to be liked by many others) from the old Elites and the aforementioned remakes was the ability to land on a planet, speed up time and watch a titanic gas giant rise and fill the sky etc.

With the confirmation of a single player offline mode, I'm wondering if it would be possible to add in time acceleration? The reasons for removing it for the online portion are obvious and self evident, but I can't see why this could not be do-able in the singleplayer offline version. Are there game engine limitations which would prevent this?

As a tangential, but related question, will the online version's Galaxy Map have the ability to simulate the passage of time in order to illustrate orbital paths, planetary alignments, what time you can watch the suns set at Iota Cruxis, when that nasty pirate base will be the other side of the moon and so on?
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