Modes The Solo vs Open vs Groups Thread - Mk III

Do you want a Open PvE

  • Yes, I want a Open PvE

    Votes: 54 51.4%
  • No, I don't want a Open PvE

    Votes: 49 46.7%
  • I want only Open PvE and PvP only in groups

    Votes: 2 1.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I wholeheartedly agree. It's imo a failing of the game when switching modes become the way a lot of players deal with problem players. I don't think FD ever intended mode switching to be used as The way players deal with other players, just one of the ways.

That's simply because it doesn't reflect your goals in the game. The question remains, why should your views affect how others wish to play? You have every opportunity to balance things, but you choose not to. That's on you. If other players simply choose to avoid the problem players, over all, that's on them. You have equal access to any of the modes. There lies your balance. That you decide not to avail yourself of it is purely your choice. That choice shouldn't be foisted on another.
I blame the modes for offering a path of least resistance for the player. Now, players with dignity would choose not to take the path of least Resistance just because it's there but it's obvious most players dont have that kind of self control.


Dignity? Really?

You are using that word to separate one group of videogame players from another just because the way they like to play?

Ok, too much internet for today, good night.
that is what I am interested in as well.. you said the game is broken... where is there any evidence beyond Opinions... now looking through posts for evidence.. "Leaving open because of griefing or constant pirating" posts and threads pop up over and over and over again...
Actually, you're right. The community did ruin this game. Or - rather - FD's willingness to sacrifice everything interesting and varied about the game in order to please the small demographic of this forum ruined this game. Want examples?

- Missiles were once useful. People had fun with them - loaded up small ships with lots of missiles, and went to town. Forum-members complained that their big ships controlled by stiff hands were taken down too quickly by these missile-boats. FD's response? Nerf all missiles.

- The economy's prices were once more varied and volatile. Forum-members complained that certain players were "making money too quickly! We can't have that!" Or, my favorite, "wahhh, I only have time to play 2 hours per week - those kids in Anacondas shouldn't able to be able to whittle down my trade route!" Boom - prices are brought to their current static, nonvolatile state.

- Anarchy systems could have had the capability to be much more dangerous (look at the other Elite games, and Oolite). Nope - too hard for certain people! "I should be able to access any system in my unshielded, unarmed end-game Cobra." So, we get the bland, unvarying easy-mode throughout all systems.

I could mention the free-switching of open/groups/solo mode, too - but that is basically the topic of this whole thread, so I won't.

Now, FD has a boring game on their hands, and they're trying their best to inject "life" into it without sacrificing these core concessions that they made to these small forum demographics. So, we get artificial layers put on top of this vapid game: the half-baked PowerPlay, the shallow CQC, and the cashgrab Horizons.
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We all dance around the real problem, semantic hijinks and acrobatic high-wire acts notwithstanding.

(genuine, gameplay) pirates aren't the problem with open. I don't know why people want to lump this profession with the Death Eaters unless it is simply to add more smoke and fog. 'Real' pirates are playing the game. The DE plays the player.

"How is it different if an NPC kills you or a player kills you?"

Because NPCs are not PKers; they do not gloat; they do not made snide comms; they do not rejoice in schadenfreude. They aren't malicious or snide. Many more adjectives could be attached here, but aren't needed.

Since PKers don't care about wrecking someone else's game, I don't feel bad about wrecking theirs - in solo/group :D

Sauce for the goose and all that.
Actually, you're right. The community did ruin this game. Or - rather - FD's willingness to sacrifice everything interesting and varied about the game in order to please the small demographic of this forum ruined this game. Want examples?

- Missiles were once useful. People had fun with them - loaded up small ships with lots of missiles, and went to town. Forum-members complained that their big ships controlled by stiff hands were taken down too quickly by these missile-boats. FD's response? Nerf all missiles.

- The economy's prices were once more varied and volatile. Forum-members complained that certain players were "making money too quickly! We can't have that!" Or, my favorite, "wahhh, I only have time to play 2 hours per week - those kids in Anacondas shouldn't able to be able to whittle down my trade route." Boom - prices are brought to their current static, nonvolatile state.

- Anarchy systems could have had the capability to be much more dangerous (look at the other Elite games, and Oolite). Nope - too hard for certain people! "I should be able to access any system in my unshielded, unarmed end-game Cobra." So, we get the bland, unvarying easy-mode throughout all systems.

I could mention the free-switching of open/groups/solo mode, too - but that is basically the topic of this whole thread, so I won't.

Now, FD has a boring game on their hands, and they're trying their best to inject "life" into it without sacrificing these core concessions that they made to these small forum demographics. So, we get artificial layers put on top of this vapid game: the half-baked PowerPlay, the shallow CQC, and the cashgrab Horizons.

Missiles are still useful against hulls they just don't down shields as well. The complaint about the BGS was that it reacts too slowly. That it's change was unnoticed by the player. They changed that. It moves faster now, then at release. The complaint about making too much money was over the 'looking for' instances parked outside of stations making trading trivial. There has been overall calls for Anarchy systems to better reflect that. They have never been nerfed because, well, anything. They have just been the way they are since release.

How would forcing players to play as you do, change the BSG, PP or any of the content FD has introduced? If the game is vapid, why play it, and better yet, why do battle on the forums. Oolite is out there. Easy to download....

It is impossible to get even a response as to why should anyone need to play by the gamer ethics of any other player. Everyone knows they shouldn't have to, but to answer that question the open-only side looses the entire argument. So to keep the struggle going, they act as if the question was never asked.
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If you knew of a middle ground, would you have been interested? If you could have found an environment that let you learn the ropes without having it wrapped around your throat, would you have preferred that? Post and tell your tale in the Open-PvE thread. I believe it will help that discussion as well.

If I had a place to learn or at least enough to understand the basics of what I am actually doing and what other players specifically pirates wanted to do I would have stayed in open. For example, if I had known that some pirates in the forums ask before opening fire I might have stayed, but I was just trying to figure out all the different aspects of the game. I once almost killed myself disabling something on the ship because I didn't even know if I could disable it lol.

I'm sorry that happened to you. If you don't want to fly solo and have a community to help you, those of us in Mobius are willing to help and answer questions and have a PVE group you can fly in.

- - - Updated - - -

that is what I am interested in as well.. you said the game is broken... where is there any evidence beyond Opinions... now looking through posts for evidence.. "Leaving open because of griefing or constant pirating" posts and threads pop up over and over and over again...

Actually after the frustrating experience is when I started frequenting the forums, I saw someone make a similar post, and the Mobius group came up so I did join the group. Ive played in the group a few times and have had no issues, I just think ill accidentally roll into someones ship docking like I did in open, so I primarily stay in solo until I'm not so terrible at flying, Im thinking of getting a flight stick which will hopefully help.

You don't and that is commendable, those that are doing are giving open a black eye... again.. don't blame solo or groups..
Picking the worst case scenario doesn't disprove my point. I've been obliterated by bounty hunter pythons and Condas in secs too.

It is solo's fault, if hypothetically there was only open, FD would have to focus on balancing the game. Instead we have the game we have now, terrible balance all around.

Players preying on newbies is fd fault too. Why is there only 2 or 3 starter systems. "Hey, let's move every kid in the city to one block right next to a highway.

I blame FD for setting up the modes. Not a big difference, but it's a noticeable one to me.
Picking the worst case scenario doesn't disprove my point. I've been obliterated by bounty hunter pythons and Condas in secs too.

It is solo's fault, if hypothetically there was only open, FD would have to focus on balancing the game. Instead we have the game we have now, terrible balance all around.

Players preying on newbies is fd fault too. Why is there only 2 or 3 starter systems. "Hey, let's move every kid in the city to one block right next to a highway.

I blame FD for setting up the modes. Not a big difference, but it's a noticeable one to me.

Balancing the game, any game, around PvP only serves to promote the endless 'nerf - buff' cycles that have plagued games forever. FD should create the ships, modules, and weapons as they like and let the PvP chips fall where they may. The forum would just be populated by those arguing about the newest FotM ships/builds.

I fly the ship and loadout I enjoy the most. In open, group, and solo. It's just the way I like to do things. When I get blown up, I don't blame balance. I blame me.

P.S. Preying on newbies, easy to find or not, gains those players nothing. They do it for their own reasons. Ten systems, twenty systems, there would still be those that gravitate to where they are.
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Actually, you're right. The community did ruin this game. Or - rather - FD's willingness to sacrifice everything interesting and varied about the game in order to please the small demographic of this forum ruined this game. Want examples?

- Missiles were once useful. People had fun with them - loaded up small ships with lots of missiles, and went to town. Forum-members complained that their big ships controlled by stiff hands were taken down too quickly by these missile-boats. FD's response? Nerf all missiles.

- The economy's prices were once more varied and volatile. Forum-members complained that certain players were "making money too quickly! We can't have that!" Or, my favorite, "wahhh, I only have time to play 2 hours per week - those kids in Anacondas shouldn't able to be able to whittle down my trade route." Boom - prices are brought to their current static, nonvolatile state.

- Anarchy systems could have had the capability to be much more dangerous (look at the other Elite games, and Oolite). Nope - too hard for certain people! "I should be able to access any system in my unshielded, unarmed end-game Cobra." So, we get the bland, unvarying easy-mode throughout all systems.

I could mention the free-switching of open/groups/solo mode, too - but that is basically the topic of this whole thread, so I won't.

Now, FD has a boring game on their hands, and they're trying their best to inject "life" into it without sacrificing these core concessions that they made to these small forum demographics. So, we get artificial layers put on top of this vapid game: the half-baked PowerPlay, the shallow CQC, and the cashgrab Horizons.

If FD was willing to sacrifice everything to small demographic then the game then there would be a OPEN only server with it's own BGS..

Maybe you need to look at what you wrote, because I don't think you are grasping the significance of it. I'm going to hazard a guess that these changes took place in Beta.. you know that time when they have people play the game and give them reports on things that needed to be fixed.

1. This is how it reads to me...missiles are revealed to be overpowered, everyone flocks to make missile boats to pvp, after complaints Fdev realizes they are overbalanced and fixes them.... you blame those who brought it to FDev's attention not the player who were blatantly abusing an OP weapon.

2 I'm not sure how much you know about the economy, but it does change, as for your complaint.. if some found ways to exploit the economy.. it did deserve to be changed.. again your blaming Fdev instead of those abusing things.

3. Anyone going unshielded through an system is their own fault, but I've read many posts at how the Goddess of the AI has gone back and forth with the difficulty of AI and is working to tweak it so that it is just right.

You showed nothing of a broken game, just ways players have tried to abuse it and what was done to fix the issue..
Missiles are still useful against hulls they just don't down shields as well. The complaint about the BGS was that it reacts too slowly. That it's change was unnoticed by the player. They changed that. It moves faster now, then at release. The complaint about making too much money was over the 'looking for' instances parked outside of stations making trading trivial. There has been overall calls for Anarchy systems to better reflect that. They have never been nerfed because, well, anything. They have just been the way they are since release.
Missiles are not useful. Spending your whole rack to take down one ship? It's pathetic.

The "Looking for" elements of trading were not an exploit - FD should not have removed them, but rather, made them "close up" so that only the shrewdest merchants could have taken advantage.

I would hope that Anarchy systems do eventually reflect this. As I said, this was not a change from Beta - but rather, a fundamental design decision that caters to the lowest common denominator.

If the game is vapid, why play it?
I don't.

better yet, why do battle on the forums.
I originally came to these forums with the vague, naive hope that my suggestions could help improve the game in some way. It can get rather hard when your suggestions are drowned out by the bleating of blind fanboys: "the game is perfect in every way."

Oolite is out there. Easy to download....
Oolite has a far more interesting single-player experience than this game. I do still enjoy playing it sometimes. I only wish it had multiplayer.
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It is solo's fault, if hypothetically there was only open, FD would have to focus on balancing the game.

If hypothetically there was only open, FD wouldn't have even completed the kickstarter and we'd all still be playing something else. In return, how about if only PvP wasn't enabled except outside of designated arenas at all, open would be a much nicer, much more populated place. One that wasn't regarded as a horrible place to play by the vast majority of the community and we wouldn't need the other modes as a primary way to play just to get away from malicious abuse.
Picking the worst case scenario doesn't disprove my point. I've been obliterated by bounty hunter pythons and Condas in secs too.

It is solo's fault, if hypothetically there was only open, FD would have to focus on balancing the game. Instead we have the game we have now, terrible balance all around.

Players preying on newbies is fd fault too. Why is there only 2 or 3 starter systems. "Hey, let's move every kid in the city to one block right next to a highway.

I blame FD for setting up the modes. Not a big difference, but it's a noticeable one to me.

If anything is FD's fault it was letting certain people buy the game, but they couldn't know how they would act until after they are in the game. Your blaming the horse for the jockey's handling of the horse.
If FD was willing to sacrifice everything to small demographic then the game then there would be a OPEN only server with it's own BGS..

Maybe you need to look at what you wrote, because I don't think you are grasping the significance of it. I'm going to hazard a guess that these changes took place in Beta.. you know that time when they have people play the game and give them reports on things that needed to be fixed.

1. This is how it reads to me...missiles are revealed to be overpowered, everyone flocks to make missile boats to pvp, after complaints Fdev realizes they are overbalanced and fixes them.... you blame those who brought it to FDev's attention not the player who were blatantly abusing an OP weapon.

2 I'm not sure how much you know about the economy, but it does change, as for your complaint.. if some found ways to exploit the economy.. it did deserve to be changed.. again your blaming Fdev instead of those abusing things.

3. Anyone going unshielded through an system is their own fault, but I've read many posts at how the Goddess of the AI has gone back and forth with the difficulty of AI and is working to tweak it so that it is just right.

1. Was completely nerfing them to oblivion really the best solution? They were not OP PVP weapons - they were perfectly countered by modules that were in the game at the time.

2. You use the word "exploit," "abuse" - how is a CMDR finding a nice trade opportunity an "abuse?" Unless that CMDR is looking into game files, I would hardly call it an "exploid." I think you're definition of "exploit" is just "something that makes money (or any other form of in-game progression) too fast." Isn't that what a real merchant would do? Realistically, what should happen is that economy should change quickly enough to counter-act these so-called "abuses."

3. No matter how much "back-and-forth" this so-called goddess has done with tweaking the AI, Anarchy systems still remain far too easy.

You showed nothing of a broken game, just ways players have tried to abuse it and what was done to fix the issue..
I see FD putting a heavy-handed blow to any variety in the game in order to squash these so-called "exploits." This is part of the reason why this game is so incredibly stagnant.
Missiles are not useful. Spending your whole rack to take down one ship? It's pathetic.

The "Looking for" elements of trading were not an exploit - FD should not have removed them, but rather, made them "close up" so that only the shrewdest merchants could have taken advantage.

I would hope that Anarchy systems do eventually reflect this. As I said, this was not a change from Beta - but rather, a fundamental design decision that caters to the lowest common denominator.

I don't.

I originally came to these forums with the vague, naive hope that my suggestions could help improve the game in some way. It can get rather hard when your suggestions are drowned out by the bleating of blind fanboys: "the game is perfect in every way."

Oolite has a far more interesting single-player experience than this game. I do still enjoy playing it sometimes. I only wish it had multiplayer.

We see things differently. That's ok. I can handle a difference in perspective.

It is very convenient that you edit out the portion of my post that has the most bearing on this debate. You choose instead to highlight our differences in perspective, and further the divide, rather than answer a question that cuts to the chase. I'll ask the question again, in futility I'm sure. Why should anyone's personal gamer ethics be forced on another player?
1. Was completely nerfing them to oblivion really the best solution? They were not OP PVP weapons - they were perfectly countered by modules that were in the game at the time.

Missiles are not useless.. they are for hulls not for shields.. trust me they can and do hurt.. And I didn't say PVP.. I said players.. YOU said PVP..

2. You use the word "exploit," "abuse" - how is a CMDR finding a nice trade opportunity an "abuse?" Unless that CMDR is looking into game files, I would hardly call it an "exploid." I think you're definition of "exploit" is just "something that makes money (or any other form of in-game progression) too fast." Isn't that what a real merchant would do? Realistically, what should happen is that economy should change quickly enough to counter-act these so-called "abuses."

nothing wrong with trading and making money, exploiting happens in real life trading as well. And exploit is taking advantage of something. If you have players making massive amounts of money extremely fast that is a clue that something is extremely unbalanced and needs attention and fixed.

3. No matter how much "back-and-forth" this so-called goddess has done with tweaking the AI, Anarchy systems still remain far too easy.

For you yes, you admitted you don't play anymore, so how can you say that Anarchy systems will remain anything? And how do you know there are people who are not having issues with them?

I see FD putting a heavy-handed blow to any variety in the game in order to squash these so-called "exploits." This is part of the reason why this game is so incredibly stagnant.

The game is anything but stagnant and again.. you do know what a Beta is right? It is having players play to fix problems.. they are not "heavy handed blows"
I didn't mean to leave this out; in the long post, it got lost in my quote-splitting.

Why should anyone's personal gamer ethics be forced on another player?
All games impose rules that may or may not conflict with a gamer's so-called "ethics." Some games are more stringent than others - but, as soon as a developer tries to cater to everyone - the lowest common denominator - the game will suffer from a pure design standpoint. Tightly-conceived design choices are chopped apart, and casualized to oblivion. Various and meaningful gameplay choices are dulled out - because that is what the greatest number of people can understand.

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The game is anything but stagnant and again.. you do know what a Beta is right? It is having players play to fix problems.. they are not "heavy handed blows"
I think rendering a whole class of weapons useless is quite a heavy blow.
I didn't mean to leave this out; in the long post, it got lost in my quote-splitting.

All games impose rules that may or may not conflict with a gamer's so-called "ethics." Some games are more stringent than others - but, as soon as a developer tries to cater to everyone - the lowest common denominator - the game will suffer from a pure design standpoint. Tightly-conceived design choices are chopped apart, and casualized to oblivion. Various and meaningful gameplay choices are dulled out - because that is what the greatest number of people can understand.

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I think rendering a whole class of weapons useless is quite a heavy blow.

maybe you need to read what I and others have said.. Missiles are anything but useless... you use them against hulls.. NOT against shields, They are very effective..
There is one big reason why solo and group modes have to exist, the in ability of open to prevent griefing, because Elite doesn't have any high sec or big penalties to player killers, open already hugely favour players who team up and gank single ships, having open only would force all players to PVP whether they like it or not.
maybe you need to read what I and others have said.. Missiles are anything but useless... you use them against hulls.. NOT against shields, They are very effective..
But, with their clip size? You'd have to reload every 20 minutes if you were doing any serious PVE.
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