Modes The Solo vs Open vs Groups Thread - Mk III

Do you want a Open PvE

  • Yes, I want a Open PvE

    Votes: 54 51.4%
  • No, I don't want a Open PvE

    Votes: 49 46.7%
  • I want only Open PvE and PvP only in groups

    Votes: 2 1.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Ok, I've heard enough. PvP and PvE cannot work together. I say make Open play entirely about cooperative PvE--basically, Mobius--so that you don't have to wreck the game mechanics in the name of "balance", and relegate PvP to CqC.

I'm sick and tired of having my game wrecked by PvPers who cause everything to be changed so that tactics that worked before suddenly fail and I lose millions of credits getting killed all over the place, and they all expect to trample me. We CANNOT have it both ways, and the arguments are not getting any better as game mechanics progress.

Elite games have never been multiplayer before, and trying to make one that was has proven, in hindsight, a bad idea. Call it quits; cut your losses, and confine PvP strictly to Close Quarters Combat.

Can't say that would be a good move for the game myself.
Fair enough. I hope you can understand why I would like a mode to do that in though. I come from a Planetside 2 group who thrive directly opposing bigger forces moment to moment and the camaraderie that comes with those tense situations.

I can. I know that some people saw a chance to be a pilot and face other pilots face to face. It has a charm. But to insist that everyone, all of the time, has to play that way is where I draw the line. Open does what it can to offer you that. In general I don;t think that meaningful PvP, or piracy, is anathema to the Multi-mode advocated. It's the rogue killers, and the 'this is my space' types that upset things. Pigeon holing players is the fastest way to cause animosity. My side shouldn't think all your side wants is to put our eyes out, and your side shouldn't think that anyone not in open is hiding. It's much more diverse than that on both sides. Look for the fairness in things and go from there, not just the part that sticks in your paw.
Even those players who shout "hur dur dis MY SPCE 0 u joyn ma CR3W ur U DI!" can be easily laughed at.

They don't like being laughed at. Which is why I laugh at them.
Fair enough. I hope you can understand why I would like a mode to do that in though. I come from a Planetside 2 group who thrive directly opposing bigger forces moment to moment and the camaraderie that comes with those tense situations.

- - - Updated - - -

I knew what you were doing all along. I found it very entertaining. I almost didn't rep you at some points because I wondered if you were doing more harm than good.

it is good to thrive on directly opposing bigger forces, in a game that is built that way. Elite Dangerous is not that game though. People object to you trying to change the game to be that way. I loved the single player campaing in Battlefield 2 Bad Company 2. Battlefield 3 and 4 didn't continue on with it, I don't have a right to go on their forums and demand they change the games and make Bad Company 3 & 4 because I missed the storyline and want it to continue.
Some of my past posts were misguided but if you believe I entered a thread friendly to me you are deluded.

I have no delusions - I've played the villain when necessary.

I would love to hold a mirror up to you but I think you would recoil from your own reflection.

If you had come into the thread with, "I have thought up a few new ideas and how they could work, here they are." You would have gotten a utterly different response. People may have disagreed with you but it would have been a discussion. Have you ever heard of every action has an equal and opposite reaction? You came in hostile you reaped it back, some even tried to stem it, but nope you had to be hostile and perdictibly you blame others for an environment you created.

Hold up as many mirrors as you like, I know what you are insinuating by your so wrong it is laughable.
I certainly will continue advocating for a richer multiplayer experience. The game was advertised as an MMO and a cutthroat universe.

Open offers you that experience. What has to happen is the resentment of Solo and Group needs to be toned down. Elite was also advertized to allow freedom of movement between the modes.
Open offers you that experience. What has to happen is the resentment of Solo and Group needs to be toned down. Elite was also advertized to allow freedom of movement between the modes.

Absolutely. Wish I could rep you more +1
I certainly will continue advocating for a richer multiplayer experience. The game was advertised as an MMO and a cutthroat universe.

Absolutely nobody here is asking for a dilution of that. Those who choose to seek multiplayer experiences can find them. The cutthroat universe exists. All that people are asking for is to defend their ability to play the way they want to in-game, without involving other people.

Surely that is not an unreachable compromise?
I thank you for taking the time to discuss it with me but I think we have reached an impass.

As much as you believe mode free movement is necessary I will continue to hold the belief that there needs to be a mode separate from the others.

Meter grinding holds no interest for me (or my latent group). I hope FD will eventually recognise the need for a mode where direct opposition happens and results primarily happen because of that.

Will give you rep when not on mobile.

And that is part of the issue, you claim we won't bend on the issues which is not entirely true, but you won't bend at all. It is your way or no way.
I thank you for taking the time to discuss it with me but I think we have reached an impass.

As much as you believe mode free movement is necessary I will continue to hold the belief that there needs to be a mode separate from the others.

Meter grinding holds no interest for me (or my latent group). I hope FD will eventually recognise the need for a mode where direct opposition happens and results primarily happen because of that.

Will give you rep when not on mobile.

No problem I am always up for a honest debate. I thank you for listening as well. I hope you can find an answer that doesn't destroy the status quo. We should search for the middle ground. Good luck out there.
I certainly have tried to come up with ways where we all get what we want. Unless you can think of novel ways where we aren't grinding meters across modes - I can't think of anything new but I do believe a resolution is needed to keep PvP players around for the health of the game. (I recognise you are pretty intelligent - maybe you can succeed where I have failed.)

That's it for me for now. Please keep the riling to a minimum.

YOu do realize that even with no PVP the game would still survive right?


Open offers you that experience. What has to happen is the resentment of Solo and Group needs to be toned down. Elite was also advertized to allow freedom of movement between the modes.

And if they were separate you would still be able to play in both. You could stop playing in Solo and move over to Open. It's just that anything you did in Solo would not carry over and vice-versa. It's not "stopping" you from playing one or the other. It's not as if you started playing in Open you're suddenly banned from playing Solo - or vice-versa.
And if they were separate you would still be able to play in both. You could stop playing in Solo and move over to Open. It's just that anything you did in Solo would not carry over and vice-versa. It's not "stopping" you from playing one or the other. It's not as if you started playing in Open you're suddenly banned from playing Solo - or vice-versa.

I will cut and paste an answer to this very question I wrote not very long ago. Forgive any references that don;t match with your post, or the discussion as it stands.

"From a philosophical point of view it's because the developers promised a seamless transition through the modes. I jump between the modes as my ability, and interests change. If I'm working to support a faction or a power my efforts would only show up in the mode I was playing in for that session. Split the BGS and effectively you penalize players for exploring what all of the modes have to offer. The BGS and PP, like we have in Elite are not for small fries. One player could never have an effect on any system that large. So, a BGS for the solo players would be useless. There are too many reasons people play in solo to just brush them off as negligible. I suggest that, how things are now, open's population couldn't really support the BGS on it's own. That there is one galaxy for all is as much a practical decision, as it is a philosophical one. But, I support it on the philosophical level. One galaxy, play as you like."
I thank you for taking the time to discuss it with me but I think we have reached an impass.

As much as you believe mode free movement is necessary I will continue to hold the belief that there needs to be a mode separate from the others.

Meter grinding holds no interest for me (or my latent group). I hope FD will eventually recognise the need for a mode where direct opposition happens and results primarily happen because of that.

Will give you rep when not on mobile.
Isn't that CQC? PvPalooza, seperate from the other modes.
I will cut and paste an answer to this very question I wrote not very long ago. Forgive any references that don;t match with your post, or the discussion as it stands.

"From a philosophical point of view it's because the developers promised a seamless transition through the modes. I jump between the modes as my ability, and interests change. If I'm working to support a faction or a power my efforts would only show up in the mode I was playing in for that session. Split the BGS and effectively you penalize players for exploring what all of the modes have to offer. The BGS and PP, like we have in Elite are not for small fries. One player could never have an effect on any system that large. So, a BGS for the solo players would be useless. There are too many reasons people play in solo to just brush them off as negligible. I suggest that, how things are now, open's population couldn't really support the BGS on it's own. That there is one galaxy for all is as much a practical decision, as it is a philosophical one. But, I support it on the philosophical level. One galaxy, play as you like."

Grr they really need to let us rep vote more often ^,^ +1


YOu do realize that even with no PVP the game would still survive right?
No it wouldn't. Bad reviews of it being crippled and an exodus of players would sink it.
It's called "economics". When a software company no longer has enough revenues coming in to keep the servers running while still making enough of a profit to make the whole venture worthwhile, the software dies.
PvP'ers tend to talk to their friends and get them to buy the game so they'll have more power in their wings to take on other players.
Eventually even the PvE crowd would get bored and leave too since even now it looks like any changes to the AI have been put on the back burner with recent personnel moves within FDEV itself.

Do you think EVE would still be around if it completely got rid of PvP? No one would remember it ever existed except as a bad joke.
Do you think WoW could exist as a PvE-only game? Nope.
Humans WANT to battle other humans online, period. And they are greater in numbers than the PvE-only crowds. Look at any PvE-only game released and you'll see that the two most-asked questions of the devs for that game are a) when will we get multiplayer and b) when will we get PvP?
The only exceptions to the PvE-only games are RPGs because they are marketed and sold as single-player RPGs and the buyers know there won't be any MMO/PvP aspect to it.
But that's NOT how ED was marketed now, was it?
Quite possibly but I also think FD want to hold on to PvPers. Really when I post in this thread it is not for your consideration. It's for the slim chance an FD dev might read it.

They have created a whole new PVP arena for them


I will cut and paste an answer to this very question I wrote not very long ago. Forgive any references that don;t match with your post, or the discussion as it stands.

"From a philosophical point of view it's because the developers promised a seamless transition through the modes. I jump between the modes as my ability, and interests change. If I'm working to support a faction or a power my efforts would only show up in the mode I was playing in for that session. Split the BGS and effectively you penalize players for exploring what all of the modes have to offer. The BGS and PP, like we have in Elite are not for small fries. One player could never have an effect on any system that large. So, a BGS for the solo players would be useless. There are too many reasons people play in solo to just brush them off as negligible. I suggest that, how things are now, open's population couldn't really support the BGS on it's own. That there is one galaxy for all is as much a practical decision, as it is a philosophical one. But, I support it on the philosophical level. One galaxy, play as you like."

Wow. Horribly wrong on a lot of points in here.

From a philosophical point of view it's because the developers promised a seamless transition through the modes. I jump between the modes as my ability, and interests change.
Nothing would prevent you from jumping from solo to open and vice-versa. It won't "lock you in" to only using one mode having a separate BGS for each. If anything, it would allow you to experiment even more without risk to the primary mode you play in. Try something in Open and if it doesn't work jump back to your primary game in Solo and not do it there.

If I'm working to support a faction or a power my efforts would only show up in the mode I was playing in for that session.
No it wouldn't. It only shows up in that mode (aka "save") but it persists past play sessions. If you farm a million credits in solo and quit the game those million credits will still be there waiting for you when you log back in.

Split the BGS and effectively you penalize players for exploring what all of the modes have to offer.
Wrong. Again, if anything it gives them an "extra life" to use for experimentation with less risk to their primary game mode.

The BGS and PP, like we have in Elite are not for small fries. One player could never have an effect on any system that large. So, a BGS for the solo players would be useless.
Wrong. The separate BGS would be for both solo AND private groups - again, I repeat, same BGS for both - would exist. If you wanted friendos to play with you without the risk of PvP then you go into a private group that is on the same BGS as Solo.

There are too many reasons people play in solo to just brush them off as negligible. I suggest that, how things are now, open's population couldn't really support the BGS on it's own.
Wrong again. My own independent research on the matter using the Mobius group as the example shows that the vast majority of the Mobius player-base is actually playing IN OPEN! I know, it shocked me too as I scrolled down the player list and saw that player after player was listed as currently playing in OPEN. The rest were in Private Groups and a tiny minority were in Solo.
Unfortunately it's not. Coming from Planetside 2 the emphasis is on territorial expansion and defence that CQC doesn't impinge on.
The definition of what you're asking for seems to be pretty narrow now imo, and somewhat antithetical to some of the primary philosophies of ED as I understand them. No reason you can't ask for it, but you could also ask for this from any other game with as much expectation of results.
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