Modes The Solo vs Open vs Groups Thread - Mk III

Do you want a Open PvE

  • Yes, I want a Open PvE

    Votes: 54 51.4%
  • No, I don't want a Open PvE

    Votes: 49 46.7%
  • I want only Open PvE and PvP only in groups

    Votes: 2 1.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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It's more quiet right now but there were plenty of people on earlier...
Don't know what yer crying about OP!
Context is important — It depends where you are. I see tons of players at PowerPlay headquaters, Founders system or the starter systems around LHS 3447.
But when I'm out bounty hunting in the ass-end of empire space, I almost never see anyone.

It also might be the instancing borking out, but in reality there's no easy way to tell.
For bounty hunters, I'd add a galaxy wide bounty board. Every player in the game with a bounty over a certain amount (let's say 100k) get's added to the board. Any player that wants to can select the pirates name and take the mission to hunt them down. How many players that are allowed to track any one player depends on their total bounty level. Ex. At 100k it's only 1 player, 500k it's 2, 2mill it's 3, 4 mill it caps out at 4 players. Once you're tracking a player you get "soft" updates of their location. Whenever they commit a crime you get the update, the time it takes to update depends on the systems security level. There would also have to be a way to show if the target is online or offline/not in open mode. Maybe an active/inactive notification. Not to mention increased/ 100% chance of getting paired up in the same instance. idk how fesible my idea is.

That's a great idea, if they improve the AI drops for pirates these two things could improve open if done well.

Add making the Anarchys dangerous (safe for pirates) and the safer systems well, safer with better police responses, I am not a pirate and only BH AI but when I finally feel a sense of danger entering an Anarchy, I will be a happy chap.

Edit, it would seem I got ganked by ninjas, that will serve me right for being a day behind :)
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Good job they didn't get us an offline, then the op would really have something to moan about

I feel sad now - an offline mode would surely have introduced mods as well : All those ships you wanted from the previous version : Download here and for those with ninja machines try this Hi-Res pack from here
Honestly... considering that Open Play is 90% griefers, 5% newbies and 5 roleplayers - what do you expect? With all those people grinding new players in starter systems like NPCs it is only natural for this to happen. Unless they make certain systems with INSTANT police reaction to unprovoked attacks then this is going to be an ever growing issues. Instant police that chases you to the end of the galaxy until you are destroyed. No piracy in High sec systems. Even better, limit piracy to only anarchy systems and make everything in anarchy systems more profitable so that it still interests players to go there. Low security pirating only in deep space. Med and High = pirating = insta killed by 20 anacondas.

And we will be happy ;)
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Honestly... considering that Open Play is 90% griefers, 5% newbies and 5 roleplayers - what do you expect? With all those people grinding new players in starter systems like NPCs it is only natural for this to happen. Unless they make certain systems with INSTANT police reaction to unprovoked attacks then this is going to be an ever growing issues. Instant police that chases you to the end of the galaxy until you are destroyed. No piracy in High sec systems. Even better, limit piracy to only anarchy systems and make everything in anarchy systems more profitable so that it still interests players to go there. Low security pirating only in deep space. Med and High = pirating = insta killed by 20 anacondas.

And we will be happy ;)


Kidding aside..come on..90% greifers...I have only been griefed a handful of times and play in open over 95% of my time. I think so little of it I just shrug it off when it happens because they usually don't get the desired effect anyway.
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I see cmdrs everywhere. I don't get these threads at all... I've played this game loads, 95% in open, and I see players even where I don't expect.

Kidding aside..come on..90% greifers...I have only been griefed a handful of times and play in open over 95% of my time. I think so little of it I just shrug it off when it happens because they usually don't get the desired effect anyway.

True. Always played in open, been months since I was attacked by a human player. And since launch day, been attacked 4 times only.

Thje "griefers everywhere" myth is really no more than a myth.
Honestly... considering that Open Play is 90% griefers, 5% newbies and 5 roleplayers -
This is so false it's not even funny I tend to meet nice regular players on a daily basis in open. However what I don't tend to see except on rare occasions are griefers and PVPer's. But I get it false stats make you feel better about your decision of playing in a skill less galaxy. Most of the people who make these claims are either new or had one bad experience and can't stand things going backwards even for a second that they have to play it off like its such a huge deal and blow the whole situation so far out of proportion. When somethings doesn't go my way way every time I just quit because in real life everyone would be friendly................................
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I had one really bad experience that meant i played private group for a few weeks but other than that i've mainly been in open.

In the >1 year I've been playing since beta, seeing another player in most systems is not a usual occurrence.

Open play isn't dead, it's just BIG XD.

lol love how this thread is just technically about OP not being able to find anybody, but yet we are now 3 pages knee deep in yet another discussion about open vs solo/group. I don't know where OP is but I have yet to ever be in open and not see people unless I am literally in the back end of nowhere.
I've been playing in open since ever and have only been griefed once or twice. If that because one of those 2 times must have been a pirate which I tried to run away from without paying attention to the chat as a player yet.
It is an inevitable consequence of several things FD did and did not do, that significant numbers of players will leave open. They made solo 'easy mode' by not buffing the AI until it was too late. They failed to put in the promised anti-griefing mechanisms. They encouraged 'psychopathic murder' as a play style and failed to put in the promised 'consequences'. They knew about the memory hacking cheaters from back in the alpha, and did very little to stop them. Stories about griefers and exploiters encouraged folks to run and hide in solo, even if (as I suspect is the case) the stories implied a much greater level of griefing and hacking than was actually happening.
That post hits so many nails on so many heads you could use it to build a shed. The disconnect between David Braben's pre-launch speeches about what the game should be and how antisocial behaviour would be moderated, and the ridiculous free-for-all we got in December 2014, was staggering. Some of us warned FD that the vision was perhaps a touch naive, and that such controls would be difficult to implement, but we at least expected them to try. In the end they did nothing except fire-fight the emerging exploits one at a time with ridiculous gameplay tweaks, damaging the game for other players in the process and ensuring that the previously dismissed cries of "everyone will flee to Solo or Group" became an eventual self-fulfilling prophecy. Very disappointing.
Which brings us full circle again :) . I honestly think FD knew what they were doing when they scoped the basic game before bringing it to the Kickstarter.

Personal View

At its core is the 1:1 galaxy. From that flows everything else, the PvE slant, the emphasis on player choice, the P2P networking model, the focus on the BGS to “run” the galaxy, not players who amount to no more than a speck of dust in the vast expanse of the Sahara desert.

I seem to recall some wise soul posting some time ago – “FD couldn’t have designed a game more likely to frustrate ex EvE players if they’d tried”. – or words to that effect. I don't think they did that on purpose, it's a beneficial/regrettable result of the games core design.

Territorial/Resource control – pointless. Effectively infinite territory and resources.
No Subscriptions – No real money trade, pay to win, and gold faucets to monetize the game. That it reduces the scandals and corruption, is a side benefit and means FD don’t have to employ their own form of “Internal Investigations Department” just yet.”

The ability to mode switch, simplifies the game for the many, many thousands of players who don’t play the “my gang is bigger than your gang” game. They effectively have it, hardware, software for the non tech savvy, or by simply flying somewhere else. All the mode switch does is allow them to do it without inconveniencing them further.

Unfortunately for some “Play Styles” it would seem there is a market for games which encourage player interaction without forcing it. That FD, and other games under development (Star Citizen, Shroud of the Avatar) have chosen to pursue this market would indicate from a business point of view there’s more money in player choice than forced interaction.

As FD have been around for a “couple” of years, they may just understand their market a little better than we do from our side of the monitor. After all they’re staking their jobs and livelihoods on the call they made before the kickstarter. We’re just staking a couple of quid.

Very Very good post.
I wonder how many of the people who cry "griefers everywhere in open" actually played a single minute in open...

If it weren't for the npcs, one could play in open in a shieldless and weaponless sidewinder for months before being killed a single time by another player.

Yet everyday someone repeats the fabled "griefers everywhere"...
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