The Star Citizen Thread v 4

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It's this balance they say CIG does not do on this thread to sell everything for the greed of money. Capitals are massive, the Javelin is freaking persistent on the universe, there's no hangar for it! Obviously they can't have too many people with them once the game starts, i mean... A Javelin is a freaking MAP persistent moving around the MMO, if they ever let too many of them start with the game, things can get unbalanced. One special balance for massive Capital Ships, and that balance does not require any WIN, or are you saying to WIN star citizen you need to own one Idris?

If this game releases and everyone can buy any ship ingame, it will get to a point where every longterm player has an Idris. So we're gonna have a battle of the giants, with a few new players in Auroras for comedy diversions.
Well a shooting fight with other spaceships? Which really is what Star Citizen is about at its core. I'm assuming it does combat pretty well.
Not if you are alone on it, now does it? xD
It's the same thing if you're flying a Constellation the current 2.1 by yourself, one Aurora might take you down, now if you have people on the turrets....

And a capital like Idris does not come with NPC Crew, you'll have to hire and pay them separately to get it to work. Even so, AI Crew is not going to do things as board enemy ships and such, over the fundamentals, (otherwise SC will become a RTS), so... it's pretty clear one ship like the Idris is one HUB for one organization of players, and not a ship ideal to "solo" with. That's where the the gameplay you will have with one Capital Ship is not the same as the rest.

SC has on its core, the ship > ship combat, but the game activities, what is called the pacifistic gameplay activities are said to be a thing. Fighting Ships on a Ship, is not what i want to do on SC, being part of a crew using turrets and stuff... Maybe serving drinks? :D That might hit my style, people like different things, rather than own big ships.

I may have got the wrong end of the stick here. Am I to understand that there will only be 100 Idris ships and these can be bought for rl cash? If that is the case then only people who pay cash will have one. There will be no way of earning one in game, and a ship like that is a HUGE advantage.
You got it wrong really, they limited the Idris Sales for 100 Ships, not 100 Idris to be possible to exist on the game. o_O

They talked about something to deal with griefing/player aggression but there's no more information about what they mean for now.
*u* maybe they can send crusader security after you! :D
I may have got the wrong end of the stick here. Am I to understand that there will only be 100 Idris ships and these can be bought for rl cash? If that is the case then only people who pay cash will have one. There will be no way of earning one in game, and a ship like that is a HUGE advantage.
You got the wrong end, yes. You can buy one ingame(or steal one), but there was a limit of 100 for rl cash
I may have got the wrong end of the stick here. Am I to understand that there will only be 100 Idris ships and these can be bought for rl cash? If that is the case then only people who pay cash will have one. There will be no way of earning one in game, and a ship like that is a HUGE advantage.

This ain't pay to win so ALL ships must be able to be earned ingame!
If this game releases and everyone can buy any ship ingame, it will get to a point where every longterm player has an Idris. So we're gonna have a battle of the giants, with a few new players in Auroras for comedy diversions.
I'm sorry but one Idris is not a "Singleplayer" Ship, is not a Solo Ship.
Even with AI Crew, unless SC becomes one RTS, the Idris will not be ideal to play with alone. I don't want to own a capital ship, Why would I? Just because it's one of the biggest ships? o_O

I prefer become part of a Crew of one, you know... multiplayer, one MMO after all. :)
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Gotta say I'm not sure the argument that:

  • An MMO does not have an end
  • And no "end" means no possible "win" condition
  • And if no "win" then pay2win is impossible
  • Therefore we can charge for all the things and you can't rightly complain because by logic it's not pay2win

Is a good one. It just seems like playing with semantics.

I think everyone who's ever played an MMO (everyone here on the ED forums) knows buying one ship does not equal "win the game" as it's being implied I am saying.

The above bulleted argument I think stems from Sandi here :

It is clearly the message all good Star Citizens should be preaching!
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I'm sorry but one Idris is not a "Singleplayer" Ship, is not a Solo Ship.
Even with AI Crew, unless SC becomes one RTS, the Idris will not be ideal to play with alone. I don't want to own a capital ship, Why would I? Just because it's one of the biggest ships? o_O

I prefer become part of a Crew of one, you know... multiplayer, one MMO after all. :)

Even with NPC crew the Idris is gonna be a Godship. I would fly one just because I can - and it's unbeatable in combat if you have the PVP slider set to minimum, so you don't face wings of players.

CIG need to do a lot of balancing with this game, or they are facing a massive faceplant.
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I'm sorry but one Idris is not a "Singleplayer" Ship, is not a Solo Ship.
Even with AI Crew, unless SC becomes one RTS, the Idris will not be ideal to play with alone. I don't want to own a capital ship, Why would I? Just because it's one of the biggest ships? o_O

I prefer become part of a Crew of one, you know... multiplayer, one MMO after all. :)
Most of the big ships will only be to use in very specific moments of the game. You will not transport cargo in your Idris. Fuel, NPCs salary, ammunition... no profit... the little ships can escape easily... why would you use a capital ship to most of the missions?

Most probably will only be use in big campaigns and against bit orgs or big groups(With big ships) of pirates or NPCs.
Even with NPC crew the Idris is gonna be a Godship. I would fly one just because I can - and it's unbeatable in combat if you have the PVP slider set to minimum, so you don't face wings of players.

CIG need to a lot of balancing with this game, or they are facing a massive faceplant.
Not really, supposedly the NPCs won't be easy mode, so maybe you could find dangers you wouldn't want.

What can you really do alone if a group of pirates attack you, they can probably enter your ship sooner or later, they can with time destroy parts of your ships even if they enter your ship and take it by force.
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I may have got the wrong end of the stick here. Am I to understand that there will only be 100 Idris ships and these can be bought for rl cash? If that is the case then only people who pay cash will have one. There will be no way of earning one in game, and a ship like that is a HUGE advantage.

Well I hope not, Max has said he'd leave the game if anything like that happened.
Okay then, everybody, forget all you know about Star Citizen.

To win Star Citizen you will need to own one Idris or Javelin Capital Ships. Forget about all the gameplay activities, forget about the pacifist gameplay, forget about everything SC was meant to be.

SC is now, about owning a big Capital Ship, not about playing the game you want, it's not about emergent gameplay as well, it's not about the several gameplay activities, it's not about multi-crew, it's all about own big ships.

Is possible that this system is just some npcs fighters that attack you if you kill x amount of people.
Yeah it can be interesting if people kill inside that starter safe area, to start get a reputation and consequences for it. That can make it stable for now... And with PvP if people want it so, outside that area.
Will wait to see more info on this!
Most of the big ships will only be to use in very specific moments of the game. You will not transport cargo in your Idris. Fuel, NPCs salary, ammunition... no profit... the little ships can escape easily... why would you use a capital ship to most of the missions?

Most probably will only be use in big campaigns and against bit orgs or big groups(With big ships) of pirates or NPCs.

The Imperial Cutter in ED was designed to be a top class combat ship. Now everyone found that it's the best, biggest and most profitable trade ship around.

CIG have said you can modify your ships extensively, so I wouldn't be surprised to see massive Idris traders out there!
Most of the big ships will only be to use in very specific moments of the game. You will not transport cargo in your Idris. Fuel, NPCs salary, ammunition... no profit... the little ships can escape easily... why would you use a capital ship to most of the missions?

Most probably will only be use in big campaigns and against bit orgs or big groups(With big ships) of pirates or NPCs.
Yeah this is not a solo game with capital ships, they are meant to group play, it's so clear, and even if you AI Crew, you have costs to do so, how well would it work if you're just doing normal activities?

So yeah, one Idris is likely the best bet for a big ship between orgs, or something challenging, that justifies the COST vs REWARD. Because that thing is not just "load and play", and i think we both know what was already said about its maintenance costs, like you said, go doing a minor bounty hunting, cargo transport, and so on, on a big Idris, is more harm than good.

By harm i mean... It's going to make you loose money. :p
Okay then, everybody, forget all you know about Star Citizen.

To win Star Citizen you will need to own one Idris or Javelin Capital Ships. Forget about all the gameplay activities, forget about the pacifist gameplay, forget about everything SC was meant to be.

SC is now, about owning a big Capital Ship, not about playing the game you want, it's not about emergent gameplay as well, it's not about the several gameplay activities, it's not about multi-crew, it's all about own big ships.

Well as I said above I think that argument makes no sense :

Pretending an MMO has a win condition in order to make your point is not a good argument. No-one here thinks you "win" MMOs, were all posting on the ED forums after all.
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If this game releases and everyone can buy any ship ingame, it will get to a point where every longterm player has an Idris. So we're gonna have a battle of the giants, with a few new players in Auroras for comedy diversions.
Most likely not. While many will have the big ships, if they balance it right there will be plenty of reasons to be a fighter jock. On Discovery Freelancer, I had my big Osiris bit sold it to take down liberty cap ships in a squad of heavy fighters
Pretending an MMO has a win condition in order to make your point is not a good argument. No-one here thinks you "win" MMOs, were all posting on the ED forums after all.

MMOs refer as this, as the end-game. And i'm sorry but all i heard, read, and know about SC, is not about one endgame that is about owning the big capital ships and that's it.

It's simply not, this is why game activities exist, if my objective on the game is be a trader, why would i want one capital? I would want trading ships. And this goes on with every player and the type of gameplay they want. As the players who backed SC for its FPS component, why would they want one capital? Wouldn't they prefer being part of a group or even a crew of a Idris that is meant to board or ships, or explore stations, on FPS combat? If a player wants his SC experience to be dog-fighting, the last thing they want is one capital ship, yet the best fighter around, that they could possibly dock on a capital ship, as part of something bigger.

I think you are completely missing the essence of SC as a whole. o_O
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The Imperial Cutter in ED was designed to be a top class combat ship. Now everyone found that it's the best, biggest and most profitable trade ship around.

CIG have said you can modify your ships extensively, so I wouldn't be surprised to see massive Idris traders out there!
You can modify your ship but not that much, is a combat("military") ship, not the best ingame, probably even the javelin has more fire power than the Idris but the Idris can transport ships and be used as a command center(Amongs others things...).

And is more than probable that any of those two ships will be an objective(FOCUS FIRE!!!!!!) to bombers and other little ships(In the end that's the idea, you need the little and medium ships to protect your big ones).
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You can modify your ship but not that much, is a combat("military") ship, not the best ingame, probably even the javelin has more fire power than the Idris but the Idris can transport ships and be used as a command center(Amongs others things...).

And is more than probable that any of those two ships will be an objective(FOCUS FIRE!!!!!!) to bombers and other little ships(In the end that's the idea, you need the little and medium ships to protect your big ones).

If it can carry ships, then surely it can be modified to carry massive amounts of cargo. I want an Idris trader!
I don't think the Capitals are modular to the extent it could change like others, with rooms, to adapt the ship focused activity? It's like the 2 Idris, 1 Javelin and that's it.

However, the wonders that the Enemy Capital Kingship could possibly be conquered in-game and owned? That could be cool!
Or even the Bengal, another capital that wasn't sold and supposedly can only be gotten by finding and repairing it in-game?

@Marak yeah you want the Kingship, is a dedicated carrier / flagship Vanduul capital that hasn't been confirmed on the PU (yet), only on SQ42.
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