The Star Citizen Thread v 4

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AI DEMO from last ATV, "AI Subsumption and Collision Avoidance":

What i mean is the people who claim CR's past to him "Doesn't know how to make a game.", "Can't write a Script", blah blah blah... and at the same time backed his game, what is kinda counter-productive. If those people are so certain that it's going to be all bad and awful, or at least see it as such from what's known, then, they should run after their Refunds and find another game to play. As in terms of SQ42, said to be a successor WC, what it is doing, is just that, so i don't know why would one expect to be somehow, something else.

That is some horrible collision avoidance, I guess if your idea is to just let them walk through each other some of the times, its great, or wig out and spaz when they encounter an object. That kind of tech has improved greatly over the years, I wonder why they didn't just take some basic stuff off the shelf.
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1500, no sorry, you stop spreading mis-information. You based your statements on your own speculation on what is even the ratio of requests granted, and b) that they don't issue outside the 14 days when people already claimed recently to get refunds as high as 300$, and via paypal, no CC's or charge-backs involved.
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Volunteer Moderator
As I mentioned before, cut this stuff out.

Stop accusing each other of misinformation. Stop sniping at each other.
Has anyone done a script reading of that leak yet?

Obv. the tone wouldn't be as intended without the director (CR), but it would be kinda fun to hear it.
The reality is that CIG have always had a public policy of not giving out refunds. No matter what you think of DS, it was thanks to him that there was a window of CIG giving out refunds to all that asked. But sadly that window didn't last long. Now they are back to refusing peoples refunds. If you are new to this thread, or have not been following SC, do not expect to be able to get a refund, because it will not happen. Just do a charge back.
The reality is that CIG still offers refunds, reviewed on case by case basis,outside the period by law, enforced for the refund that is set on 14 days. The window to get refunds, had not closed, and the persons who had refunded their older pledges recently, prove that.

If there is people new to this thread, with worries on this, it's simple: Buy into SC when you feel what it has to offer is enough to what you're looking for, as the alpha progresses, and you don't need to worry about refunds. ;)
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Oh god I hope that's not real

Well it is the same company that brought you the cringe worthy Bishop speech. With its horrible script, bad voice acting, and poor animations. lol why did they make him a cone head.


And lets not forget the hysterical song. FULL BURN.

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I honestly don't expect much from the dialogue of an action oriented video game.

I don't see SQ42 trying to develop an engrossing and engaging story of the likes of Morrowind.

Mostly, I've always seen it as action sci-fi played out in a video game. At least that is what I gathered from outset, knowing CR's proclivities for cinematic story telling. And not just any sci-fi, but a decidedly B-movie sci-fi.

It will come down to tone, which is not really conveyed by a script.

Either it will come across flat and "phoned-in" (causing you to beg for a skip scene button) or it will be delightfully cheesy in its obvious use of obvious cliche. Having not read it myself (I'd rather listen to a couple folks read it) I can't make a solid judgement on it since irony and sarcasm is tough to get across in text...however, I think it would be safe to say that this script is probably near final, knowing that they have already shot the scenes and have probably started or finished recording the voice overs.
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I fully expect to see space bussing, drink mixing and food delivery in-game if it ever gets released.

Otherwise my immersion will be broken, RSI won't have delivered what they promised, and I'll stamp my feet and demand a refund :D
I fully expect to see space bussing, drink mixing and food delivery in-game if it ever gets released.

Otherwise my immersion will be broken, RSI won't have delivered what they promised, and I'll stamp my feet and demand a refund :D

I'll poison all ur drinks.

low wage job when you loose all your ships into gambling and need to work delivery noodles across the galaxy, doesn't sound too bad! Fluff, fluff everywhere!
Nobody posted this here yet? I think this is great

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