The Star Citizen Thread v 4

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I have noticed this for a long time. Don't forget the cash factor. People are in with CIG for hundreds to thousands of dollars, some have interests in grey market reselling and don't want to be left holding a stock of worthless ships. There is huge emotional and financial bias at play when it comes to CIG and Star Citizen and while its not a cult per se the behaviour of its most fervent backers is the definition of cult like behaviour(my leader can do no wrong and will guide us into the light).

As for Frontier and ED, backers by and large have at most a couple of hundred spent on the game and usually much less so they get the usual expectations and criticisms heaped on them as any other game. They don't get special treatment.

Odd isn't it.
You would think being $10,000 into a game, an individual might be seriously critical of any business or design decision. I know the less invested I am in something generally the less I care about it.
The logical conclusion is it's well marketed terrible broken pap.

It's so terrible and broken, that there's people who after try Free Flight weekends, buy one actual package. :p

Or maybe there's people who like terrible and broken games, or maybe there's people who LIKED what they played and saw, and understand what one Alpha Is. :)
I have noticed this for a long time. Don't forget the cash factor. People are in with CIG for hundreds to thousands of dollars, some have interests in grey market reselling and don't want to be left holding a stock of worthless ships. There is huge emotional and financial bias at play when it comes to CIG and Star Citizen and while its not a cult per se the behaviour of its most fervent backers is the definition of cult like behaviour(my leader can do no wrong and will guide us into the light).

As for Frontier and ED, backers by and large have at most a couple of hundred spent on the game and usually much less so they get the usual expectations and criticisms heaped on them as any other game. They don't get special treatment.

CIG has yet to reap the dissatisfied whale whirlwind. There are signs of formerly very keen high spenders who have the serious jitters in the last few days - I won't name/link them here but anyone who is following it can probably name them.

Just like here SC has the PVP/PVE/Rper etc. camps and even if all the technical challenges are successfully met at this point none of them can say definitively how the game will suit their particular interests and the image they've built in their minds.

It will be like the you know what megathread here x 100 with that amount of emotional and hard cash investment ploughed in..
It's so terrible and broken, that there's people who after try Free Flight weekends, buy one actual package. :p

Or maybe there's people who like terrible and broken games, or maybe there's people who LIKED what they played and saw, and understand what one Alpha Is. :)

And there are others who laugh their pants off and then don't buy after a free fly week. They really should drop the "fly" from that phrase.

Some broken games can admittedly be fun just like some terrible movies achieve comedy classic cult status, SC isn't in that league.

On my understanding of alpha's I'm currently playing subnautica in early release, it has bugs, it's not finished but it's already lots of fun. Here is the current status of development :

Have a look at that and compare it with "Buy more ships, this time they work. We have actors". Click on the battery charger to see exactly how far they've got with that individual item (second item in the doing column). They have a plan with dates that you can follow, and it's working. Now that's an alpha.

It also had VR support from early on as a basic design element.
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Odd isn't it.
You would think being $10,000 into a game, an individual might be seriously critical of any business or design decision. I know the less invested I am in something generally the less I care about it.

I was $3000 in at one point mainly because I was desperate to see a dead genre revived and had very fond memories of Wing Commander and Privateer, but once I saw how far the game was moving from its original pitch and the crap attitude CIG had to its founder backers(especially regarding the flight model and controls) I sold all my ships over time(I still have 1 starter package). Many didn't do this as they had 'faith' CIG were going to fix things later on because its an 'alpha' and they expected these thing to improve instead of actually getting worse.

Theoretically if you had $10000 still in the game and were rapidly losing faith what would you do? Refunds are pretty much closed off so your best bet would be to hype the game to heaven so you can offload your digital assets on the grey market. Others simply believe CIG has metric tonnes of work done in the background on a super secret build we have never seen, there are many factors at play that make backers more protective of SC than supporters of any other game.
And there are others who laugh their pants off and then don't buy after a free fly week. They really should drop the "fly" from that phrase.

Some broken games can admittedly be fun just like some terrible movies achieve comedy classic cult status, SC isn't in that league.

That clearly shows that this is based on opinions. :p

It's fun though, like i had some friends didn't knew they owned SC even, on last month free fly or on April i don't remember well, bought the game after trying it, as they liked it, then we ended up all playing together. Clearly shows that gap between reality and what's this "un-playable broken garbage", some people put so much effort on defend... to a point, they have to do this "mentions" to the ones who don't agree with that opinion of it, as a cult / deluded / etc. [where is it]
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That clearly shows that this is based on opinions. :p

It's fun though, like i had some friends didn't knew they owned SC even, on last month free fly or on April i don't remember well, bought the game after trying it, as they liked it, then we ended up all playing together. Clearly shows that gap between reality and what's this "un-playable broken garbage", some people put so much effort on defend... to a point, they have to call the ones who don't agree with that opinion of it, as a cult / deluded / etc. [where is it]

Whats your problem with opinions ?.

I don't dress my posts up as anything other than what I think, telling me I just gave an opinion after I type my opinion is a waste of time. It doesn't mean anything.

Did you look at subnautica's trello page, do you not think that's a good and effective way to communicate actual progress ?. I know you really really like star citizen but just have a look at what else is out there and how people are doing it better, it's not being unfaithful. Chris Roberts will never know.
And there are others who laugh their pants off and then don't buy after a free fly week. They really should drop the "fly" from that phrase.

Some broken games can admittedly be fun just like some terrible movies achieve comedy classic cult status, SC isn't in that league.

On my understanding of alpha's I'm currently playing subnautica in early release, it has bugs, it's not finished but it's already lots of fun. Here is the current status of development :

Have a look at that and compare it with "Buy more ships, this time they work. We have actors". Click on the battery charger to see exactly how far they've got with that individual item (second item in the doing column). They have a plan with dates that you can follow, and it's working. Now that's an alpha.

It also had VR support from early on as a basic design element.

There is a difference between building such a little game and something big like sc, gta5 or any other big game in that size.
I cannot really follow your comparison.

I have the feeling that some people here forget how big the project star citizen is...
(Even gta5 looks still small compared to this project)
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There is a difference between building such a little game and something big like sc, gta5 or any other big game in that size.
I cannot really follow your comparison.

I have the feeling that some people here forget how big the project star citizen is...

I'll simplify for you.

The game is more stable and fun than SC, the dev's communicate better than CIG. It has VR. Not bad for less time and money.
I have the feeling that some people here forget how big the project star citizen is...
I think those people are the ones who reckon it's going to be even at Minimum Viable Product status any time in the next few years based on what we can currently see.

What we can see right now are the very basics. They're still buggy and they're still in progress, but that makes sense - it's a pre-alpha, or alpha, or whatever. However, at some point two things have to happen if they want to actually progress: those basic mechanics have to get a lot more stable, and they have to add a lot more of those mechanics to support all the gameplay they've sold in the form of ships.

Mining, medics, botany, exploration... How long is it going to take to add any or all of those (not talk about how they'll work, actually implement them!), and then how long to actually make them stable, worthwhile and not "alpha quality"? Do any of those need to be in for a minimum viable product? If not, what does?
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Whats your problem with opinions ?
Oh not any problem with opinions, is when it becomes "this is my opinion and this is the fact", ofc everyone else that begs to differ has to be wrong. It's like the FM opinions, but it's put as "it's wrong because i don't like it", who goes against that view, is constantly put on a box that is often labeled as "cultist, deluded, fanboys, that agree with everything the lord and savoir CR releases, etc... etc...", so their opinions can be easily dismissed.

I have the feeling that some people here forget how big the project star citizen is...

I'd say it would be a problem to fit a development with hundreds of employees on a game of this scope, on a public tasking / roadmap, it works much better on smaller indies projects, that usually have that or similar ways to post their roadmaps/change-logs/working-on stuff, etc... What CIG does best on open development, are the studio weekly and monthly reports, on witch we know always what's being worked on, some details of it, etc...
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I'm not sure if this has been posted earlier, but this new space sim looks amazing(almost as good as SC) !

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I'm not sure if this has been posted earlier, but this new space sim looks amazing(almost as good as SC) !

Was just looking at that - not sure what to make of it - though anything with an Arnie voice is 10 times funnier straight off the bat.

- Visit space today or get old waiting for that other space game that you already paid for
- Crowdfund a space colony and get other people to pay for it and do all the work!
- Endless space full of planets to visit. but seriously it would take forever to go there so why bother
- There is one planet nearby though. Go to that one
- Fly and shoot stuff in space, because nobody makes games about flying and shooting in space anymore
- Learn how to be a real bridge commander like that spock dude from mars or whatever
- The biggest map in goat simulator history, filled to the brim with exclusive content. I know PR. Hire me Valve!
- No crew member will be left unromanced

On topic - SQ42/Star Citizen - how's that doing these days?
And it is still not the same size so that you can compare it.

What does that matter? CIG are failing at implementing the basics aspects, they have not even gotten to the more crazy claims they have made. Trying to claim that its harder for CIG because they hype their game, and make outlandish claims does not hold water (unlike SC's space, it can easily hold water), due to the fact that CIG are still just working on the basics and failing hard at it.
When we're talking size in regard to SC what are we measuring?

Number of devs?
Number of features talked about/implemented?
Size of play area talked about/implemented?
Number of mocap studios built?
And it is still not the same size so that you can compare it.

SC has a tiny little implemented "verse", and I think the master plan is for 100 systems which is still minute (if that isn't a promise intended to be scaled down before release).

There's another game can't quite remember tip of my tongue 400 billion stars or something.....

But that's not the the point, subnautica's dev's communicate well and I like their style, more companies should do that. It's almost hype free and you can see exactly whats what.
On my understanding of alpha's I'm currently playing subnautica in early release, it has bugs, it's not finished but it's already lots of fun. Here is the current status of development :

BTW, that is open development right there. You have access to the management tools and see the progress as the project manager(s) see it.
Star Citizen is quite communicative, but it is not "open development".
Meanwhile in Crusader....

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