The Star Citizen Thread v 4

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You have to hand it to him - that is the classic hater's gonna hate pose.

Top marks!

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He could be there for charity, delivering a picture of a spaceship by boat to a sick child. We might be way out of line mocking the lovely birthdays he's able to have on backer dimes and Lesnicked nickels.

I swear, if only we could one day comprehend the FULL VISION...

I imagine it's like one of those H.P. Lovecraft things, where you grasp the enormity of Chris' full vision and your heart stops moments after you go utterly mad, hair shock white. The Total Roberts Perspective Vortex.
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There's a massive thread-naught about the new AI which contains a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth, just like after every other AI update since release. There's some rumors about NPC's with rapid fire PA's or something but the people repeatedly spamming the same video (NPC rapid fire weapon, maybe a bug maybe an upgrade) are also demanding an AI nerf so big pinch of salt.

It'll calm down in a week or so, it usually does. There's a poll (woohoo) if you want to vote on the new AI.

I've found the new AI to be really good fun, challenging but nowhere near impossible.

Threads here :

My TLDR was pretty much it though.

IME the new AI is much worse: if I'm out in a CNAV with my 'conda then I get loads of collisions from AI ships. They seem to like looking in through my windshield for some reason. It was bad enough before with the ram 'n' scans. It, and other behaviour, has sort of sucked the fun out of ED for me at the moment. And I fear I'm not the only one.

To bring this back onto topic: players need to have fun or they'll stop playing - and that's true for both ED and SC.
The satire movement, ladies and gentlemen. Lets give it a big hand.

Meanwhile, the RSI forums try to make sense of the E3 cancellation:

"If Squadron was getting released this year there would be a lot to show at E3. They would be hyping the poo poo out of it. This is a pretty strong signal in my mind that we ain't seeing it this year or early next.

Que sera sera. I can wait but others will be chomping at the bit to tear into CIG for this. I'll take bets on this as well. Not a chance in hell squadron releases this year if they have nothing to show at E3."

Nothing to show, almost five years in. Man o man.
It's the poppy thing again!

The tall poppy syndrome is a pejorative term primarily used in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and other Anglosphere nations to describe a social phenomenon in which people of who have earned stature in the community are resented, attacked, cut down, or criticised because their talents or achievements

I'm really not seeing a connection between the definition as above (from Wikipedia) and anything to do with Star Citizen or it's personnel.
And Chris said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith in my full vision as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, refactor hence to yonder place; and it shall refactor; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

And Chris waved his hands. And it was good.
The insta-kill AI is a bug, There have been 3 or more vids posted of ships firing off a rail gun with a rate of fire of an mc (think purple tracer). It is a bug, there is no weapon mod in game that can do that.

So far I have seen vids of a Python and an iClipper, there is also a recorded incident of a Viper III shredding an A class PvP wing.

It does look ridiculous when you see the videos. I would expect patch 2.1.1 either tomorrow or Thursday to correct it.
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The satire movement, ladies and gentlemen. Lets give it a big hand.

Meanwhile, the RSI forums try to make sense of the E3 cancellation:

"If Squadron was getting released this year there would be a lot to show at E3. They would be hyping the poo poo out of it. This is a pretty strong signal in my mind that we ain't seeing it this year or early next.

Que sera sera. I can wait but others will be chomping at the bit to tear into CIG for this. I'll take bets on this as well. Not a chance in hell squadron releases this year if they have nothing to show at E3."

Nothing to show, almost five years in. Man o man.

I assume this no show is related to the 'vertical slice single level' they had mentioned recently, The impression I got from that was that it was in the final stage of play-testing and polishing.
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And Chris said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith in my full vision as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, refactor hence to yonder place; and it shall refactor; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

And Chris waved his hands. And it was good.

Give us a sign oh Lord!

Interesting video.

Dude talks about giving SC the benefit of the doubt, but for some (not all clearly) I think that time might have passed. Surely there's only so many times you can give the benefit of the doubt, overlooking broken promises/release dates, in two weeks etc..

From where I'm sitting it's all about Squadron 42, honestly I watch SC and how that project is prioritized with a pretty pessimistic view. But really I see that as just background, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and so on... Squadron 42 is the next *real* milestone. It's a deliverable product promised for 2016 so like within 6 months, if they can deliver that and it's good then it's [up], until then I just have no reason to *believe*.

However with Squadron 42 in 2016, I honestly feel it will be just another broken release date.
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