I note that in a later post you admit your mistakes in mixing up the lawyers and posts, that is refreshing.
I say that because this guy was wrong or at best his first video was misleading. When I saw the first video, I thought, is he even a qualified lawyer? Having seen his 2nd video he clearly is a lawyer as who else can spend 19 minutes explaining how they were wrong but concluding that they were correct.
More importantly looking at the detail of his arguments if he is correct then CryTech have or soon will have lost all legal arguments.. Do you think he is correct or will it go to trial?
Then does CIG have its lawyers on a retainer or will they have significant legal fees in addition to the settlement fee, and how much will they be.
While I was hoping that the lawsuit would force CiGs hand I never specifically understood the uproar about it nor am I particularly interested in it. Somehow the theoretical outcome of the lawsuit is discussed as an "ultimate" when it comes to Star Citizen when in reality all it does is endanger SCs completion a very one-sided course of action. If the lawsuit fails we are back where we were BEFORE the lawsuit meaning no game, glacial progress and zero consumer rights from CiG. CiG doesnt really "gain" anything from winning this lawsuit. That something like it arose in the first place tho....oh I m sure that Crytek is just a bunch of haters...the instant go-to explanation of the shills and white knights who cannot accept that people are less then impressed by this mess of a "game".
And the tighter the CiG-fabricated corset becomes the more desperate defending voices become. It was ridiculous years ago and its even more ridiculous today when I observe people. Nowadays people have to really commit, outlining their epic adventures in glorious detail verbally shaming other real games which offer real content. Already stating "I had fun" isnt enough anymore. It needs specific undocumented examples and the naming of "friends" to support theoretical claims which could at any given time be fabricated or hallucinated I dont know. Also lashing out seems to help in regards to pent-up frustration too, with SC of course no doubt. Whenever somebody feels cocky enough to actually post a gameplay video its almost always a "whaaaaa....?????" moment for me because I actually know how other games look like and have to offer and whatever I see is by no means a reassurance of quality and dependency regarding CiGs capabilities. Usually I m back to re-evaluating the posters stance and adjusting his/her reliance in terms of information when it comes to Star Citizen.
The promises of "potential" fades by being years late and having to endure all the cases where CiG lied or under-performed (or is still "holding"). If I mistrust a company that has a history of bad performance and even worse customer treatment thats something I call "common sense" and not "hate" but it probably depends on what side I m standing.
If something is "fun" or not doesnt really need to be discussed. People pay lots of money for all kinds of activities be it bungee jumping or sky diving, RV models or collecting any kind of object...usually these things are "worth" it in the eyes of the observer and while other people no doubt dont understand this motivation or think of them as a waste of time you dont see such heated arguments over bungee jumping. People who love it and people who disregard it can co-exist without much quarrel. Because...
1. its peoples personal decision and their own money
2. people disliking said activity dont prevent the first group from performing it
Usually every activity that uses up a lot of resources be it time, committment or money eventually comes under investigation when the public eye rolls over it. This is the time where outsiders start to question the sanity or reason of said activity. And usually these questions are met with evidence or proof that said activity holds a level of fascination for many but not all. Usually the "clashes" result from people trying to figure out what drives others to invest large sums of money or even risk their lives in order to "enjoy" such a thing. So pretty much every activity you can think of has to endure suspicion, doubt and open questions. Nothing new here. Nobody needs to be labeled "hater" for not understanding the fascination but you certainly can label others "fanatics" when you evaluate how much money and time they sunk into X and also their behavior overall.
Somehow Star Citizen is different. We already established that people can do with their money whatever they want. This needed to be said when the SCDF rose up trying to ride on the argument "DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH MY MONEY!!!"- That was never the issue. If some feel the need to pay for an advantage or invest into a non-existing game thats their choice. Others certainly dont understand it, mostly people who didnt lose the "concept of financial value" because sorry, turn it as you want 1000 bucks are a lot of money regardless how you look at it. We also established that people not trusting CiG or people who are ridiculing Star Citizen for whatever have zero impact on its development because according to CiG, a company known for its honesty and integrity (lol) has declared that the project is fully funded several times over so at best its a matter of time and not "if".
So it sounds like Star Citizen is nesting in a nice cozy cave of security waiting to hatch. Theres nothing that can threaten this.
Yet somehow there are so many people in the project who feel threatened and the urge to "push back" against all the haters and naysayers. I dont know what this urge is based on. I can understand the desire to "set something straight" when I see lies, exaggerations and hate being posted in a matter of interest to me. But then I would still expect listing of facts, evidence and logical thinking of anybody participating. Instead when it comes to Star Citizen the level of double standard, over-reaction and personal attacks are through the roof and have been from the very start. Its an interesting point of observation because usually in an argument the one barking the loudest has nothing and needs to rely on physical intimidation instead of retreat. Its just strange that an online discussion can trigger such a reaction aka representing a threat of such a level and I often wonder why.
After years of mistreatment, verbal attacks and stalking the fanatical side of the SC community has bred a sizable chunk of online users who use the same tools to hit back so while "technically" true that both sides are just as extreme taking a closer look at how it all started I see a very one-sided fault. The internet warlord is a great example. Push far enough and suddenly a person will push back. Only depending on how cruel or unfair prior treatment was you are suddenly looking at an "arch-enemy" of your own doing. Crying wolf afterwards and pointing to the folks who suffered from your mistreatment declaring "they are just as bad" doesnt really hold any water....not to me tho.
I said it often by now. The best thing SC backers could have done from the start are laughing it off or ignoring it and let the project do its thing. Star Citizen is already so good. CiG is on the right path. SC is securely funded. CiG will safe PC gaming.
All these things should actually help to build a high tolerance against attacks. Only in this case it doesnt. Instead people are inclined to actively go out of their way to hunt down any dissent and sources of doubt in order to crush it often with fabricated facts or outright lies or misinterpretations (which is basically the same). Even tho in many cases they are met with cold hard facts, logical thinking or common sense these things dont help to calm down certain individuals. Faced with irrefutable logic or at least acceptable terms some only proclaim more and more intensive how much "fun" they have willingly using terms as "perfect" or "insanely fun" (because simple "fun" is already bad....500% which is obviously 5x as good as 100% duh) to convince others (and probably themselves) of how good the product is. That the product in question is unable to back-up any argument or demonstrate its superiority is no doubt only increasing the level of frustration which then leads to snide remarks, open attacks and of course demonization.
Fact is...its kind of hard to have a "neutral" discussion about Star Citizen simply because of how bad the alpha is in its current state. Especially when you consider the timeline and cost to bring it to this point. Thats why most places are either very one-sided regarding CiG/Star Citizen be it praise or skepticism. Some here have claimed that this thread has an overall "negativity" and its true but its also fully justified and documented. We still have access to V1 of this thread and the tone back then was drastically different then it is now. People have followed this project for years by now, experienced all the mess-ups, remember all the promises and actually lived through many cases of mistreatment when this place got under "attack" by individuals who are not longer with us due to their inability to follow forum rules.
If you can honestly say that you "see" all the things that have been dug up and laid out in front of you and still claim that you have "full confidence" in CiG and consider SC the best game of all times in the making then we only established that theres something very wrong here. At best its a demonstration that its impossible to convince the other side so a good opportunity to "drop it and walk away". Yet here we are....
...I find the community side of Star Citizen much more fascinating then the game itself...interesting isnt it? And also very telling when it comes to the game itself
It seems to me that nowadays "discussing" the game has been reduced to a massive effort of trolling on the SC fans expense. Grown and supported by the sides own doing. In many cases its just "paying back the favors" other times they simply represent an easy victim and so it continues.
There is a list of documented examples when toxicity directed against anybody who wasnt convinced of SC was extreme. Trying to play the victim now really doesnt hold any water and the best you usually can do is to ignore sarcasm or participate in obvious troll attempts. When I personally talk about "shills" and "fanatics" in this very thread you dont have to feel addressed because chances are not. But IF you do you might want to take a close look at yourself or if you dont care about what I think simply ignore me.
When I talk about SC in a negative light or point out things that are ugly I dont do so out of spite. I do it because
they are there. There are also things that are positive about Star Citizen. I acknowledged them several times in the past BUT these singular examples are either not the norm, not reproducable or usually dont help to turn the end opinion around. For example I dont see how good-looking scenery provided in screenshots or edited footage helps in convincing me of SCs greatness or superiority. Not when there is an equal amount of bad looking evidence in place obviously contradicting the first group.
I m just saying....if you are contributing in this thread you might want to take a look at the reasons for doing so. Theres a number of them and not all of them are justifiable or "good".
Me...I m simple in this regard. Like so many I m waiting for CiG to get its act together and Star Citizen to finally produce something noteworthy (something that can stand on its own legs and doesnt need a bunch of defenders trying to bloat it up into glory) that we can finally talk about without referring to stupid questions like "what is a game?". In addition there are several individuals present who provide free entertainment via "lulz" or "facepalm" and so many posts are written so well that they are just a joy to read. I am not here to "trigger" people or antagonize others, thats me tho....seeing how others post I cant really talk for them. CiGs lawsuit really the only thing of interest we currently have? /disappointment
Edit: lots of activity while I was making this post, thanks for various people for posting updates /cheers