Oh, and most of the pvp crowd in SC is not too happy about this.![]()
Surely the epic fleet-based Org battles in multi-Idris conflicts over discovery rights to newly explored jump points and star systems makes up for it though?
Oh, and most of the pvp crowd in SC is not too happy about this.![]()
Oh, and most of the pvp crowd in SC is not too happy about this.![]()
Weapons already do automatic convergence. Really, there is no such thing as "fixed" weapons in SC. If you equip a ship with all the same fixed weapon, no matter how far apart the weapons are, there will only be one targeting marker. This was already a bone of contention with some.
As example, if I throw plasma accelerators out on the "wings" on a clipper in elite there will be two separate targeting markers for close or medium range targets. The plasma accelerators are fixed and the shots go out pretty much straight ahead.
In SC, if I take a pretty big ship like a 600i, with all "fixed" laser cannons, there will only be one targeting marker. No matter how close the target is. Those "fixed" weapons are converging on the target.
And when I'm saying targeting maker, I mean the indicator of what to shoot at. Like the lead indicator. In SC they call them pips, and I can't remember what they are in elite. Pips in elite are a completely different thing.
No idea why the showed it like they did in the video. Maybe it doesnt work yet for more weapons.
Oh, and most of the pvp crowd in SC is not too happy about this.![]()
I hear Liam Nesson might be looking for work. LOL.
I can just see the credits, in order:
Director: Chris Roberts
Secondary director: Bryan Singer
Producer: Mel Gibson
Lead star: Sandi Gardner
Minor stars: Liam Neeson, Robert Wagner, Kevin Spacey
Cameos: Bill Cosby, Woody Allen
Child welfare agent: Roman Polanski.
Hollywod Liaison: Harvey Weinstein
Music: Chris Brown and R Kelly
Needless to say:
Lead antagonist: Derek Smart (gets killed by a horde of rabid Vanduul CIG-fans within twenty seconds of appearing on screen).
I want to see this movie.
I can just see the credits, in order:
Director: Chris Roberts
Secondary director: Bryan Singer
Producer: Mel Gibson
Lead star: Sandi Gardner
Minor stars: Liam Neeson, Robert Wagner, Kevin Spacey
Cameos: Bill Cosby, Woody Allen
Child welfare agent: Roman Polanski.
Hollywod Liaison: Harvey Weinstein
Music: Chris Brown and R Kelly
Needless to say:
Lead antagonist: Derek Smart (gets killed by a horde of rabid Vanduul CIG-fans within twenty seconds of appearing on screen).
Weapons already do automatic convergence. Really, there is no such thing as "fixed" weapons in SC. If you equip a ship with all the same fixed weapon, no matter how far apart the weapons are, there will only be one targeting marker. This was already a bone of contention with some.
As example, if I throw plasma accelerators out on the "wings" on a clipper in elite there will be two separate targeting markers for close or medium range targets. The plasma accelerators are fixed and the shots go out pretty much straight ahead.
In SC, if I take a pretty big ship like a 600i, with all "fixed" laser cannons, there will only be one targeting marker. No matter how close the target is. Those "fixed" weapons are converging on the target.
Can see it here:
And when I'm saying targeting maker, I mean the indicator of what to shoot at. Like the lead indicator. In SC they call them pips, and I can't remember what they are in elite. Pips in elite are a completely different thing.
No idea why the showed it like they did in the video. Maybe it doesnt work yet for more weapons.
Oh, and most of the pvp crowd in SC is not too happy about this.![]()
The only difference between SC and a WW2 fighter plane is that the gun convergence is done automatically, while back then the guns had to be converged by the mechanics to a given point in front of the plane.
Fixed weapons does not mean that the gun fires just straight ahead.
Real fixed weapons are always converged to a given point in a given distance in front of the plane in alliance with the used gun sight.
So SC, IMHO, has actually the correct approach to that issue. Fixed just means that they are not in a gimbal or in a turret. Simple as that.
Example: The gun convergence table for a BF 109E-3
Red: the line of sight of the gun sight
Green: 20mm MG-FF
Blue: 8mm Mauser MG17
Converged at 200meters
Here for a P-51:
This is also a very realistic approach for a targeting solution. The first gyro gunsights were introduced in late WW2 dy the RAF(mark I gyro sight) and the (USAAF K-14 gun sight), these gunsight offered pre-determined setting for different enemy aircraft types an later versions also had automatic lead and bullet drop indicators. The US Version was called "the ace-maker", because it could make even mediocre pilots aces.
Guess what, thepvp crowdLuftwaffe wasn't happy about it either.
Albeit I'm am highly critic about SC/SQ 42, this isn't something to be critic of. Quite contrary, tbh.
More likely:
Producer: Someone Else
Director: Someone Else
Special Thanks: Chris Roberts
Original Concept: Chris Roberts
Is it just me or it seems SC gimbals new proposal is like Elite’s but without all the depth and balancing mechanics like chaff, silent running, slower ship rotations, dps vs fixed, slew times etc properly in place?
I still remember the tons of SC fan critics suggesting that ED gimbals were zero skill. Not only they were wrong to start with but also now SC is getting an even much worst version of what they thought ED was? I have to lol at the karma there.
As a bonus, their 'change control sensitivity on the fly as a control interface solution for turrets is absolutely ridiculous. There's no curve, it's a raw linear left/right/up/down and so they've added an x and y modifier you can adjust up/down on the fly.
So you'll have one hand on the stick moving the turret and the other hand hitting keys to adjust the x and y sensitivities SEPERATELY.
Is it just me or it seems SC gimbals new proposal is like Elite’s but without all the depth and balancing mechanics like chaff, heatsinks & systems temperature management, silent running, slower ship rotations vs gimbal cone (yeah, you need the right flight model for these kind of gimbals to make sense in the first place), dps vs fixed, slew times etc etc etc properly in place?
I still remember the tons of SC fan critics suggesting that ED gimbals system was zero depth or skill. Not only they were wrong to start with but also now SC is getting an even much worst “tier 0” version of what they thought ED was? I just have to lol at the karma there.
Is it just me or it seems SC gimbals new proposal is like Elite’s but without all the depth and balancing mechanics like chaff, heatsinks & systems temperature management, silent running, slower ship rotations vs gimbal cone (yeah, you need the right flight model for these kind of gimbals to make sense in the first place), dps vs fixed, slew times etc etc etc properly in place?
I still remember the tons of SC fan critics suggesting that ED gimbals system was zero depth or skill. Not only they were wrong to start with but also now SC is getting an even much worst “tier 0” version of what they thought ED was? I just have to lol at the karma there.
We shall see. If this is just the first iteration with the most basic setup then i get it.
But to truly make it shine it needs to be affected by sensor strength, targeting distance, target IR/EM emissions and the cross section of said target.
I had though that even gimbals would have required a computer blade to function but it seems at this stage they skipped that unless they merely wanted to show how it would work in it's most basic form.
More likely:
Producer: Someone Else
Director: Someone Else
Special Thanks: Chris Roberts
Original Concept: Chris Roberts