Currently it’s up to the individuals in charge of the kick starter to set their own wage. At what point do you stop adding zeros?
I dont know really. I do have friends who went self-employed and even tho they commanded hundreds of thousands of euro right from the start (bank loan in addition to their own savings) most of them told me they didnt really draw ANY WAGE the first couple of years apart from the absolute minimum to cover living costs. And I assume that this is the norm across the board if your priority is to ensure the product will see any kind of success. Star Citizen is not running at any kind of profit right now. All the pledges are supposed to go directly into the development of the game. There is no nor have been ever any kind of overspill. All the millions had been planned for already and the initial estimates didnt cover the eventual scope creep. Star Citizen as a project only ever became more hungry for money.
Now I dont expect the developers to work for free (even tho various articles outline that unpaid overtime for extended periods of time is expected) but I would ve thought that this kind of behavior (drawing only the absolute minimum to ensure as much money as possible is going toward the projects completion) would be self-evident.....if the creation of the game would be your focus of course.
Now that the claim is in the open that Sandi and Chris bought a 4+ million dollar house while Star Citizen struggles financially you gotta wonder how much this nepotism construct has siphoned out of the project and if embezzlement is a factor.