The Star Citizen Thread V10

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I think this is why Erin Roberts, who has finished a number of games including several from the Lego franchise, is the great hope for delivering Squadron 42. I think he may well do it.

The same Erin Roberts who said 100k player server meshing was coming in 2019?

I thought his solid background was a bright light for a while (soldiering on with Freelancer once Chris got booted in particular), but I've seen him head-nod a ton of guff now in this epoch. Reckon he's hung out with his bro for too long...
The same Erin Roberts who said 100k player server meshing was coming in 2019?

I thought his solid background was a bright light for a while (soldiering on with Freelancer once Chris got booted in particular), but I've seen him head-nod a ton of guff now in this epoch. Reckon he's hung out with his bro for too long...
On the Server Meshing topic, it was originally slated for 2018 but is no longer on the roadmap:

For SC, Server Meshing relies on Serverside OCS being implemented, and from last week's dev comments Serverside OSC itself relies on Full Persistence - is the latter on the roadmap?
For SC, Server Meshing relies on Serverside OCS being implemented, and from last week's dev comments Serverside OSC itself relies on Full Persistence - is the latter on the roadmap?

My dear GT - it doesn't matter what is on the roadmap and what is not.

You cannot have a server-side determinator upon unknown client states, same as you cannot have determined clients based upon a server state that depends upon unknown clients.

It's all hot lumpies.

Buy an Idris!
Well I am a little bit late to the free-fly party and have only just started downloading the 55GB now .... It may complete just in time for the free fly to end ;)
On the Server Meshing topic, it was originally slated for 2018 but is no longer on the roadmap:

For SC, Server Meshing relies on Serverside OCS being implemented, and from last week's dev comments Serverside OSC itself relies on Full Persistence - is the latter on the roadmap?

Proper persistence was going to be the next big thing after they released the ArcCorp module back in August 2015...


I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
The base mechanics in SC are very well thought out for the most part...if you're not running around like a 12 year old Fortnite player and miss it all. However, constant ship sales and tech demos dragging programmers and game designers away from completing those mechanics leave them unfinished, uncompleted to present functioning gameplay loops.

The failure of SC to meet its potential due to this mismanagement is painful to see. This free-fly week I've caught glimpses of that BDSGE that Chris talks up, but it's buried under bugs and half-finished gameplay mechanisms. I still very much want to believe in Chris and his vision, truth be told. I've actually pulled up their pledge store recently just to see how much it would be to re-invest in the project! I just can't justify it, though. Too many lies and too many broken promises. I think I'd actually be doing a disservice to Chris' dream if I were to give him money now. The easy money from whales is what got us to this point, after all. If I came crawling back and bought back in I'd just be enabling this madness.

If and when SC/SQ42 see the light of day in a minimum viable product form that seems compelling I'll open my wallet. Until then I need to tempter my enthusiasm for Chris' dream and just wait and see.
The failure of SC to meet its potential due to this mismanagement is painful to see. This free-fly week I've caught glimpses of that BDSGE that Chris talks up, but it's buried under bugs and half-finished gameplay mechanisms. I still very much want to believe in Chris and his vision, truth be told. I've actually pulled up their pledge store recently just to see how much it would be to re-invest in the project! I just can't justify it, though. Too many lies and too many broken promises. I think I'd actually be doing a disservice to Chris' dream if I were to give him money now. The easy money from whales is what got us to this point, after all. If I came crawling back and bought back in I'd just be enabling this madness.

If and when SC/SQ42 see the light of day in a minimum viable product form that seems compelling I'll open my wallet. Until then I need to tempter my enthusiasm for Chris' dream and just wait and see.
SC certainly has that 'something'...otherwise I would have stayed refunded. The free-fly/Expo event in September/October last year was the first time I had played for almost a year...I was convinced to give post 3.0 a try. I was pleasantly surprised with the improvements I experienced, the planetary stuff wasn't nearly as bad as I had read about and the additions since 2.63 when I refunded were quite remarkable.

I always get the impression that a lot of folks imagine the space legs thing as simply an FPS shooter mechanic...which strangely in SC, despite the likes of RexZilla touting to the unwashed to support this assumption, the FP(s) side...with a small 's', is more like I imagined E-D would be by this time, it's like an adventure game set in space. You play the part of a pilot of whatever career choice (when they finish the damned careers) and it easily adds to the immersion when playing.

It's always hard to describe the first moment I stepped up to my Cutlass Black after Ci¬G added the cargo mechanic, dropping the tail ramp and having to walk past the cargo to get to the cockpit...or the first time I walked up to one of the first mission givers at Levski (Recco) and she turned to face me and spoke, outlining the basic cargo pick up she wanted me to do.

I've said it previously..but when Ci¬G get it right...they get it right. Unfortunately, they get more wrong than right but that's rarely in a gameplay sense but more marketing and sales combined with chaotic management driving a skewed and broken development.

Every time I just go see some random wreck on a planet surface...usually with dead crew lying around I can climb through the wreckage and salvage box recorders and other stuff. I do the same just wandering around space, especially around Delamar or Levski or Yela in particular since there's asteroid belts around them...there's floating debris there, wrecked ships, beacons, pirates...finding a wrecked Starfarer and EVA'ing around the hulk with my torch, bumping the frozen corpses of the crew out of the way to search for salvage...those are still the most immersive experiences I've had in any space game to date...some things most players miss in their mad rush to go shoot eachother in the face at some drugs depot or are too busy QT'ing about at a great rate of knots between missions to even go look.

Those are just a couple of the reasons I'm still there playing most nights...despite the politics, the predatory marketing, inept leadership and management... despite the bugs and frustrations. It's because I want to be that virtual guy who rakes around derelict spaceships for salvage or doing odd cargo runs to make a few credits selling what he can.

It's improbable or unlikely the way things are that SC will be the vehicle that allows me to do that the way I wish it, but I can still wish it all the same.

Chris Roberts isn't the only dreamer ;)











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I still very much want to believe in Chris and his vision,

I really don't think his vision can become a reality anyway. Not because of his management, not because of his ambitions, but because its all just a dream. What he wants is so far away from what is possible no matter how much money you throw at it. And he sold that dream to backers, and backers all have their dreams of what it will be. And they all can't be right.

Something resembeling that dream might be possible, if they keep at it.
I really don't think his vision can become a reality anyway. Not because of his management, not because of his ambitions, but because its all just a dream. What he wants is so far away from what is possible no matter how much money you throw at it.
Funny thing, i watched that Peter Molyneux interview recently where they show him his past games, and he said pretty much that about himself, but went further saying he told publicly the motivation speech for his team ("who doesnt want to make the best RPG ever ?") which should have stayed a motivational speech, and let the PR monkeys manage the public relationships... In a way I agree with him, when I design a program I set high goals and a perfect architecture, then reality takes grip on the project and I have to deliver what's actually possible - and that's where good priorities are important (define the core, must haves, should haves, etc...).
CR failed on two points here, he exposed his impossible end goals as "realistic" and completely messed up his priorities. Had he set a correct order for development, by today we would have a very incomplete universe for sure, but a solid one. By upending the priorities and focusing on fluff before the core features are even started, he's leading the project into a hard concrete wall... Molyneux said that much about Powermonger by the way (spent too much time on fluff, not enough on the core game)


Volunteer Moderator
I really don't think his vision can become a reality anyway. Not because of his management, not because of his ambitions, but because its all just a dream. What he wants is so far away from what is possible no matter how much money you throw at it. And he sold that dream to backers, and backers all have their dreams of what it will be. And they all can't be right.

Something resembeling that dream might be possible, if they keep at it.

I think that vision is achievable as long as the dev team and the visionary leading that team are ready and capable to take certain compromises, both technically and in gameplay, to get there. Alas CIG has got the funds they have got so far because they have “sold” a totally uncompromising BDSSE vision of the game (which also seems to be beyond their competency technically) and walking back those lofty promises now is going to be quite painful.

Funnily enough, assuming the rumoured space legs are what comes next year to Elite, Elite would be much closer to deliver that vision Mole and Jenner refer to but under a much more realistic, down to earth (pun intended) and, inevitably I am sure, compromising way.
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as long as the dev team and the visionary leading that team are ready and capable to take certain compromises

They won't though until they have to. We are already seeing it a bit with Teir 0 implementations, beceause they can't say "this is it" so they say Tier 0, which is little different from how FD are doing ED. That is not what backers were sold though as you noted, do they can't say they are doing it directly. We also see it coming in with the networking and areas, where it was initially going to be this meshed massive area with thousands of players all in the same instance (which is silly, why does someone on another planet even need to be in the same instance? But the backers were sold on the idea), and now they talk about hiding the seams between areas in QT.

And now on the roadmap everything is Version 1, Verson 2, etc. Like player jump v2 or whatever. Who the hell plans iterations of jump animations? It doesn't solve the underlying problem anyway in that the game really really wants to finish animations before you can change your action, which makes the whole FPS experience feel really sluggish.

It really is fascinating to watch, and as CIG gets further and further along i fully expect them to keep walking back on what was promised and delivering more and more "tier 0" stuff and then slowly getting to the point where they can say "This is our release version, you can now buy instead of pledging"... of course, should they ever decide to do that.

The Agent on SA has come up with some more .... ahem... rumours as well, they make interesting reading (just don't accept them as fact).

  • expect a big announcement regarding 4.0/"the future of Star Citizen" this year
  • this will include a statement about "release" and how you've been playing SC "release" as it evolves
  • "No other game company offers this level of transparency or honesty."
  • new ship sales (including variants) to increase to a monthly or bi-monthly schedule
  • quarterly packages, including rare or limited ships, to start appearing soon with limited buying
  • "FOMO is our middle name."
  • package benefits (???) of sqlude being pushed at q3 2019
  • subscription benefits (as told in leaks months and months ago) to increase "on a massive scale"
  • buyers of certain pre-order ship packages will get in game benefits including the ability to order other PCs (what??) into action
  • criminal gameplay "not supported" in game, penalties for breaking "rules" harsh and severe with real time penalties
  • "trolls and griefing" a major focus atm
  • "We are locked in a constant and brutal battle against our own players." (???)
  • more and more tie ins to sq42 and your SC character
  • last server wipes to occur q3 2020 (target q1 2020)
  • new gameplay modes coming online at a rapid pace
  • all of it needs to be ready (for Squadron) launch
  • "Absolutely none of this is ready, in any form. It is ridiculous."
  • sweating over next year, as financials tied to 3rd parties have hard deadline
  • turbulent still unhappy with offered deal, looking for back monies owed
  • 3lateral unable to compromise on quality
  • need at least 100,000 sales at $299 to break even
  • AMD looking to repartner with Cloud Imperium after gaming management change (lol)
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