The Star Citizen Thread V10

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I dont think Lawyers are different regardless where they are from. A lawyer who cares about his own track record and integrity will most likely tell you your winning chances in order to deter you in case you have next to no chance but if you really want to sue regardless he ll take your money or hand you along to someone else.

In this particular case its simply "we dont like what Forbes is writing"...I m not sure thats enough for a successful lawsuit

Heh. Sorry, my bias was showing. Probably owing to the fact that my father held rather strong views concerning laywers, and a law suit levelled against me, long ago (where the other party's "lawyer" did not cover himself in glory, and lost the case resoundingly. It was an affair involving a parcel that had gone missing, and I was accused of having pilfered it . . . because the mail deliverer had signed for me (so generous of him)).
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Imagine being so emotionally invested in some guys vision you champion internet lawsuits for him over articles that show the game in a negative light. Jesus Christ.

I really hope thats a CIG plant or paid shill.
Nope...just silly... backers...I did have another descriptive word in mind but I got another slapped wrist on Spectrum for it and 3 removed posts just for trying :rolleyes:

Not banned this time so I obviously wasn't trying hard enough...the concierge lot in their rubber room of self-aggrandisement still don't speak to me in there. I must've trod on one of their Ci¬G teddies crashing about the place like a chav in wellies. I feel like a stray mongrel that wandered into a dog pound full of pampered poodles by mistake...
Nope...just silly... backers...I did have another descriptive word in mind but I got another slapped wrist on Spectrum for it and 3 removed posts just for trying :rolleyes:

Not banned this time so I obviously wasn't trying hard enough...the concierge lot in their rubber room of self-aggrandisement still don't speak to me in there. I must've trod on one of their Ci¬G teddies crashing about the place like a chav in wellies. I feel like a stray mongrel that wandered into a dog pound full of pampered poodles by mistake... mean people in there IGNORE you? that would be a massive improvement tho wouldnt it? Better then being swarmed by toxic repllies I d say.
Nope...just silly... backers...I did have another descriptive word in mind but I got another slapped wrist on Spectrum for it and 3 removed posts just for trying :rolleyes:

Not banned this time so I obviously wasn't trying hard enough...the concierge lot in their rubber room of self-aggrandisement still don't speak to me in there. I must've trod on one of their Ci¬G teddies crashing about the place like a chav in wellies. I feel like a stray mongrel that wandered into a dog pound full of pampered poodles by mistake...
What do you expect when misbehaving at church service?


There is a weird smell around the Star Citizen Community, reddit, youtube etc.
Can you guys smell that?
Stumbled upon this I hate how people trashtalk the game I love, why cant I have an echo chamber where we all focus on the good things only? reddit thread but the title apart thew posts so far have been pretty sane and reasonable. Its actually nice to read, gonna save me that link see how it evolves.
The amount of posts echoing the point,”we don’t want to turn into an echo chamber” is pretty ironic.
I think the key to unlocking this whole thing is wage disclosure.
It seems a reasonable assumption at this point that CR is helping himself to 2 million a year salary.
At what point did the first ship go on sale? At that point it went from a standard kickstarter,as in the pledged money fully funds the project to what SC turned into.
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The amount of posts echoing the point,”we don’t want to turn into an echo chamber” is pretty ironic.
I think the key to unlocking this whole thing is wage disclosure.
It seems a reasonable assumption at this point the CR is helping himself to 2 million a year salary.

Hard to say and next to impossible to reveal of course but I also estimate hes drawing a good deal more then 1 million a year, something like 1.7 or 1.8, his brother will sit at roughly a million and so will his marketing expert. Also very possible that these "wages" fluctuated depending on how much they had left in the coffers but the first few years certainly were the fat ones

Well one of the comments in that thread pretty much sums it all up IMO

Its a fight over nothing, at this point we are all so far down the sunk cost rabbit hole that no article is going change a supporters mind, in the same way that the hate brigade has been fuming for so long, no amount of feel goodies on the Reddit page are going to flip them.

And its true. New peoples opinion coming in to the project are not accepted because they are too green to participate in the discussion, dont know all the details, dont know the history etc. And whoever is part of this for years has made up his/her mind and will not change it anymore. Of course, like it was mentioned I dont know how many times already....what we want or think and how much we scrabble amongst each other has zero impact on Star Citizens development but it passes the time and seriously...what else are you going to do while we all wait for CIG to get going?

Why dont I simply drop SC and walk away?

So many people have said that they wish for a game that SC promises to be. So maybe they did just that....walk away. And then SC makes another announcement and you read some of the glorious fanboy posts describing their incredible adventures and the mindboggling progress made and you decide to take a look for yourself. And without being brainwashed constantly you "probably" come to the same conclusion "theres nothing there"...state your impression and the whole cycle repeats.

My motivation has changed. When I originally came back to see SC evolve (and I truly was hoping in the beginning and even later when I grew skeptical I was often torn when CIG made another jerking movement proving there is life in this corpse) I have pretty ,much given up on this ever becoming a reality. Now I return for easy drama and of course to see myself confirmed. I am interested if my own conclusions and my view on the project ultimately prove correct or if I was too impatient in order to see this coming together. I could probably just stay away for 5 more years or stay on the lookout for a book coming out covering this topic but truth be told....theres too much entertainment in this rabbit hole. I would miss out on so many giggles and lols
The amount of posts echoing the point,”we don’t want to turn into an echo chamber” is pretty ironic.
I think the key to unlocking this whole thing is wage disclosure.
It seems a reasonable assumption at this point that CR is helping himself to 2 million a year salary.

He's not helping himself. His company makes actual posted profit from the software and additional content they sell on the website that's as good as "other games". So he deserves a huge piece of the pie as company owner no?

In fact the words "crowd funding" aren't used as much except when he's talking about the things that sound better when you say it's crowd funding. Like how awesome the community is and isn't it great that people are over paying for the price of a game because it's awesome "crowd funding", we've reached another "funding milestone" thanks to our awesome crowd funding community bla bla just keep it rolling in guys.

From what I can see, you go to the website and buy a package and get playing, it says something about the game being "still in development" but what game isn't these days?
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I recall Erin's salary is on public record due to it having to be included in the UK filings? Somewhere just above £300k. That doesn't include any shares they sold last year, or any cut of the sale of the Wilmslow Studio back to themselves.
They should put all the stretch goals they can't afford NOW back to 0% on the funding chart and have another drive.

Come on guys we still need $64,000,000 to implement pets!


We can do it!
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I recall Erin's salary is on public record due to it having to be included in the UK filings? Somewhere just above £300k. That doesn't include any shares they sold last year, or any cut of the sale of the Wilmslow Studio back to themselves.

And could just as well dont have other bonuses and gratifications included. They knew they "had" to release that information eventually so would they really put a 7 digit salary in there? These are people who are experienced in "playing the books" for appearance. At this point I ll only trust into a court ordered forensic report.
He's not helping himself. His company makes actual posted profit from the software and additional content they sell on the website that's as good as "other games". So he deserves a huge piece of the pie as company owner no?

In fact the words "crowd funding" aren't used as much except when he's talking about the things that sound better when you say it's crowd funding. Like how awesome the community is and isn't it great that people are over paying for the price of a game because it's awesome "crowd funding", we've reached another "funding milestone" thanks to our awesome crowd funding community bla bla just keep it rolling in guys.

From what I can see, you go to the website and buy a package and get playing, it says something about the game being "still in development" but what game isn't these days?
He’s managed to sell game development,that’s the service he’s profiting off. Part of the revenue goes into selling a dream game where every possibility can be added. Without the weekly videos,fabricated in game set pieces,Youtubers talking it up with all this stuff running in the background,propaganda to convince everyone that just around the corner all of this will be in game. There would be very little to sell.
The reality is so far away from what is portrayed,paying costumers will even defend it.
It goes to show how people can be manipulated to a point where they can’t see how poor the results are.
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Surely the only way now out of the mess is to give the players what they bought first, regardless? So, if you bought a plot of land, CiG make a barebones planet with that claim on it, give people the tanks and mechs to stomp about (and give players places to land / go).

I know you / they need to build the game too (!) but CiG have dug an impossibly deep hole via bought items and eventually people will want them.
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