The Star Citizen Thread V10

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No coffe or saying it is a joke makes me happy for you to tell me what I am really saying, nor does it excuse it.

Come on, lighten up.

Firstly i didn't tell you what you said, i told you what i'm hearing.

This is actually a fundamental part of the communications cycle, something i teach from time to time. Basically you form a concept in your head, your brain then turns that to speech (or written words), and that is the first part where there can be a mismatch between what is meant and what is communication. Then the information is transmitted to another who reads those words (or hears them) and that is another point where things can breakdown due to the understanding of the words themselves by the other person. And then they process the overall meaning in their brains, and there can be yet another failure in communication.

Secondly, when someone types "So what i'm hearing" is often used in a humorous context to deliberately twist what was said. Now that you are aware of this, you can proceed with caution the next time you see someone use that phrase ;)
And with a projected sale of 20-50 million copies

20-50 million copies? They really are projecting that? Considering that a majority of backers already have it and its a niche game, ill be surprised. Having said that, if they keep focusing on the FPS pew-pew and reign in the second life aspects, they might sell it to the PvP crowd as some sort of space based shooter... that could get them some bigger sales numbers. It would mean forgeting about the "vision" though and appealing to the lowest common denominator.

GTA5 sold 90 million, but that's a long established franchise with a massive fanbase and mass market appeal.
if they keep focusing on the FPS pew-pew and reign in the second life aspects, they might sell it to the PvP crowd as some sort of space based shooter... valuable is SCs FPS gameplay without the surrounding game world tho? Does it have any particular mechanics or features that make it stand out in any way? I mean over all the competeing FPS titles on the market? The way I see it SCs first person qualities are as bare-bone as it gets. It provides the absolute basic foundation feature wise which should ve been there late 2014 already and growing from there. IMO SCs FPS fascination comes from the combination with the locations and the ships and not as a map but because its a game world that enables you to interact more directly.

Take away the other components empowering its FPS gameplay and you end up with a really boring game back from 2001 or even older. Even the old doom has more functionality not to say all the gore.

Pretty much every single component, regardless which one in SC is bloated up in importance and quality because it rides on the shoulders of something else.

Flight model is bad? Oh but you can exit your ship and do stuff. Its awesome.
Planets are barren and empty? But the textures are nice and you can fly anywhere AND exit your ship to explore on foot.
FPS is boring and bare-bones? But you also can fly ships and explore space stations.

Space stations really look nice tho, a definite plus in detail and atmosphere.

Star Citizen NEEDS to deliver on its original promise. Cut back to provide only parts of it and the fascination falls apart. Even if you dont care for PvP...taking Mole as an example who said he mines most of the time. Part of that enjoyment comes from being able to walk through his ship and the immersion....not the mining itself. cannot decouple FPS from anything else in the alpha right now.
20-50 million copies? They really are projecting that?
I don't know if it was 50 million, exactly, but there was some recent post or interview with CRobber where he essentially said that they expected to sell as many copies as the entire space shooter genre allows — the single-digit million a game might hope to sell over the entire course of its lifetime — each year, five years in a row.

So yeah. Chris' tradition of being wholly separated from reality stands strong.
edit: I might do exactly that. I currently have some free time on my hands and the weather is really bad so outdoor activities aint so "grand". I might start from SC thread 1 and go through the years, picking out funny/great comments that outline the projects development and memes over the years....not an obligatory statement ^^

The idea intrigued me so I went looking. All the original threads are dead links as far as I can tell. The oldest one I can find is Version 5
I don't know if it was 50 million, exactly, but there was some recent post or interview with CRobber where he essentially said that they expected to sell as many copies as the entire space shooter genre allows — the single-digit million a game might hope to sell over the entire course of its lifetime — each year, five years in a row.

So yeah. Chris' tradition of being wholly separated from reality stands strong.

If true he is completely delusional... :oops:
I don't know if it was 50 million, exactly, but there was some recent post or interview with CRobber where he essentially said that they expected to sell as many copies as the entire space shooter genre allows — the single-digit million a game might hope to sell over the entire course of its lifetime — each year, five years in a row.

So yeah. Chris' tradition of being wholly separated from reality stands strong.
There does seem to be a trend for people to buy games that all signs point to them being dreadful,Anthem,Fallout 76. I honestly believe people just want to be part of the outrage.
The idea intrigued me so I went looking. All the original threads are dead links as far as I can tell. The oldest one I can find is Version 5

Here you go - here's a list of the old SC threads:

I'd got lots of broken bookmarks to threads & specific info posts that I wanted to fix after the upgrade - so here's how to manually fix an old link:

Copy the thread number (t=nnnn) from the original link and add it to a new forum url as follows:
old link:
new link:

If the link was to a specific page or post #, you can add /post-nnnn or /page-nnnn at the end.
When you load the URL, the forum will expand it out to include the thread title too.
Hope this helps!

(edit: and several hours later, finally realises that the old forum link in his sig has been heading off to a random planet coaster thread since the upgrade... lol)

edit2: I've added a discussion thread in Forum support/feedback to discuss converting old bookmarked threads/posts too save doing it here...
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There does seem to be a trend for people to buy games that all signs point to them being dreadful,Anthem,Fallout 76. I honestly believe people just want to be part of the outrage.

There are plenty of games I've bought over the decades that turned out to be a bit cra, urm, underwhelming and didn't live up to the hype on the box/website. However, all of those games, no matter how rubbish, still managed to be more fidelitous than Star Citizen by, you know, actually being released.

Now, I know that Genuine Roberts doesn't want to release a half-baked product, and that he has famously delayed things so that they meet his desired level of perfection - but at some point CI-G are going to have to progress from the alpha stage and deliver both games they owe us. Or, collapse all those corporate entities in bankruptcy.

Either way, it's going to be hilarious :D
Is there a logical explaination as why it run si Bad?
I've found most of the poor running is tied to server related issues strangely enough....most of the bugs, poor texture load-ins, micro-pauses and stuttering.

A workaround for initial load in crap performance is to simply log out back to menu and reload back in...smooths the whole thing out.

As for PC specs...I can run it perfectly well at very high detail on my wife's machine which is an i7 6700k, 16Gb base with a GTX 1070ti and a 2Tb sata hybrid...on my machine, I've crippled SC a bit by dumping it on my spare sata 2Tb hybrid instead of my SSD gaming drive. Makes load times a bit pants as well as the same slow texture draw ins on initial load up but the same workaround of logging back to menu and back in sorts that loads back in a lot faster than initial load times too.

Once SC has loaded up though, I have very few issues besides the bugs and crap server code making the thing a chore to play more than fun most nights...but that's the state of the project as is.
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There does seem to be a trend for people to buy games that all signs point to them being dreadful,Anthem,Fallout 76. I honestly believe people just want to be part of the outrage.

Or they fall for the hype, and then get upset when things don't like up to the hype. I haven't looked into Anthem at all, but i wonder how much of the outrage comes from it actually being a bad game and how much is just because people had hyped expectations.

And SC has been hyped beyond belief, both by CIG and the backers, well beyond what is realistic even if CIG had unlimited time and a bazillion dolllary doos.
There does seem to be a trend for people to buy games that all signs point to them being dreadful,Anthem,Fallout 76. I honestly believe people just want to be part of the outrage.
That's one of the reasons why these days I'm reluctant to buy new releases, let alone crowdsource anything. Let someone else be first, and discover it's atrocious. At best, I'll wait a couple months. Typically, I'll wait a few years. Thankfully, the last ten-fifteen years have been pretty good to me, "games that I'll play for several years at least" wise, so it's not like I've got nothing to do ;)


Volunteer Moderator
I'd got lots of broken bookmarks to threads & specific info posts that I wanted to fix after the upgrade - so here's how to manually fix an old link:

Copy the thread number (t=nnnn) from the original link and add it to a new forum url as follows:
old link:
new link:

If the link was to a specific page or post #, you can add /post-nnnn or /page-nnnn at the end.
When you load the URL, the forum will expand it out to include the thread title too.
Hope this helps!

(edit: and several hours later, finally realises that the old forum link in his sig has been heading off to a random planet coaster thread since the upgrade... lol)

life saver
Ahh there is some comedy gold in the old threads. End of v3
Nov 28, 2015,
<redacted name to avoid any possible name and shame connotations> polishes his crystal ball and delivers this prediction:
<other poster asks> So any thoughts on when the thing might move to a live version chaps?
Answer: Microsoft are due to release Freelancer 2 in 2019;).
Oh - the comedy goes back years :D

Interestingly - a Chromebook I bought around when I backed Star Citizen has now reached end-of-life and tells me it will no longer receive updates. That's an entire product lifecycle completed, and CI-G have not got even one product released in all that time.

Anyway - time to give the poor wee thing a new battery and SSD and Linux install and find some new use for it.
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