The Star Citizen Thread V10

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Okay, so here's what I have to say:

I don't understand why all these Star Citizen haters keep bashing on it as if its very existence is a personal attack against them or something. Hell, these guys are worse than vegans I swear, it's like they have an aneurysm if they don't keep repeating themselves about SC being a scam every 2 seconds to everybody who can hear. And this crap about calling people like me, who put in some money into SC, part of some unheard of "cult" is just downright hyperbolic and hypocritical. I sure find it real funny when they're sitting there, foaming at the mouth as they type in all caps or whatever, copy pasta'in as much crap they can find that supposedly "Proves" that somehow it is indeed a scam, meanwhile it's stuff that's like 6-7 years old or a part of that whole lawsuit of CG vs. Crytek(to which was CG was justified to do as they did I might add.) and it's all old news.

Does anybody even care whether or not it comes out?

We get it, you think it's a scam. Shut up and move on, or else you're just making yourself look like you're in the cult and not the fans(like me)

Any thing else yall want to add?
To be honest I wouldn't call Star Citizen a scam, but I wouldn't call it a project with a good potential either. Roberts is settings his goals way to high, gets his concept artists to make a few videos of "how this game will look", which gets the fanbase all excited and fuels their will to invest money into the game, then when it is time to implement this concept and turn it into content, he realises how hard this would be, so he lowers the goal - for example, the number of planned systems going down from 100 to 5. I'm also quite weary of the fact that it's a pay to win, and that despite being in alpha, already has packages selling for $28,000 (which consist of "planned" content).
Nope - NMS wasn’t a scam as they actually made the game and released it. It was lacking promised and claimed features which was very naughty, but after a kick up the rear they eventually delivered those features.

CI-G however, simply expand scope and waffle on how kicking rear gameplay is planned for X.y if you buy the $800 kicking rear jpeg and pledge to Lord Rear Kicker level :D
He would have took off with the money and shut everything else down as he did so.
Nah - because at that point he's definitely indictable. Whereas at the moment we can carry on arguing about it and he keeps the $$$ rolling in and taking his cut. If he keeps this up long enough he'll be able to shrug and say 'Well, I tried' if anyone comes after him.
Nah - because at that point he's definitely indictable. Whereas at the moment we can carry on arguing about it and he keeps the $$$ rolling in and taking his cut. If he keeps this up long enough he'll be able to shrug and say 'Well, I tried' if anyone comes after him.
I don’t know law but I’m pretty sure he gets to keep all the lovely money he paid himself. If it isn’t a scam it’s got a funny way of looking like one.
If at some point he decided to invest some of his own personal fortune into the project that would at least show good intentions and confidence in the games future.
Personally, we need a game that doesn't hold anything back. I'm personally sick and tired of seeing games that only do "just enough" for what you can do in it and such. I want a game that's like a blend of Elite: Dangerous, Eve Online, and X4 but better than all of them combined at their best. SC, as of right now, is the only thing I ever heard of that's at least trying. Elite Dangerous can never get better graphics and other things because they have to "hold back" for the consoles. Know what I mean?
I don’t know law but I’m pretty sure he gets to keep all the lovely money he paid himself. If it isn’t a scam it’s got a funny way of looking like one.
Not a scam - being incompetent is not a crime - and there's plenty of evidence for that :)

Whereas what Hauuk suggested - doing a runner with the Kickstarter takings and never even attempting to make a product is a crime. probably. IANAL ;)

Somewhere in between there is probably a 'misuse of funds', but with the kickstarter being mainly 'shut up and take my money' that could be hard to prove.
I don't understand why all these Star Citizen haters keep bashing on it as if its very existence is a personal attack against them or something.
Oh, that's easy: complete fiction devoid of all connection to reality is inherently hard to understand by very definition.

Personally, we need a game that doesn't hold anything back. I'm personally sick and tired of seeing games that only do "just enough" for what you can do in it and such.
What you want is probably some kind of simulator, not a derivative space opera, and definitely not something made by someone as unwilling to commit to any kind of cohernet direction and quality as Chris “Thank you for playing Wing Commander” Roberts.
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Not a scam - being incompetent is not a crime - and there's plenty of evidence for that :)

Whereas what Hauuk suggested - doing a runner with the Kickstarter takings and never even attempting to make a product is a crime. probably. IANAL ;)

Somewhere in between there is probably a 'misuse of funds', but with the kickstarter being mainly 'shut up and take my money' that could be hard to prove.
This. If anything is bad about the stupidly slow development of SC, is that Chris Roberts is too much of a perfectionist. I do admit that, he doesn't let anything even get into bug testing so to speak without it being already "perfect"

That should be the only thing people complain about in my honest opinion.

Oh, that's easy: complete fiction devoid of all connection to reality is inherently hard to understand by very definition.
Only an uninitiated person would say things like this. How much have you kept up with the entire thing, do you just watch SC hate videos or do you really know what you're talking about? I need real facts, sources, everything.
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Only an uninitiated person would say things like this.
So you agree then since you have to immediately employ personal attacks rather than rely on an actual argument. Thank you for your support.

Chris Roberts is too much of a perfectionist. I do admit that, he doesn't let anything even get into bug testing
Nothing Chris has ever done has been even remotely related to perfectionism. The one consistent theme of all his creative endeavours has been “barely working”, and SC in particular is proof positive that he's willing to let any amount of bugs slip him by just so he can focus on some inconsequential detail that is no little to no real use for the actual game he supposedly is trying to recreate.

You have to look no further than his attempts at playing his own game, and his constant befuddlement with how any of it is supposed to work, and surprise over the fact that, irrespective of the “supposed to”, it very clearly outright isn't working.

Chris is not a perfectionist. He's a bike-shedder. They may superficially seem to be similar, but have very different causes and effects.
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This. If anything is bad about the stupidly slow development of SC, is that Chris Roberts is too much of a perfectionist. I do admit that, he doesn't let anything even get into bug testing so to speak without it being already "perfect"

That should be the only thing people complain about in my honest opinion.
You’re not the first person to claim CR is a perfectionist and I’d go as far to say you didn’t come up with this insight all on your lonesome.
But I digress,can you point to a part of Star Citizen that in your opinion is perfect?
Nah - because at that point he's definitely indictable. Whereas at the moment we can carry on arguing about it and he keeps the $$$ rolling in and taking his cut. If he keeps this up long enough he'll be able to shrug and say 'Well, I tried' if anyone comes after him.
Havvk just doesn't understand scam development. Or we don't.
I don't think the Star Citizen project is a scam. It has a lot of parallels with NMS, Theranos, and Fyre Festival, namely very mismanaged and/or falsely marketed to drum up pre-orders/investments/pledges. Although they are often referred to as scams, they weren't.

While NMS managed to eventually fake-it-til-you-make-it successfully (3yr after initial launch), both Fyre Festival and Theranos crashed down hard when it became very apparent they couldn't achieve what they promised. The owners of the latter two were not charged with false-marketing or mismanagement, but with wire fraud.

We will have to see what CIG manage with SC and SQ42 over the coming years.
You’re not the first person to claim CR is a perfectionist and I’d go as far to say you didn’t come up with this insight all on your lonesome.
But I digress,can you point to a part of Star Citizen that in your opinion is perfect?
Yeah, I don't get this mantra that Chris is a perfectionist. Obsessive micro-manager certainly. There isn't a single part of Star Citizen that works as it should - bar the crowdfunding campaign that is :)
If anything is bad about the stupidly slow development of SC, is that Chris Roberts is too much of a perfectionist.
Can I return to the point of my post for a second? Chris Roberts, far from being a perfectionist, told a huge audience in a theatre and on the livestream that 3.0 would be out a few months later in December 2016, and added something along the lines of "not the last day either" to laughter from the audience.

Chris Roberts knew that wasn't true. It couldn't be. THEY HADN'T EVEN SPECCED THE WORK, never mind started coding it. That was clear months later when he sat casually discussing ideas - high level design ideas - for the thing they were supposed to be about to release.

NMS wasn't a scam. They released a game. They - or perhaps Sony, I don't know - lied about what was going to be in it. They've redeemed the game since, even though I still don't enjoy it.

Star Citizen have been and continue to use unethical monetisation methods to fund ongoing development of a game that imo is unlikely to ever be released. It's ponzi-like, and that's being kind. Was is supposed to be a scam, intended? No, Roberts no doubt tried to make a game.

He's just not very good at it. And people threw money at them, and the focus switched from developing a game to making more money.

Scam? Whatever. It's predatory and unethical, and ... it's rubbish as well.
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