I'm an eng. manager and this is the most borderline thing CIG has ever given to us the backers.
The excuse to explain the delay is not R&D hurdles, is not resources planning, or any other real, concrete things that happen during the lifecycle and keep happening with Star Citizen for some reasons.
The excuse to explain the delay is another process change (just the 3rd or 4th one) to do something allegedly already done ?!? Like CIG has no looking-forward spikes or R&D work going on right now while part of the team is working at delivering the actual quarterly release ?
Are you guys thinking most of us are so deep into SC that we actually became morons ? Can you just simply be honest, please ?
BTW thanks for the pillars discussion, great to see the progression of the core gameplay features... oh wait, actually thanks for nothing.
This is alarming and very disappointing, I hope you guys realize that and I don't want to blame any individual but as a company you are failing us right now. I mean come on, why are you doing that ? I know very well in the Bay Area the infamous adage : "Fake it until you make it", but at least we're very open about our own software engineering failures to the point where it's a running gag. Why are you not just doing that, being open about what really happened ?
Reading the other comments it will fortunately fly over a bunch of us and you'll get a pass hopefully (and thanks god because I want to see the project success, last thing we need is scaring everyone).
An overall respectable post, critical but hopeful. I wish more people would behave like this regardless of their profession because everybody has a right to an opinion and CIGs treatment as well as the treatment by the fellow community is shaping that opinion.
Not sure how to reply to the passage in bold without stepping on anybodies toes tho. Lets just say....."enough" people have turned in order to keep CIG going?
Scaring isnt really the case here. If the project is so fragile that it cannot endure critical thinking and questions and pointing out sad truths from the past then maybe CIG needs to step up the pace, come true on its promises or admit defeat? Some people have an angenda but are known to exaggerate grossly at this point and are not really a source of information anymore. Other hardcore "haters" are also a product of prior community interaction (see FTR). Their own doing. But those are exceptions anyway. The vast majority is simply critical and skeptical but that doesnt matter because they are instantly brushed into the "hater" bin as soon as they dont praise the savior and the dream.
For anybody who wants to read up on the whole deal you can find the
RSI discussion here
The question is if Star Citizen, a project that has outgrown its kids shoes a long time ago and financially runs with the big boys now
needs special protection and treatment apart from all the other games? And if the answer is "yes" I m not sure if that bodes so well for it anymore. People expect results for their money and patience at some point. And while it was understandable to ask for more time in 2014 and arguable in 2015/2016 calling anybody who expresses disappointment with the speed of progress today "impatient" or "entitled" doing this in 2019 looking toward at least another 1 or 2 years of development is so far out that its hilarious.
Every backer is "entitled", if not to results then at least to answers...from the devs or the CEO himself without having to invest 10K first before he is "worthy" to demand such things. But again I see that the community is discussing things themselves, left alone as long as both sides are balanced or the defending side outweights. Getting your answers from internet strangers not tied to the project who give your their own interpretation is not "transparent".
I really need to recommend the skeptical posters on the RSI forum who manage to stay calm and rational despite the ludicrous and often agressive replies they get in addition to walking a thin line because we all know by now that the mods are walking with a heavy weight at their belt when it comes to critical thoughts.