The Star Citizen Thread V10

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It'll be something mid range...possibly something we haven't seen yet to avoid having to fulfill any more technical debt. It'll also be straight to flyable, a bit like the Valkyrie from last years CitCon and the recently released and utterly useless Mantis.

So, not like the Kraken or Pioneer?
According to popular rumour, the demo will feature an ice cave rescue on one of Microtech's moons showing off the new ice caves and the new addition to the Stanton system...a trip to a Carrack via the Carrack specific snub fighter (can't remember it's name) and then a trip through a wormhole to a new system (reportedly Pyro) in said Carrack...

As to when and if backers will actually ever see the system jumping mechanic in the PU depends totally on whether SSOCS or a solution to it is found in a relative time frame. Without it, Ci¬G can't add any further 'major' content to the current PU barring the useless fluff...they also don't currently have the development money to do so making it a swings and roundabouts issue. If CitCon doesn't bring in the bucks required to keep the development lights burning, jumping to another system will simply be another Sandworm situation...pure dream crafting.

So...the new ship is the Carrack, new plenetary additions of Microtech and moons (V1)...and some fantasy stuff surrounding a new system which we'll most likely never see. The introduction of the Carrack is also 85% technical debt...since it's always been one of the most popular concepts from when it was first drawn on a post-it note. There'll be a few sales from folks who don't already have it of course but more than a few mid to higher level backers who would be the sales targets already own it and have done for a few years.

Ci¬G will also bump the price of the Carrack to around the $500 mark. It's Currently around £400. I got the Carrack concept as part of an exploration ship package many moons ago for a lot less. The price hike is practically guaranteed.

Well, they did say they could add new stuff if they removed old stuff, so they could remove Stanton, add in Pyro, and say TA-DA!!!!! We've added a second system.

Backers will go wild and throw another few million at CIG while doing victory laps.

Then anyone complaining they will point to (Saviour Tech) as the only thing stopping CIG adding a hundred systems.


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Fully expecting a very dramatic and fund/pledge driving Carrack related jump into a new system etc. Wether that would be in the backers PCs any time soon or not is anyone's guess though.

If the current system has capped in terms of content the very obvious solution, given server meshing and SSOCS are still MIA, is to... create a new system.
Just going off whats being rumoured on the backer grapevine ;)

I was not saying it to be mean. Just saying the speculation is all over map.

November good be a good month for me. I’m looking forward to what SC brings. And Jedi fallen order.

Which sets up a nice 2020, with KSP 2, and ED updates (hopefully).
I distinctly remember them droning on with "persistent universe" not so long ago. How do you change systems then? Are players stuck with the system they first spawned in? What happens to their stuff when they log in to different system? Or do they just rotate systems on the server regularly?
There is only very partial persistence in the way you keep your credits, and that's it. Logging off in your ship bed still doesnt work (and i have a hunch it will never do) and if you get disconnected during a cargo run, tough luck.
You do spawn in one of the "main" locations though, the last one you have been to, so that would be Port Olisar, Area 18, Lorville or Levski. You do lose your ship and everything that was in it, and you'll have to reclaim it by either waiting 10 minutes watching trains for example, or pay more money because what's a few credits when you just lost a whole cargo, haha.
Oh one thing that stays between relogs, and annoyingly so, is your ships fuel gauge. Since refuelling is completely broken now (both quantum fuel and hydrogen fuel for the main engine..) if you're out, then you're out. Only way to get around is get destructed somehow, or wait for the next patch.
There is only very partial persistence in the way you keep your credits, and that's it. Logging off in your ship bed still doesnt work (and i have a hunch it will never do) and if you get disconnected during a cargo run, tough luck.
You do spawn in one of the "main" locations though, the last one you have been to, so that would be Port Olisar, Area 18, Lorville or Levski. You do lose your ship and everything that was in it, and you'll have to reclaim it by either waiting 10 minutes watching trains for example, or pay more money because what's a few credits when you just lost a whole cargo, haha.
Oh one thing that stays between relogs, and annoyingly so, is your ships fuel gauge. Since refuelling is completely broken now (both quantum fuel and hydrogen fuel for the main engine..) if you're out, then you're out. Only way to get around is get destructed somehow, or wait for the next patch.
Strange..ship bed logouts seem to work for me with the latest patch...around 95% of the time I've tried it...same with refuelling. It only doesn't work on HUR L4...but it never has there anyway.
I was not saying it to be mean. Just saying the speculation is all over map.

November good be a good month for me. I’m looking forward to what SC brings. And Jedi fallen order.

Which sets up a nice 2020, with KSP 2, and ED updates (hopefully).
I'll get fallen order free with Origin Access premier which is nice...and besides, RDR2 has just come up for pre-load on the R* game, I'll be off playing cowboys again come Bonfire night (not that I ever stopped since I've got it on the Xbox anyway).

Not much time for SC during November at all...
Maybe Sandi will make an appearance on stage, shedding a few joyful tears? I mean many of the new backers never experienced that performance and its been a few years.....
I'll get fallen order free with Origin Access premier which is nice...and besides, RDR2 has just come up for pre-load on the R* game, I'll be off playing cowboys again come Bonfire night (not that I ever stopped since I've got it on the Xbox anyway).

Not much time for SC during November at all...

Same here. Not sure I will get much flight time when those hit. But, I also like to use S.C. over Xplane for now too.

Also, looking forward to Microsoft flight next year. They need the lilium Jet in it, and other concept VTOL aircraft.
...lilium Jet...

Ah yes, the 'jet' that isn't a jet. It seems to rely on battery technology that doesn't currently exist, if they have any hope of meeting the performance figures they boast. A great deal of hype, but little evidence that they are capable of actually coming up with anything resembling the initial claims in any reasonable timescale. Seems familiar somehow...
I distinctly remember them droning on with "persistent universe" not so long ago. How do you change systems then? Are players stuck with the system they first spawned in? What happens to their stuff when they log in to different system? Or do they just rotate systems on the server regularly?
Persistence is far from being here, why would Universe be a consistent realistic non-overestimated word?
This is not a parody. This is in the actual roadmap roundup for today (plus a number of items moved to later quarters):
We’ve made considerable progress on Prison Gameplay, with the associated gameplay activities, missions, and environments nearly complete. We will be adding the Prison Gameplay card to the Roadmap today which covers all the broad content & features contained within the Prison gameplay loop coming in 3.9.
Prison gameplay at last!
At least with that added I won't fear Sovapid using me as an emergent gameplay demonstration on YouTube...he'll be in jail along with his mates ;)

That aside...if it adds gameplay of any sort, I'm not going to knock it till I've tried it...and what are those unannounced features in the roadmap roundup... More sandwormies?
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