The Star Citizen Thread V10

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Rodmap update SQ42

Roadmap update SC
The WARNING in the bottom right corner says it all really. Although I don't understand why things have to get more complex for it to go wrong. Can't things just go wrong?

Its just the positive PR spin because terms like "fail" or "mistake" or "inability" dont instill backer confidence. But if things simply get more complex a delay is not only understandable but totally justifiable so all the little white knights can move out to defend CRoberts honor.


A cryengine map they threw together for the demo?

Again, I'll admit I dont follow this as feverently as the rest of you looking for the first kink to yell 'doom!' over, but in that vertical.slice vid, dont they potter around the ship then seamlessly get into the fighter and go on a mission?
Again, I'll admit I dont follow this as feverently as the rest of you looking for the first kink to yell 'doom!' over, but in that vertical.slice vid, dont they potter around the ship then seamlessly get into the fighter and go on a mission?

It was a demo. They could have made anything look like anything, to date, nobody outside CIG has played that demo. Its hard to trust CIG's videos as being actually what they are saying they are showing based on past history.

I mean, remember, some CIG people said they played through SQ42 years ago.... which is intersting since its apparently still being whiteboxed... despite being grey box years ago.

I think its indisputable by this point that CIG have intentionally lied and misled to backers time and time again, and in short, behaving no better, and perhaps even worse, than many of the big publishers that they denounced for their practices.

Just in case anyone wants to dispute this:


Pegged as initially being released in 2014, they repeatedly said it was coming out or strongly implied that in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and now, at the end of 2018 they are saying 2020 for a beta. Not release, beta. 6 years later than initially promised. How on Earth are we expected to believe they will keep that 2020 beta date?

How can we actually trust anything CIG show or say at this point?
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Again, I'll admit I dont follow this as feverently as the rest of you looking for the first kink to yell 'doom!' over, but in that vertical.slice vid, dont they potter around the ship then seamlessly get into the fighter and go on a mission?

What Agony Aunt said. The cinematics for ED show people walking to the ship, but let me know when you see that in game.

They are called bullshots for a reason, no matter how long they are.
Again, I'll admit I dont follow this as feverently as the rest of you looking for the first kink to yell 'doom!' over, but in that vertical.slice vid, dont they potter around the ship then seamlessly get into the fighter and go on a mission?

The Idris is in the game files or something...

Doesnt that conflict with the original post I was quoting, seen as we've seen its internals?

Just read the wiki page. Unsurprised we're going with the 'all deckhands are knucle dragging cleaners' scifi military trope.

No as the Bengal Class carrier is to be in Sqn 42
I imagine you might transfer to it in the story once the conflict is Admiral Bishop leading the battery group vs the Vandull, as opposed to your introduction as a new pilot on the UEES Stanton that is on Anti Pirate Patrol
I'm no expert but Chris' majority shareholding seems a bit of a red herring really.

If a business is running in the red - as the one in question here seems to be based on their own published info - it doesn't really matter who is notionally in charge - the person/people in charge are the ones providing the cash to allow your business to continue functioning.

No cash - no business.

Let's say I am the VC investing in your startup. I buy 10% of the shares of your company. Nominally you're in control. But I need to make sure I don't lose my investment over a hissy fit of yours flipping the tables. Or similar things. So I don't just buy the shares but have you sign an investment contract.
Usually you are to manage your business because I cant be bothered with all the businesses, I've dipped in. I might have retained contractually an option to replace management. I get a chair at the board. There will be clauses that ensure I will earn more than pro rata returns when selling or liquidating the company. Anything that touches on my stake will be subject to the contract so you can't sell the company behind my back. And if I decide to sell or liquidate you don't get much of a say in the deal neither, even though you own 90% of the company.

In short: Under a VC investment you sign away control rights in the process in the interest of the investor. The contract itself is usually confidential. So yeah, while maybe not in charge directly, the VC investor can pull the strings.
Mornin' Ladies, but for me still important: How many of the dough have they already received? Have they all of the money received? How many of the money is left?
As the money is officially for Marketing purposes, how will he continue development? Can the crowdfunding pull them over the finish line?
The whole thing happenend already in May, so that would be interesting to know.

Doesnt that conflict with the original post I was quoting, seen as we've seen its internals?

Just read the wiki page. Unsurprised we're going with the 'all deckhands are knucle dragging cleaners' scifi military trope.

The dude is pretty old for a "Mop Man", did he stay E-3 for all his life? :D
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So, they plan the open beta for q1-q2 2020 so add 6months of beta testing and with no delays whatsoever they could hit Christmas 2020.

Add reasonable delays due to CIG's history of nonstellar schedule predictions and we have release q1-q2 2021.
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