Now I'm sad. [sad]
Me too..... Me too.
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Now I'm sad. [sad]
Rodmap update SQ42
Roadmap update SC
The WARNING in the bottom right corner says it all really. Although I don't understand why things have to get more complex for it to go wrong. Can't things just go wrong?
That cant be right surely.
Whats the cap ship youre bumbling around on in all the SQ42 teaser stuff?
The UEES Stanton that your character is stationed on in SQ42 is a Idris class Frigate
That cant be right surely.
Whats the cap ship youre bumbling around on in all the SQ42 teaser stuff?
A cryengine map they threw together for the demo?
Again, I'll admit I dont follow this as feverently as the rest of you looking for the first kink to yell 'doom!' over, but in that vertical.slice vid, dont they potter around the ship then seamlessly get into the fighter and go on a mission?
Again, I'll admit I dont follow this as feverently as the rest of you looking for the first kink to yell 'doom!' over, but in that vertical.slice vid, dont they potter around the ship then seamlessly get into the fighter and go on a mission?
Again, I'll admit I dont follow this as feverently as the rest of you looking for the first kink to yell 'doom!' over, but in that vertical.slice vid, dont they potter around the ship then seamlessly get into the fighter and go on a mission?
It's even in the name: SCientology. [alien]It's exactly like scientology were your rank is entirely dependent on your donations.
But it's not a cult!
Doesnt that conflict with the original post I was quoting, seen as we've seen its internals?
Just read the wiki page. Unsurprised we're going with the 'all deckhands are knucle dragging cleaners' scifi military trope.
I'm no expert but Chris' majority shareholding seems a bit of a red herring really.
If a business is running in the red - as the one in question here seems to be based on their own published info - it doesn't really matter who is notionally in charge - the person/people in charge are the ones providing the cash to allow your business to continue functioning.
No cash - no business.
Doesnt that conflict with the original post I was quoting, seen as we've seen its internals?
Just read the wiki page. Unsurprised we're going with the 'all deckhands are knucle dragging cleaners' scifi military trope.
The dude is pretty old for a "Mop Man", did he stay E-3 for all his life?