It is simple: Do you think SQ42 will beat ? It is just the first 15 min without edits, and I very much doubt CIG will be able to match the FPS feel, AI, smoothness etc. IF warfare had zero-F FPS, milsim story, convincing voice-acting and animations, some spaceship flying and a vaguely decent plot. SQ42 will also release it at best five years after this released, and when IW released it was a disappointment sale wise: it only was profitable due to the IP support but was the poorest selling episode in the series.
Sq42 has to be magnitudes of orders better than anything CIG has ever hinted at. Watch that link from 10:25 and tell me citizens wont applaud the heck out of that if CIG presented that at citizencon in 2019...
Personally... I loved IW and still have a playthrough of the SP campaign on the Xbox now and then.