The Star Citizen Thread V10

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It is simple: Do you think SQ42 will beat ? It is just the first 15 min without edits, and I very much doubt CIG will be able to match the FPS feel, AI, smoothness etc. IF warfare had zero-F FPS, milsim story, convincing voice-acting and animations, some spaceship flying and a vaguely decent plot. SQ42 will also release it at best five years after this released, and when IW released it was a disappointment sale wise: it only was profitable due to the IP support but was the poorest selling episode in the series.

Sq42 has to be magnitudes of orders better than anything CIG has ever hinted at. Watch that link from 10:25 and tell me citizens wont applaud the heck out of that if CIG presented that at citizencon in 2019...

Personally... I loved IW and still have a playthrough of the SP campaign on the Xbox now and then.
That article says:
We have estimated the total cost for 2021 and 2022 to be just over $155 million. Based on the current price of $53.55 for Squadron 42, CIG would have to sell 2.9 million copies at release to cover their costs until the end of 2022.

For comparison: Destiny sold 4.47 million copies on PlayStation 4 alone...
They don't seem to have taken into account the fact that backers have already purchased the game.
That article says:
They don't seem to have taken into account the fact that backers have already purchased the game.

A good many backers I know have melted their Sqn 42 packages for store credit since long gone....I'd say the purely ethereal quality of it, especially since the promised vertical slice never appeared in 2017, most backers binned it then and have simply lost interest. Could be the reason CiG are alledgedly looking for console money to support it.

I initially had the combined Sqn42 and SC game package thing a few years ago...never even thought about adding it when I re-backed.
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Volunteer Moderator
If this was WW1 I would suggest a game of football ;)

Merry Xmas all. Some may be optimistic about ED and SC and some may be pessimistic but we are all space game fans and that is what matters :)

PS I have just discovered old golden hen. That is an really easy drinking "cooking ale". Way nicer than speckled hen imo

Try Old Crafty Hen.

Sorry to reply to a six day old post.
Sorry what a waste of my time...I initially refused to read the whole thing but realized I had to in order to make a qualified post on it without simply disregarding something /sigh

This is what caught my eye at first and my very first thought was "they cant possibly know these things" so I instantly assumed the whole thing is just a wall of text trying to drive a narrative possibly propaganda but various skippings through the article seemed too critical and not positive enough.

Several facts are simply taken from CiG announcements or "interpreted" in order to provide facts. Overall it doesnt seem like the author made any research but simply checked various threads and SC videos in order to form an opinion. Incredibly poorly written IMO. There is hardly any praise in there but at the same time the article seems to grant CiG things "accomplished" which we wonder about to this very day. It rather comes across as a very poor attempt at summarizing SCs development. There are almost no details, no insight or understanding on what happened over the last few years.

As an established "hater" of SC I should be happy about an article that remains critical and/or "neutral" on this subject right? Well going through the article I felt highly annoyed and a bit irritated by how little effort obviously went into writing it. And of course the answers to the above quote are either non-answers, non-existing or simply taken from CiGs mouth (aka propaganda).

Overall it painted a rather negative picture in my eyes as it clearly explains how little CiG has managed to produce in the last 7 years and how much more work is to be done. The projections for whatever needs to be done might be encouraging for a high-caliber games company but CiG has proven to be less then stellar when it comes to meet expectations. I ll bookmark it in order to wait for comments which hopefully provide more entertainment then this article provided information.

Anyway NMS, thanks for the link

There is also this:

Usually our articles are written first in German and then translated into English. We are no professionals in translating and it is sometimes quite tricky to assign special terms from games correctly. We apologize for translation and wording errors.

If I remember right, you are a native German speaker? Maybe it isn't so bad in the original German.
Ok, can you provide me of some examples of acceptable vertical slices?

A vertical slice would be the first actual mission, combining all elements of the game (some FPS, some flying, some mocap nonsense). The issue with that 'vertical slice' is that while it superficially contained all bits, none of it made sense. Its is 'roleplaying through assets/maps' in a way that looks cool, but isn't how a game works. The link I posted of CoD:IW would be a perfect vertical slice. What you posted isn't, that is marketing fluff that wont be in the game, just as any of the earlier stuff (sandworm et al) is just fluff that isnt part of an actual game.

It is easiest seen from around 48:00, which is hilariously nonsensical. But it looks cool, and allows for easy shilling.
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A vertical slice would be the first actual mission, combining all elements of the game (some FPS, some flying, some mocap nonsense). The issue with that 'vertical slice' is that while it superficially contained all bits, none of it made sense. Its is 'roleplaying through assets/maps' in a way that looks cool, but isn't how a game works. The link I posted of CoD:IW would be a perfect vertical slice. What you posted isn't, that is marketing fluff that wont be in the game, just as any of the earlier stuff (sandworm et al) is just fluff that isnt part of an actual game.

It is easiest seen from around 48:00, which is hilariously nonsensical. But it looks cool, and allows for easy shilling.

Chris just needs his Tech-Pillow and the pipe lines will be gushing all over everyone.
Its is 'roleplaying through assets/maps' in a way that looks cool, but isn't how a game works. The link I posted of CoD:IW would be a perfect vertical slice. What you posted isn't, that is marketing fluff that wont be in the game, just as any of the earlier stuff (sandworm et al) is just fluff that isnt part of an actual game.

That reminds me - does anyone remember that lulzbucket-overflowing video they made with the squad tacticool "gameplay" where they were seemingly reading a script of Genuine Roberts combat fantasies?

I've played oodles of games over the decades, and I have never heard players talk anything even remotely resembling that ever.
That reminds me - does anyone remember that lulzbucket-overflowing video they made with the squad tacticool "gameplay" where they were seemingly reading a script of Genuine Roberts combat fantasies?

I've played oodles of games over the decades, and I have never heard players talk anything even remotely resembling that ever.

You mean that demo video which crashed and they had to go through the exact same stuff again even giving the exact same "live" lines to each other??
Was there supposed to more than this?

Not so much that they've produced that recently...but the Citizencon debacle of 2017 had a load of backers like me refunding...

Not only did we have the broken 'Here's what we have now' pre-produced scripted demo with the wheels falling off the Ursa, the FOIP nonsense and yet again no Sqn 42 was just the final nail for a lot of us back then.

I certainly haven't put anything near the concierge amount I had in back then, even taking as a given that what has progressed since 2.63 was certainly enough for me to open my wallet again after the expo, what I saw in the PU and subsequently the PTU of 3.4 :)

I'm content enough with the almost minimal level I'm in for the moment with no sudden urges to get that concierge sticker back...and lets be honest here, I've chucked way more cash into Hellion (and a couple of others) than I ever put into SC...

Maybe if I ever finish the rebuild of my other Vincent HRD and get it sold and out of my garage...we'll see. I'm sure my wife will jump for joy when that happens... I've had it for 5 years and haven't got around to even putting the wheels on the frame yet [rolleyes]
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Maybe if I ever finish the rebuild of my other Vincent HRD and get it sold and out of my garage...

An interesting project, and I hope you get her running! I'm about 80% sure I met you at BreakingPoint once when there was the "badly reversed lorry" incident. $Deity - that would have been 2003-4ish? Silver-Yellow Thundercat needing a new mirror :D

As for Star Citizen and SQ42 - do they have game design documentation yet? Or at least a clue of what they want to do? PC gaming saviour, or additional console irrelevance?
An interesting project, and I hope you get her running! I'm about 80% sure I met you at BreakingPoint once when there was the "badly reversed lorry" incident. $Deity - that would have been 2003-4ish? Silver-Yellow Thundercat needing a new mirror :D

As for Star Citizen and SQ42 - do they have game design documentation yet? Or at least a clue of what they want to do? PC gaming saviour, or additional console irrelevance?

2003-4 I was still in a wheelchair and dribbling out the corner of my mouth so it couldn't have been me. I didn't get out of the chair until 2009 but still wasn't getting around much...the original tin legs were pretty awful, as well as me still learning exactly where my new centre of balance was without face planting every 2 minutes...also useless for biking to the point that the left one kept falling off when I kicked the sidestand up on the Harley *screams from old ladies* [where is it]

They didn't fit me with the current style of go faster legs until 2010 :)

I like the freedom of the new pins..."Bike too tall for you sir?"...couple of turns with an Allen key..."Nope, it's just fine mate." :D
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