The Star Citizen Thread V10

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I thought it was a joke or prank at first but going through the vid he seems to be pretty serious about it

Follow-up cash-grab to get some of that free money or serious intention? I ll leave that up for discussion

Too long....didnt watch, starts around 19:48

Of course, this could be a hoax or a trolling attempt and of course has a snowballs chance in hell to ever become reality but it offers existing backers the opportunity to voice their disagreement so lets see what comes of it

That's beautiful, it shows that maybe someone woke up. If its a prank, it doesn't make the words less true.
Making Chris accountable? Well should have started at the very least when CIG's Pledge appeared canned.
Asking for a funding halt? Well should have happened right when Chris came with the "if funds were to stop, we've got enough to finish the game" at 65M.

Maybe then we would have less fancy graphics, less "ambitious" game, but we'd probably had a game (though I think all this over-ambitious derivative mess reveals a lack of direction, design and a cruel difficulty to find the people able to make the core elements that are needed to make the game), or CIG would've died trying already which is sad for talents but at least many talented people weren't in never-ending crush mode and many millions of dollars burnt would still be in people's pockets.

Now it's probably too late to wake up and complain, shills get what they deserve. Please, continue to buy idrises! I'm having a great time watching this...
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That appeal is waaaay too late. The reason Chris went to the investor is because the whales are dry. You can't threaten to stop something that doesn't even move any more. If the income was still coming in from crowdfunding why would they be taking out payday loans to keep the lights on?


Volunteer Moderator
That appeal is waaaay too late. The reason Chris went to the investor is because the whales are dry. You can't threaten to stop something that doesn't even move any more. If the income was still coming in from crowdfunding why would they be taking out payday loans to keep the lights on?

Well, I will have you know the 46 mill are not to keep the lights on, no, Star Citizen is going from strength to strength; just look at what we have now for almost 200 million actually spent in 7 years! BDSSE indeed. The 46 mill are just for promotion and marketing of the fully armed and operational SQ42. The fact the marketing campaign money was required 2.5 years (if no delays, but probably 3+ years) before SQ42 needed any promotion for its launch does not mean at all that the money will be actually used instead in development due to a dire balance sheet situation or to CIG being in the red for several years already. This is indeed good for Star Citizen.
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The reason Chris went to the investor is because the whales are dry.

The funding chart (usual caveats apply) doesn't show that. Still thousands of dollars per hour. I usually take it as going below 1000 hour that things are drying up.

I do think things will slow down though if they are focusing on SQ42 and less and less content comes for SC. While they are praising the announcements and doing victory laps over the new shareholders, i'm fairly sure most backers are interested in SC, not SQ42, and its SC that drives ship sales, not the single player game where you will surely not get to fly your Idris and Pioneers.
The funding chart (usual caveats apply) doesn't show that. Still thousands of dollars per hour. I usually take it as going below 1000 hour that things are drying up.

I do think things will slow down though if they are focusing on SQ42 and less and less content comes for SC. While they are praising the announcements and doing victory laps over the new shareholders, i'm fairly sure most backers are interested in SC, not SQ42, and its SC that drives ship sales, not the single player game where you will surely not get to fly your Idris and Pioneers.

Oh you mean that companion game for the glory of SC that was close to completion in 2012, yet the road map reveals that our ships can't even vault over cover? :p But CR said it would sell CoD numbers, didn't he? I mean it's not like the space sim genre is niche and has a limited audienc.. oh wait.
The funding chart (usual caveats apply) doesn't show that. Still thousands of dollars per hour. I usually take it as going below 1000 hour that things are drying up.

You can talk imaginary charts all you like, actions speak louder. SC is the well dressed gent with his cap out asking for a handout while telling everyone how rich he is and how he's got so many irons in the fire. That guy is usually talking about how he's good for the money too. :)
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The funding chart (usual caveats apply) doesn't show that. Still thousands of dollars per hour. I usually take it as going below 1000 hour that things are drying up.

I do think things will slow down though if they are focusing on SQ42 and less and less content comes for SC. While they are praising the announcements and doing victory laps over the new shareholders, i'm fairly sure most backers are interested in SC, not SQ42, and its SC that drives ship sales, not the single player game where you will surely not get to fly your Idris and Pioneers.

Do you believe that? Maybe the 200 million are just blown up hot air, too?
i'm fairly sure most backers are interested in SC, not SQ42, .

Whilst I ain't saying you are wrong it is not the case for me. I am FAR more interested in S42 than in SC. ... Even more so after the SC PvP slider idea was canned.

That said there is no reason to buy ships in advance for S42 so I do see your point
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Whilst I ain't saying you are wrong it is not the case for me. I am FAR more interested in S42 than in SC. ... Even more so after the SC PvP slider idea was canned

While I am also more interested in single player games and content it seems that most attention is generated my MP games these days. The top 10 twitch streams are easily dominated by MP PvP games at all times and considering most reports we get from Star Citizen experiences are from team play sessions or interacting with others I doubt that people like the two of us are a majority when it comes to interest. Interest decides about development focus with CiG tho. And if they truly try to get SQ42 done its because they plan to exit the whole project as quickly as possible. Release chapter 1 in a playable form...declare victory and walk away.

SQ42 completion will easily take another 2 years from this moment. Time that will cost a lot of millions due to the bloated company CiG represents. This money will hardly come from enthusiasts willing to wait a couple more years or people who already paid for their access to SQ42. Completion of the SP campaign will rest on the shoulders of the people who will continue to buy ships and donate money...loyalty that is "bought" by supporting the current SC experience....which is Star Citizen. CiG simply cannot afford to switch all attention and development to SQ42 because doing so would endanger the whole thing.

Just assume that Star Citizen as it is now would not change over the next 2 new stuff, no new ships hardly any bug fixes. Things would grow stale very quickly for the people currently enjoying the "fun" and if some of them start to walk away that might be a blow CiG cannot recover from. this whole thing a little more thought can be frightening as sudden collapse or bankruptcy becomes a threat due to the high running cost and estimated reserves CiG is running on
That appeal is waaaay too late. The reason Chris went to the investor is because the whales are dry. You can't threaten to stop something that doesn't even move any more. If the income was still coming in from crowdfunding why would they be taking out payday loans to keep the lights on?

I'm getting horrible flashbacks to John McAfee's Twitter feed....

Hawked his SC to the VC cuz the whales they were dry...

And some good old Goons sat on SA and cried

Singing this'll be the day DS was right...

Guess no more PU development for 2+ years means the BMM is disappearing even further into the future :/

Spose if they really do "Focus on Sq42" it will be the perfect reason why everything slips from one patch to the next yet again...
While I am also more interested in single player games and content it seems that most attention is generated my MP games these days. The top 10 twitch streams are easily dominated by MP PvP games at all times
Twitch only tells us what is popular with streamers for platforms which appear on Twitch (mostly PC). Obviously every new streamer jumps on what is already popular, because monetization rewards this.

It's in no way proper market research for what people like to buy and play. Single player games on physical media are popular. But for certain platforms they simply don't exist. Phone games are the most popular video games overall and looking at Twitch doesn't tell you anything about that market.
The 3.4.2 patch has dropped to PTU in prep for live. Also a new sneak peek for the Mobiglas Map was dropped showing interior layouts of a comm station within the app.


Notes, Testing Focus and Major Known Issues for 3.4.2 PTU.
Alpha Patch 3.4.2 has been released to the PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: PTU-1034140.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizenPTU\LIVE.

Please monitor ptu test chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions.

USER.cfg settings:
r_displayinfo = 3

Testing Focus
  • General gameplay
  • Major Known Issues:
  • Dropped mission crates can sometimes transport to map origin and become unrecoverable.
  • REC ship rentals show as "undefined" and can not be completed.
  • Ship AI can appear immobile and in a bad state.
  • Ship canopies can randomly open and close.
If you want to contribute in regression testing you can head over to the link here:

Feature Updates

  • Increased the time limit for visiting mission givers and adjusted the cooldown on various missions.
Ships and Vehicles
  • Removed additional cargo capacity from 600i touring to match design intent.
  • Added restricted areas, similar to no-fly zones, specific to vehicles at Lorville gates.
Bug Fixes
  • Perimeter gates at Lorville should no longer always show the gate as the transit destination on train displays.
  • Fixed incorrect mesh in some areas of Lorville's no-fly zone.
  • Fixed invisible collision area in one of the underground facilities on Hurston.
  • Missions should no longer fail if/when your ship is stored by ATC.
  • There should now be audible ambience in Lorville's admin office.
  • Opening the scanner while spooling your quantum drive should no longer cause a large drop in performance.
  • Fixed graphical issues in the hangar elevators at various rest stops.
  • Delivery lockers should no longer remain stuck open after abandoning the mission.
  • Multiple unrelated missions should no longer use the "bounty danger" text.
  • The Freelancer MAX should now have working headlights.
  • The Freelancer MAX should now be lockable.
  • Players should no longer have the option to "inspect" or "stow" delivery crates.
  • Fixed missing Ruto/Eckhart collect/delivery variant missions.
  • Increased turret respawn range at underground facility to avoid them respawning too quickly.
  • Expanded underground facility missions to accomodate more locations.
  • "Bad Token" text should no longer be present in the on-foot keybinds section.
  • The Reliant Kore should no longer have placeholder text on various VMA item ports.
  • Arena Commander classic race checkpoints should now properly trigger within the rings.
  • FPS combat AI should no longer exhibit a response delay after shooting the first opponent.
  • Ships should no longer have small holes in their shields that allow damage to pass through.
  • FPS AI should now consistently engage after the player runs away and returns to combat.
  • "Joker" ship weapon manufacturer should now have a logo.
  • Player bounty missions should now correctly appear.
  • Added audio effects to mining arm transitions.
  • The objective marker for the leader in a Scramble Race should now properly be a seocndary style marker.
  • The VMA should now save loadouts when used within player hangars.
  • Fixed 11 client crashes.
  • Fixed 4 server crashes.
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  • Like (+1)
Reactions: NMS
Twitch only tells us what is popular with streamers for platforms which appear on Twitch (mostly PC). Obviously every new streamer jumps on what is already popular, because monetization rewards this.

It's in no way proper market research for what people like to buy and play. Single player games on physical media are popular. But for certain platforms they simply don't exist. Phone games are the most popular video games overall and looking at Twitch doesn't tell you anything about that market.

I don't think SP games make particularly good live streaming material. You can see many vids for SP games on YT, let'splays, tutorials, cutscene collations, but it's often edited.
If you want to contribute in regression testing you can head over to the link here:

Count on CI¬G not to even understand what regression testing is. [haha]
No wonder things break at every opportunity.

e: Oh, and was this copypasta from some official patch post? Because in that case, I guess you can double-count on them for proudly displaying that ignorance in what would otherwise be a place to show that development is going well…
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Twitch only tells us what is popular with streamers for platforms which appear on Twitch (mostly PC). Obviously every new streamer jumps on what is already popular, because monetization rewards this.

It's in no way proper market research for what people like to buy and play. Single player games on physical media are popular. But for certain platforms they simply don't exist. Phone games are the most popular video games overall and looking at Twitch doesn't tell you anything about that market.

I wasnt referring to streamers but watchers as Twitch orders the most visited games by default. So if pretty much all games are present and 500.000 viewers go on PvP multiplayer type games I guess thats kind of a statement that has value.

I don't think SP games make particularly good live streaming material. You can see many vids for SP games on YT, let'splays, tutorials, cutscene collations, but it's often edited.

I agree and going from my own perspective because its kind of boring to do so. Its a great way to sample the actual game and make up your mind about a purchase but if I watch somebody playing a single player game and like it....I could just as well play it myself. The same isnt true for competitive MP games due to lack of commitment or skill. The biggest asset with Twitch in my eyes is the direct contact with the streamer in real time. Sure the opportunity often gets ignored when you watch streamers with a viewcount in the hundreds or thousands but small streamers engage far more with their viewers offering you the chance to ask questions or request insights that a "regular" review hasnt covered.
The 3.4.2 patch has dropped to PTU in prep for live. Also a new sneak peek for the Mobiglas Map was dropped showing interior layouts of a comm station within the app.

Notes, Testing Focus and Major Known Issues for 3.4.2 PTU.
Alpha Patch 3.4.2 has been released to the PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: PTU-1034140.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizenPTU\LIVE.

Please monitor ptu test chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions.

USER.cfg settings:
r_displayinfo = 3

Testing Focus
  • General gameplay
  • Major Known Issues:
  • Dropped mission crates can sometimes transport to map origin and become unrecoverable.
  • REC ship rentals show as "undefined" and can not be completed.
  • Ship AI can appear immobile and in a bad state.
  • Ship canopies can randomly open and close.
If you want to contribute in regression testing you can head over to the link here:

Feature Updates

  • Increased the time limit for visiting mission givers and adjusted the cooldown on various missions.
Ships and Vehicles
  • Removed additional cargo capacity from 600i touring to match design intent.
  • Added restricted areas, similar to no-fly zones, specific to vehicles at Lorville gates.
Bug Fixes
  • Perimeter gates at Lorville should no longer always show the gate as the transit destination on train displays.
  • Fixed incorrect mesh in some areas of Lorville's no-fly zone.
  • Fixed invisible collision area in one of the underground facilities on Hurston.
  • Missions should no longer fail if/when your ship is stored by ATC.
  • There should now be audible ambience in Lorville's admin office.
  • Opening the scanner while spooling your quantum drive should no longer cause a large drop in performance.
  • Fixed graphical issues in the hangar elevators at various rest stops.
  • Delivery lockers should no longer remain stuck open after abandoning the mission.
  • Multiple unrelated missions should no longer use the "bounty danger" text.
  • The Freelancer MAX should now have working headlights.
  • The Freelancer MAX should now be lockable.
  • Players should no longer have the option to "inspect" or "stow" delivery crates.
  • Fixed missing Ruto/Eckhart collect/delivery variant missions.
  • Increased turret respawn range at underground facility to avoid them respawning too quickly.
  • Expanded underground facility missions to accomodate more locations.
  • "Bad Token" text should no longer be present in the on-foot keybinds section.
  • The Reliant Kore should no longer have placeholder text on various VMA item ports.
  • Arena Commander classic race checkpoints should now properly trigger within the rings.
  • FPS combat AI should no longer exhibit a response delay after shooting the first opponent.
  • Ships should no longer have small holes in their shields that allow damage to pass through.
  • FPS AI should now consistently engage after the player runs away and returns to combat.
  • "Joker" ship weapon manufacturer should now have a logo.
  • Player bounty missions should now correctly appear.
  • Added audio effects to mining arm transitions.
  • The objective marker for the leader in a Scramble Race should now properly be a seocndary style marker.
  • The VMA should now save loadouts when used within player hangars.
  • Fixed 11 client crashes.
  • Fixed 4 server crashes.

FPS combat AI should no longer exhibit a response delay after shooting the first opponent.
FPS AI should now consistently engage after the player runs away and returns to combat.

Good news!!
Count on CI¬G not to even understand what regression testing is. [haha]
No wonder things break at every opportunity.

e: Oh, and was this copypasta from some official patch post? Because in that case, I guess you can double-count on them for proudly displaying that ignorance in what would otherwise be a place to show that development is going well…

It is a little strange them calling standard bug fix testing regression testing. Regression testing is usually done before release of a patch to ensure old stuff didn't break.
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