The Star Citizen Thread v8

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I suppose CIG do need to keep their videos fresh, and continually repeating 'pipelines, on-stream, fidelity, ramping up' would get boring even for this bunch of 'Stepfords' with their shiny smiling faces.

Pity they can't explain even a vague ETA for when the game will be finished, as that's all anyone really wants to know. If that's too hard to say, then how about when beta starts. And if that's too hard to say, then tell us when the next planet is being added. Or, remembering that CIG trumpeted release-by-date (and not by set of functions), just tell us when the next release is....

...or frankly anything that suggests that they have control of this project.... I don't have a cent invested and even I'm fed up with them treating the fans like eeedjits.
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I blame FD for CIGs complete catastrophe.

Let me explain, (based on almost zero fact).

Everything CIG are aiming for, seems to be exactly what ED is lacking. Persistent NPC's, space legs, and errr.. other stuff.

So, my theory is, FD are intentionally not releasing all these goodies, so CIG focus on them so they can say "look what we did!", and epicly fail in the process, and thus FD completely win the ED / SC battle. Lol

I see what you're doing FD. ;)

CMDR Cosmic Spacehead
I suppose CIG do need to keep their videos fresh, and continually repeating 'pipelines, on-stream, fidelity, ramping up' would get boring even for this bunch of 'Stepfords' with their shiny smiling faces.

Thats true + with this mostly"useless"AI coding CIG also justifying themselves to their backers by showing them on what they wasting their money......ahhh yeah and now they also can prolong even more further their development process because of the COMPLEX AI FIDELITY that's never been done before......
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I blame FD for CIGs complete catastrophe....

Oh golly gosh dang - YOU'RE RIGHT!!! And when you think about it, it's also HG's fault too.

Just look at what those half-a-dozen scallywags in Guildford have achieved with NMS, in a comparative blink-of-an-eye with a begging bowl for their budget... ...almost endless planets, all creepy-crawling with a near infinite variety of flora and fauna. Space legs, a borderline functioning flight model, base building, a variety of buggys for scampering over the terrain, multiple alien races to interact with, a far-reaching story-arc, resource mining, upgrades, crafting, loads of ships, seamless space to planet to space-station gameplay, NPCs, pirates..... all more or less delivered to plan... (let's politely ignore the MMO kerfuffle)...

How DARE they release all this already, with less than 100 people, and continue to patch and upgrade it! It's just not fair on 'he' and his slaves minions team!!! At least HG's comic-graphical style allows CIG to focus on their big reveal (coming soon, anytime in the 2030's) where their tsunami of fidels with burn our eyes... well, those of us still alive, who haven't developed cataracts by then...

And don't get me started on KCD, with their NPCs not walking in a T-pose and reliably functioning doors. Utter <so and so's>!!!
If CIG are boasting about 80 working AI on an Idris, going about their assigned tasks and those tasks changing as circumstances change, and interest generated only by objects / (N)PC's being viewable and subject to state changes, well....

Dear Lulzbucket - that has been around since the 80's.

If running around an Idris punching NPC's in the face so they ignore you in the future and you don't have to put up with their pre-recorded voice acting and abysmal scripting - I can see that as being absolutely beneficial and indeed a core component of speedrunning SQ42 if it ever reaches release.

Love how the reason for the crew number is "the ship felt too empty" :D Star Citizen really has no roots in realism whatsoever does it? I mean WHY exactly is the Idriss this massive in the first place? So it can house 200 km of hallways and staircases which then have to be populated with people in order to not make it a ghost ship? Military craft are historically known to be minimalistic and efficient in design meaning crew is always kept to a minimum and there is next to zero comfort for basic needs (here is a bag, you know what to do with it....). Doesnt mean that planes and ships are small. Power and auxiliary systems as well as weapons take up massive amounts of space because overcoming gravity or enabling high acceleration/mobility while maintaining destructive potential is no easy task.

Oh yeah....those are "to-be-worked-on" features in Star Citizen. Funny to imagine that once CiG gets to the actual technology behind all they already do they realize they have to re-design everything hehehe. Miniaturization and Nano-technology might be very well responsible for things in the "verse" but neither of these is represented anywhere. Things are big, bulky and raw/large enough to have a human work on it with his/her bare hands while at the same time you have tiny hand-held communicators with enough power to reach out for lightyears or power systems crammed into a chairspace enabling you to push through lightspeed. Maybe the designers or lore masters in the verse are not very experienced or proficient in todays technology or maybe despite its claims for realism and simulation-accuracy the "rule of cool" is the primary focus of everything regarding SC.

Ships in SC always felt like empty husks to me. I cant say from experience but tend to believe users who report that the flight model feels as if no mass is involved. Many of the designs already look like cocoons with hardly anything inside and while others have good and solid designs entering them bursts the illusion when you see that its mostly a thin wall with massive empty spaces in between. I can understand hallways for commercial or private vessels which offer enough room for walking and stretching and personal comfort but military craft should be crammed to a degree where you are required to have a certain BMI in order to get through (think WW2 submarines).

I know. At this point its not a level of realism CiG wants or is even able to reach anymore but still.....regarding how fantastic and all-encompassing promises and visions were at the very beginning the project certainly had a harsh reality check ever since and current projections are only a feeble shadow of former dreams. Die-hard fans manage to keep the memories of past impressions and promises without re-adjusting for current conditions and keep on putting on all the new stuff which results in an evergoing increase in content and quality so to them....Star Citizen only ever gets better. You only need to take a step back (or 3.....) and take a critical look at this mess to see that many/most of the past promises have been either changed or dropped or that the current design makes their implementation almost impossible/very hard. All in all the general impression is not one of "smart" project design or management.

I m always a little confused how "blind" or "resistant" people are to the truth but a guy from Test Squadron said something that made me perk up.

"For some people game development started in 2012. For other people thats the time where the game launched and they are playing it ever since".

Which is the same as saying "living in a dream" only that they willfully succumb to the lies and deceptions, embracing weak excuses and reaching for far-fetched alternatives no matter how improbable in order to keep the dream alive. Watching some posters argue and twist facts thats certainly the truth for a select group of people...probably the exact group of people who are responsible for CiGs ongoing development. And talking with such people is a pure waste of time. Either they keep on ignoring problems or they keep on fabricating fantastical things in order to score points. If you manage to talk them into a corner with facts that cannot be possibly be disregarded or ignored the preferred course of action is to simply side-step the issue and make it all about YOU (why do you hate Star Citizen? Goon. Hater. Derek Smart. etc etc).

Discussion and argument always holds the potential or opportunity for attitude adjustment or learning. It certainly does in this place. I can admit I learned a lot over the recent years following this mess. Not with these people tho. The problem is that they dont admit that they are not open to correction/facts so lure you into a minefield where you only ever can lose. Ignoring them is equal to walking away from the project in general because CiG has proven very clearly over its history that it tends to not listen. Many tried to argue or reach out in good faith but after a certain dosage of trolling/flaming I can understand them either giving up or resort to ridicule. At this point (think DS) its not about proving something. Its about pay-back I d say and in many cases its certainly justified too from my POV.

As such my personal interest in Star Citizen has dropped considerably in recent weeks. Even tho I still open up this thread almost every morning (routine....) I find it harder and harder to keep track on things (lol, thats a good one....) as the only prominent thing at the moment seems to be the lawsuit. When at first I tried to formulate my own thoughts or point out things for bystanders who might otherwise be dragged into this pitfall by false promises and lies I feel that Star Citizens media awareness is negative enough overall to send clear warning signs to anybody who stumbles across pictures of videos of it and cares to look into it for even a minute prior to purchase.

Anway....keep on going folks ^^
I blame FD for CIGs complete catastrophe.

Let me explain, (based on almost zero fact).

Everything CIG are aiming for, seems to be exactly what ED is lacking. Persistent NPC's, space legs, and errr.. other stuff.

So, my theory is, FD are intentionally not releasing all these goodies, so CIG focus on them so they can say "look what we did!", and epicly fail in the process, and thus FD completely win the ED / SC battle. Lol

I see what you're doing FD. ;)

CMDR Cosmic Spacehead

From another perspective it could be claimed that Star Citizen is being designed by Frontier and Hello Games, but there's a "translator" or proxy in between the designers and the development team ;)
...crammed to a degree where you are required to have a certain BMI in order to get through (think WW2 submarines)...

Oh, boy! THIS. I literally hear the alarm bell, just reading that bit:


And that's the thing - you don't need all that space to make it immersive at all. Sometimes immersion is more abundant when you have to secure that little sphere of privacy in very cramped conditions.
And that's the thing - you don't need all that space to make it immersive at all. Sometimes immersion is more abundant when you have to secure that little sphere of privacy in very cramped conditions.

Just another symptom of the cart before horse design methodology. They've still got to completely rework all their space stations and truckstops so there's space for all those player hangars that are meant to be being integrated into the game and all the mechanisms between so that ships can stop just popping into and out of existence.
Oh golly gosh dang - YOU'RE RIGHT!!! And when you think about it, it's also HG's fault too.

Just look at what those half-a-dozen scallywags in Guildford have achieved with NMS, in a comparative blink-of-an-eye with a begging bowl for their budget... ...almost endless planets, all creepy-crawling with a near infinite variety of flora and fauna. Space legs, a borderline functioning flight model, base building, a variety of buggys for scampering over the terrain, multiple alien races to interact with, a far-reaching story-arc, resource mining, upgrades, crafting, loads of ships, seamless space to planet to space-station gameplay, NPCs, pirates..... all more or less delivered to plan... (let's politely ignore the MMO kerfuffle)...

In fairness, multiplayer is the main thing that makes things like Elite and Star Citizen so challenging from a design point of view.
Well, yes and no. It’d be fairly simple to implement a multiplayer experience, where the game is ultra Fidelity with oodles of things going on all over the place all the time for people jump in on at whichever point the narrative or self-governing AI has got to.

The hard part is making it interactive and more substantial than a pretty screensaver.
So... Chris Roberts played the Sims, and decided he wants to do a "The Sims/Second Life hybrid in Space!" game, rather than a spaceship game???


All I wanted was a spiritual successor to Wing Commander, with a bit of Privateer on the side. :(
Chris Roberts never played Wing Commander (or Privateer).
In fairness, multiplayer is the main thing that makes things like Elite and Star Citizen so challenging from a design point of view.

Not just design, but coding. Coding is a lot simpler when you don't have to worry about what Player 2 might be up to while Player 1 is doing something else.
Why does this game movie pile of spaghetti code have a “black” an a “white” walk cycle?

I saw that too. Crazy, but also fits into the generally racist tendencies of this project and chris roberts. You would also think that in the future mankind in space is not only represented by white people, with not even a handful of token people of colour in its rows.

Remember when allegiations about racism at the development studio arose a few years ago? They hired this black 'money' dude obviously as a token who mostly sat on the side in their videos, he disappeared after a short while. Staff also consists mostly of white people and all the higher ranks are occupied by whites. My impression is that CIG consists of your stereotypical american white people at least on the LA side that don't reflect about the complex consequences of racism and their own role in it. So they just don't think about it and produce these stereotypical representations of non-white people, like with the racialized walking animation. Fits to the generally racist and colonial undertones of the whole universe of Star Citizen also.
I didn't get the impression that the walk had any sort of racial undertone, it just looked goofy as hell or like the guy had done a wet fart.
I didn't get the impression that the walk had any sort of racial undertone, it just looked goofy as hell or like the guy had done a wet fart.
So why the labels? It doesn't even make sense unless they're olympic-grade idiots.

Anyway, good point. It's not nearly as fun or likely to throw the CDF into paroxysm of confused spins of trying to defend CIG's classification system, but it's still a good question: why is it that all these mocapped animations display walk cycles that in no way resemble any mode or method of locomotion employed by humans?
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